TEST Writing Form 8

Додано: 20 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 270 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

I.   Complete the sentences and questions. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

        1    Sandy _______________ (play) basketball with her friends last Saturday.

варіанти відповідей

was playing



is playing

Запитання 2

    2    We _______________ (watch) a film on TV when we heard a noise. 

варіанти відповідей

was watching


were watching


Запитання 3

 3    Mum made breakfast for everyone while we _______________ (sleep).

варіанти відповідей

were sleeping

are sleeping



Запитання 4

   4    When it _______________________ (stop) raining, we _______________________ (go out) and _______________________ (put) the kayak in the water.

варіанти відповідей

stop/were going/put

stopped/ went out/put

was stopping/go out/ were putting

stopped/went out/ was putting

Запитання 5

  5   While I _______________________ (wait) at the bus stop, I _______________________ (see) an accident. 

варіанти відповідей

were waiting/was seeing

was waiting/see


was waiting/saw

Запитання 6

II.    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей


 1 should      

1 must

Запитання 7

II   Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

2   many                                                          



Запитання 8

II   Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

3  the cheap                                           

the cheaper 

3 the cheapest 

Запитання 9

II    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

4    good                                                          

4 better   

4  best

Запитання 10

II    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

5  a few                                                        

a little     

5  a lot of

Запитання 11

II   Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

6  needn’t                                                       

6  have to

6 mustn’t

Запитання 12

II    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей


7  down    

7 through

Запитання 13

II    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

8 a far                                                          

8 further

8  furthest

Запитання 14

II    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

9  I died                                                               

9 I die  

9 I’ll die

Запитання 15

II    Choose the correct answers to complete the dialogue.

Sam               I don’t think we 1___ eat in this restaurant – it looks dirty!

John              I agree, and there aren’t 2___ people inside.

Sam               It isn’t 3___ place in town, either.

John              No. I think there are 4___ restaurants than this near the river.

Sam               But that’s quite far away, and we haven’t got 5___ time.

John              It’s OK. Mum says we 6___ be home early because it’s the weekend.

Sam               OK, but why don’t we walk 7___ the city centre first and see if there’s anywhere nice to eat there?

John              Good idea! It’s not as 8___ as the river.

Sam               Come on then! If we don’t hurry, 9___ . I’m starving!

John              Me too − I’m 10___ hungry to think!

варіанти відповідей

10 a enough                                                                        

10 too 

10 more

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