Test for postgraduates

Додано: 6 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 62 рази
25 запитань
Запитання 1

The "M" in the acronym IMRaD stands for

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materials and procedures

mind and matter


methods and discussions

Запитання 2

Choose the four most important pieces of advice for a writer of academic texts.

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Write in an academic style, avoid colloquial language,

jargon, and slang.

Pay special attention to the introduction of your text.

Arrange your ideas in a strict logical order.

Think about the general presentation (chapters, subchapters,

paragraphs, etc.) of your text.

Cite leading papers in your field.

Запитання 3

A data management plan is a document that describes how data will be acquired and used within a research project. This includes how data will be collected, managed, stored and made available during the study, and how it will be shared after the project is completed. Several templates are available that can be used as the basis for a data management plan.

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What is a data management plan?   

When do you need a data management plan?

Why is research data management important?

Запитання 4

The FAIR principles describe four key concepts in research data management. Data should be: 

(choose four)

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Findable – Easy to find by both humans and computer systems and based on mandatory description of the metadata that allows the discovery of interesting datasets;

 Interoperable – Ready to be combined with other datasets by humans, as well as computer systems;

Accessible – Long term storage so data can be easily accessed and/or downloaded with well-defined license and access conditions, whether at the level of metadata, or at the level of the actual data content;

Reusable – Ready to be used for future research and to be processed further using computational methods.

Good data management - will allow both you and other researchers to get the most out of your research data. If the data is well-structured and all the relevant information about the data is present, it is easy to go back to the data at a later point in time for additional analyses. 

Запитання 5

Choose 6 critical stages of grant applications

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Generate an idea

Find a matching funding opportunity

 Background research

Write technical portion

Check administrative parts


 Submit and forget

 Always assume any problems were your fault

 Work on your budgets and other documents in advance

Запитання 6

After investigation of all candidate journals you should find out about the:

(choose 4)

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Aims and scope


Accepted types of articles

Current hot topics by going through the abstracts of recent publications

Are your conclusions justified by your results?

Запитання 7

Formal academic English will normally avoid:

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Inappropriate negative forms

Figures at the beginning of the sentence

Short forms of the words or slang

Interjections and hesitation fillers (i.e., um, well, you know; etc.)

Запитання 8

The best way to prepare your paper for submission to a journal is to do your research into what the journal wants: visit the journal website and carefully read the journal guidelines for authors; look at a sample of papers from that journal to see how the writers organise their papers, which sources they cite, ...

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have educational and academic backgrounds.

move away from the common ground and show what is different in their approach.  

what language they use, and so on. 

Запитання 9

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

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After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

 In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

 Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 10

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

варіанти відповідей

After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

 In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 11

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

варіанти відповідей

 After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

 This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 12

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

варіанти відповідей

After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

 In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

 Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 13

Citations play an important role in academic texts. They are used to demonstrate the familiarity of the citing author with the field of investigation, to provide support for his/her research claims or criticism.

Giving credit to cited sources is called......

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Запитання 14

Manuscript language should be: 

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Запитання 15

The purpose of this part is to acquaint the reader with the topic of the paper and to attract interest in it. It is an important section of the paper insofar as it is responsible for the first impression the paper produces.

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Запитання 16

Read the sentences from the article introduction and define which move and step it is?

Every practising foreign/second language (L2) teacher will have experienced occasions when something "goes wrong" with the class—e.g., conflicts or rebellious attitudes emerge, or there is sudden lethargy or complete unwillingness for cooperation on the students' part—and the L2 course becomes a nightmare where teaching is hard if not impossible.At other times, the L2 classroom can turn out to be such a pleasant and inspiring environment that the time spent there is a constant source of success and satisfaction for teachers and learners alike.

варіанти відповідей

Move 1,Step 1b

Move 1,Step 1a

Move 2, Step 2a

Move 3 , Step 3a

Запитання 17

Read the sentences from the article introduction and define which move and step it is?

Volunteer mentoring programs have been advocated increasingly as a means of promoting the academic achievement of adolescents who may be at risk for school failure (Campbell-Whatley, Algazzine & Obiakor, 1997; Dondero, 1997; Levine & Nidiffer, 1996; Reglin, 1998; Rogers & Taylor, 1997). Indeed, approximately 5 million youth are involved in school- and community-based volunteer mentoring programs nationwide (McLearn, Colasanto, Schoen & Shapiro, 1999), including more than 100,000 participants in Big Brothers—Big Sisters of America Programs (McKenna, 1998).

варіанти відповідей

Move 2, Step 2c

Move 1, Step 1a

Move 1, Step1b

Move 2, Step 2b

Запитання 18

Despite the growing popularity of this approach, very little is known about the underlying processes by which mentor relationships affect academic outcomes. In this study, a conceptual model of mentoring was proposed and tested.

варіанти відповідей

Move 2, Step 2a; Move 3, Step 3a;

Move 2, Step 2b; Move 3, Step 3c

Move 2, Step 2a; Move 3, Step 3b

Запитання 19

The journal abstract performs a number of important functions. Choose 4

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serves as a short version of the paper, which provides the most

important information;

helps, therefore, the potential audience to decide whether to read

the whole article or not;

prepares the reader for reading a full text by giving an idea of what to


serves as a reference after the paper has been read.

interprets the results and their relationship to the research problem and hypotheses

Запитання 20

Read carefully the abstract in the field of applied mathematics and mark up its moves.

The Rotor-Tip Vortex: Structure and Interactions

1 The helicopter rotor wake is among the most complex structures in aerodynamics.

2 .A large amount of computational and experimental work on the rotor wake has been published and much of a qualitative nature is known about the origin of the two main components of the rotor wake: the tip-vortex and the inboard sheet. 3 However, little of a quantitative nature is known concerning the dependence of the very near wake structure (i.e. the circulation, tip-vortex core radius, and initial tip-vortex orientation) on the independent parameters of the flow such as local flow speed, rotor blade geometry and angle of attack. 4 Here we discuss the main features of the origin of the tip-vortex and interactions, which can occur with the surrounding solid surfaces such as the rotor blades and the helicopter airframe. 5 The problem is approached from both an experimental and computational perspective. 6 Of particular interest is the case where the vortex directly impacts a rotor blade or fuselage, in which a portion of the vortex core can be destroyed locally. 7 We call this a vortexsurface collision, and the behavior of the pressure and swirl velocity within the vortex are described in several examples.

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outlining the research field

justifying a particular research/study

introducing the paper

summarizing the paper

Запитання 21

Insert the omitted verbs (that are below the text) into the meta -textual phrases of the review summary.

1 The book is_____into five units, each of which examines one aspect of language

and how it works in texts. 2 Unit 1, 'Signs and sounds,' ___a large range of signs and symbols and their relations with their meaning. 3 Unit 2, 'Words and things', ___at vocabulary and the way it is used. 4 It ____some basic metalanguage for dealing with this area (e.g. morpheme, polysemy, homophones). 5 Unit 3 looks at sentences and structures,____ how grammatical patterns contribute to the meaning of works such as Edwin Morgan's Off Course, and the beginning of Bleak House. 6 It also____ such areas as the variations in prevalent grammatical patterns between different newspapers. 7 Unit 4, 'Written discourse', ___with exercises designed to show students how much they already know about discoursal features of texts. 8 The unit____ with a section on information structure and the way grammatical features enhance that structure. 9 Unit 5, 'Spoken discourse',_____ the basic concepts of speech acts, storytelling, speeches, and various aspects of conversations. 10 The book also ____a glossary, providing short definitions of terms used.

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Запитання 22

The structure for the English journal abstract, as suggested by Mauro B. dos Santos (1996), includes the moves. Choose 5

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Situating the research (e.g., by stating current knowledge in the field

or a research problem).

Presenting the research (e.g., by indicating its main purpose or main


Describing its methodology.

Summarizing the results.

Discussing the research (by drawing conclusions and/or giving


Plans for future research or possible further research in the area.

Запитання 23

Сутність анотування та реферування полягає в:

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максимальному уточненні та доповненні тексту джерела інформації.

максимально адекватному та еквівалентному перекладі змісту першоджерела

максимально повному переказі змісту первинного документа

максимальному скороченні обсягу джерела інформації за збереження його основного змісту

Запитання 24

Під повнотою реферату зазвичай мають на увазі:

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точний виклад сутності та змісту першоджерела

збереження обсягу першоджерела

відображення деяких суттевих питань першоджерела

виклад власного ставлення референта до тематики та проблематики першоджерела

Запитання 25

Залежно від методів згортання інформації реферати поділяють на:

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інформативні, індикативні,змішані


загальні та спеціалізовані

реферати-екстракти,"перефразовані" та реферати-інтерпретації

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