Test work Module 4 OnScreen 3

Додано: 11 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 349 разів
34 запитання
Запитання 1

The police arrest people who ....................... crimes.

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Запитання 2

A thief tried to ........................ Martin’s car last night.

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Запитання 3

The judge’s job is to ........................ the criminal to time in jail.

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Запитання 4

The police told us to ........................ sharing personal information online.

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Запитання 5

The author doesn’t ........................ the identity of the criminal until the last page of the book.

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Запитання 6

Tim’s dogs always ........................ angrily when someone passes by the window.

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Запитання 7

Two men attempted to ........................ the Robinson’s house while they were on holiday.

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Запитання 8

Be careful – our dogs always ........................ at people’s legs when they walk in the door.

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Запитання 9

You ........................ upon all sorts of old things when you go into Grandma’s attic.

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Запитання 10

Marie and Amy ........................ to write a detective novel together.

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Запитання 11

You need to pay for / about everything before you leave the shop.

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Запитання 12

The police officers wanted to take for / into account all the evidence

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Запитання 13

One of the thief’s neighbours turned him out / in to the police.

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Запитання 14

Some people who have access to / in

high-speed Internet connections use

them to download films illegally.

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Запитання 15

I hope that man doesn’t get away / on with speeding because it’s really dangerous!

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Запитання 16

When I saw that the empty house had burnt down, I knew it was arson / robbery / forgery.

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Запитання 17

When you accuse / break / arrest the law, you have to face the consequences

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Запитання 18

Even though there was a lot of evidence against him, James refused / denied / accepted the accusation.

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Запитання 19

There was only one judge / criminal / witness who had seen what happened at the scene of the crime.

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Запитання 20

My friend Steve has a really sharp / dusty / amateur eye; he notices the smallest details.

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Запитання 21

A: …………………………………………(you/ go) to the shopping centre yesterday?

      B: No, it was closed because somebody ………………………………………(spray) graffiti everywhere the night before.

варіанти відповідей

Did you go, had sprayed

Did you went, has sprayed

had you gone, sprayed

you go, have sprayed

Запитання 22

A.Frank was sad last week because someone ……………………….. (burgle) his house.

     B: I know! He …………………………..…... (forget) to lock the door, so they just opened it!

варіанти відповідей

burgled, had forgotten

had burgled, had forgotten

had burgled, forgot

burgled, forgot

Запитання 23

A:  I can’t believe that the criminal ………………………………………. (use) forged bank notes for over six years!

     B: Well, at least the police finally …………………………………… (arrest) him last weekend.

варіанти відповідей

used, had arrested

had been using, arrested

had used, arrested

used, arrested

Запитання 24

A:  ……………………………………………….

(Detective Jones/go) home early yesterday?

     B: Yes, he was tired because he ……………………………………… (work) on the forgery case since 5 am.

варіанти відповідей

Did Detective Jones go, had worked

Detective Jones went, had been working

Did Detective Jones go, had been working

Detective Jones go, had been working

Запитання 25

A: How long …….……………………………

…………… (the detective/investigate) the crime before he ……………………… (solve) it?

      B: Nearly a year, I think.


варіанти відповідей

had the detective been investigating, solved

had the detective investigated, solved

did the detective investigate, had solved

had the detective been investigating, had solved

Запитання 26

I’m used to hear / hearing car alarms all night, since there is a lot of crime in my neighbourhood.

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Запитання 27

They should install / to install security cameras outside the school

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to install

Запитання 28

The girl denied to download / downloading the songs from the Internet

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to download


Запитання 29

Is Frank strong enough to become / to becoming a security guard?

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to becoming

to become

Запитання 30

What is the best way protecting / to protect our summer house from burglars?

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to protect

Запитання 31

Read the text below from which four sentences are missing. Complete the gaps (1-4) with the appropriate sentences (A-E). Write appropriate letters (A, B, C, D or E) in the gaps. One sentence is extra and does not match any of the gaps.



The Ancient Roman Vigiles Urbani


The Roman Emperor Augustus wanted to protect Rome from danger. 1__  So, Augustus created the Vigiles Urbani, the ‘watchmen of the city’ to do these two jobs.2___  The Vigiles, however, received pay and could earn Roman citizenship after six years of work.


The Vigiles were divided into groups. Each one worked in a different part of the city. They carried tools and supplies on carriages pulled by horses. The carriages also had pumps and water tanks in case of fire.3___  This was in case a citizen needed medical help.


But the Vigiles did not only fight fires and treat injuries.4_____  Especially at night, they needed to watch the streets for burglars and vandals. They also looked for escaped slaves, and helped deal with people who disturbed the peace in the streets.


варіанти відповідей

Some Vigiles were even trained as doctors.

They ensured that citizens kept a supply of water on an upper floor.

Up until then, slaves had always done them

He had decided that Rome needed professional fire fighters and an organised police force.

Запитання 32

Read the text below from which four sentences are missing. Complete the gaps (1-4) with the appropriate sentences (A-E). Write appropriate letters (A, B, C, D or E) in the gaps. One sentence is extra and does not match any of the gaps.



The Ancient Roman Vigiles Urbani


The Roman Emperor Augustus wanted to protect Rome from danger. 1__  So, Augustus created the Vigiles Urbani, the ‘watchmen of the city’ to do these two jobs.2___  The Vigiles, however, received pay and could earn Roman citizenship after six years of work.


The Vigiles were divided into groups. Each one worked in a different part of the city. They carried tools and supplies on carriages pulled by horses. The carriages also had pumps and water tanks in case of fire.3___ This was in case a citizen needed medical help.


But the Vigiles did not only fight fires and treat injuries.4_____  Especially at night, they needed to watch the streets for burglars and vandals. They also looked for escaped slaves, and helped deal with people who disturbed the peace in the streets.


варіанти відповідей

Up until then, slaves had always done them.

They also served as the city’s police force.

Some Vigiles were even trained as doctors.

They ensured that citizens kept a supply of water on an upper floor.

Запитання 33

Read the text below from which four sentences are missing. Complete the gaps (1-4) with the appropriate sentences (A-E). Write appropriate letters (A, B, C, D or E) in the gaps. One sentence is extra and does not match any of the gaps.



The Ancient Roman Vigiles Urbani


The Roman Emperor Augustus wanted to protect Rome from danger. 1__  So, Augustus created the Vigiles Urbani, the ‘watchmen of the city’ to do these two jobs.2___  The Vigiles, however, received pay and could earn Roman citizenship after six years of work.


The Vigiles were divided into groups. Each one worked in a different part of the city. They carried tools and supplies on carriages pulled by horses. The carriages also had pumps and water tanks in case of fire.3___ This was in case a citizen needed medical help.


But the Vigiles did not only fight fires and treat injuries.4_____  Especially at night, they needed to watch the streets for burglars and vandals. They also looked for escaped slaves, and helped deal with people who disturbed the peace in the streets.


варіанти відповідей

Some Vigiles were even trained as doctors.

They also served as the city’s police force.

He had decided that Rome needed professional fire fighters and an organised police force.

They ensured that citizens kept a supply of water on an upper floor.

Запитання 34

Read the text below from which four sentences are missing. Complete the gaps (1-4) with the appropriate sentences (A-E). Write appropriate letters (A, B, C, D or E) in the gaps. One sentence is extra and does not match any of the gaps.



The Ancient Roman Vigiles Urbani


The Roman Emperor Augustus wanted to protect Rome from danger. 1__  So, Augustus created the Vigiles Urbani, the ‘watchmen of the city’ to do these two jobs.2___  The Vigiles, however, received pay and could earn Roman citizenship after six years of work.


The Vigiles were divided into groups. Each one worked in a different part of the city. They carried tools and supplies on carriages pulled by horses. The carriages also had pumps and water tanks in case of fire.3___ This was in case a citizen needed medical help.


But the Vigiles did not only fight fires and treat injuries.4_____  Especially at night, they needed to watch the streets for burglars and vandals. They also looked for escaped slaves, and helped deal with people who disturbed the peace in the streets.


варіанти відповідей

They also served as the city’s police force.

They ensured that citizens kept a supply of water on an upper floor.

Some Vigiles were even trained as doctors.

He had decided that Rome needed professional fire fighters and an organised police force.

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