Which person goes to birthday celebrations where the parents don’t stay during the party?
Which person says that it isn’t just friends who join in with the party?
Which person says he doesn’t mind (не проти) what sort of place the birthday party is held in?
Which person has friends who don’t usually go out to celebrate their birthday?
Which person tries their best to make sure their friend enjoys their birthday?
Which person says the cost (ціна) of the present isn’t the most important thing?
Which person thinks that presents which someone made are nicer than ones bought in a shop?
Ralph likes not only big special birthday parties, but the smaller parties too.
Dennis friends’ parents usually organise the party, and then leave a smaller brother or sister in charge (за головного), watching TV!
Dennis and his friends always organise very expensive birthday parties.
Christopher prefers special handmade presents or something people make themselves.
Christopher always looks forward to his own parties and other people’s parties, too.
What great things, according to Ralph, does everyone like?
Can Dennis with his friends listen to music, eat their favourite food, and sit and chat on the parties?
Who can come to Christopher’s parties?
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