Test Reading 7th forms

Dear students,

Read these short texts and choose correct answers.

Додано: 13 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Get a better picture

Tourists wait for hours outside the Eiffel Tower to buy a ticket to see Paris from above. The view is free if you go to the top of the Printemps department store on the other side of the river Seine. You also get the Eiffel Tower in your photos.

Where does the writer say is a good place to take a photo of Paris?

варіанти відповідей

The top of a department store

The top of the Eiffel tower

Next to the river Seine

Запитання 2

Take a quick trip

It’s a good thing you don’t have to pay to see the Little Mermaid statue at Langelinie Pier in Copenhagen, Denmark – it’s only 1.25 metres high! There are larger and more interesting pieces of work in the Sculpture Park of the Louisiana Museum a short train ride away.

Where is the statue of the Little Mermaid?

варіанти відповідей

The Louisiana Museum

The Sculpture Park

Langelinie Pier

Запитання 3

A secret place

Many tourists visit Pachacámac, a famous Inca city in Peru. However, the most popular destination in the country is Machu Picchu, another Inca city, which welcomes over one million people every year. Both places get crowded! However, less than 50 km away from Machu Picchu, there’s a larger Inca site called Choquequirao. It’s more difficult to get to, so very few visitors go there.

Which ancient Inca site does the writer suggest visiting?

варіанти відповідей


Machu Picchu


Запитання 4

Small is beautiful

Marrakech in Morocco is an important tourist destination. So is Casablanca, which is famous because of the 1942 movie named after it. Fewer tourists visit the fishing port of Essaouira. It’s smaller than the other cities, but just as interesting

Why does the writer suggest visiting Essaouira?

варіанти відповідей

It is more famous than Casablanca.

It is more interesting than Marrakech.

It is smaller than Casablanca and Marrakech.

Запитання 5

Same scenery, no crowds

The most popular island in Indonesia is Bali, which can get very busy. The island of Flores is further from the main airport in Bali (there are no direct international flights to the island), but it has fantastic beaches just like all the Indonesian islands. Apart from the Komodo National Park, Flores is the only island where you can see Komodo Dragons – the most amazing reptiles.

What does the island of Flores have that you can’t find on Bali?

варіанти відповідей

Unusual wildlife

Beautiful beaches

An international airport

Запитання 6

Pay less and relax

More tourists go to Iceland today than in the past, and many of them spend time relaxing in the hot water of the Blue Lagoon. Iceland has many other hot baths, however, such as Mývatn Nature Baths further north. These are often much cheaper.

Why does the writer suggest going to the Mývatn Nature Baths?

варіанти відповідей

It is more relaxing than the Blue Lagoon.

It is cheaper than the Blue Lagoon.

It is further north than the Blue Lagoon.

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