The 8th Grade. Reading Comprehention, the2nd Term

Додано: 4 травня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 113 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Although nowadays the mejority of people learn about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important activity in Britain and there are a lot of number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a vide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines are women`s and pop music publications. The beas-sellings books are not great works of literature but stories of mysterynand romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christeie`s novels have sold more than 300 copies. It has been estimated that only 3 per cent of the population read "classics" as Charles Dickens or Jane Austine.Popular books can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisation

1.People in Britain don`t read because they prefer watching TV

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Запитання 2

Although nowadays the mejority of people learn about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important activity in Britain and there are a lot of number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a vide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines are women`s and pop music publications. The beas-sellings books are not great works of literature but stories of mysterynand romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christeie`s novels have sold more than 300 copies. It has been estimated that only 3 per cent of the population read "classics" as Charles Dickens or Jane Austine.Popular books can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisation

2 .Women`s and pop music publications are very popular in Britain

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Запитання 3

Although nowadays the mejority of people learn about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important activity in Britain and there are a lot of number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a vide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines are women`s and pop music publications. The beas-sellings books are not great works of literature but stories of mysterynand romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christeie`s novels have sold more than 300 copies. It has been estimated that only 3 per cent of the population read "classics" as Charles Dickens or Jane Austine.Popular books can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisation

3.Not many people buy TV guides

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Запитання 4

Although nowadays the mejority of people learn about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important activity in Britain and there are a lot of number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a vide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines are women`s and pop music publications. The beas-sellings books are not great works of literature but stories of mysterynand romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christeie`s novels have sold more than 300 copies. It has been estimated that only 3 per cent of the population read "classics" as Charles Dickens or Jane Austine.Popular books can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisation

Stories of mystery and romance are more popular than great works of literature

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Запитання 5

Although nowadays the mejority of people learn about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important activity in Britain and there are a lot of number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a vide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines are women`s and pop music publications. The beas-sellings books are not great works of literature but stories of mysterynand romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christeie`s novels have sold more than 300 copies. It has been estimated that only 3 per cent of the population read "classics" as Charles Dickens or Jane Austine.Popular books can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisation

5. Only a few people in Britai read classical literature

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Запитання 6

Although nowadays the mejority of people learn about the news from the Internet or TV, reading is still an important activity in Britain and there are a lot of number of books, newspapers and magazines devoted to a vide variety of subjects. The biggest-selling magazines are women`s and pop music publications. The beas-sellings books are not great works of literature but stories of mysterynand romance which are sold in huge quantities (Agatha Christeie`s novels have sold more than 300 copies. It has been estimated that only 3 per cent of the population read "classics" as Charles Dickens or Jane Austine.Popular books can be enormous, particularly if the books are connected with TV shows or dramatisation

6. Agatha Christie`s novels are still popular in Britain

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Запитання 7

As Samual Johnson (an English critic famous for his smart sayings) once noticed, when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather,and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and impersonal topic of conversation.Most British people would agree that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to water their gardens,is good. But weather usually maens dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or,in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to expect the worst as far the weatheris concerned and it is a part of national folklore that summer holidays on a bank will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing,or even just drizzling or spitting,but not be wet.

1.Why do Englishpeople like to discuss weather?

варіанти відповідей

They want to know the weather

They want to know another poeple`s openion about the weather

They have nothing to speak about

It`s a universal topic

Запитання 8

As Samual Johnson (an English critic famous for his smart sayings) once noticed, when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather,and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and impersonal topic of conversation.Most British people would agree that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to water their gardens,is good. But weather usually maens dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or,in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to expect the worst as far the weatheris concerned and it is a part of national folklore that summer holidays on a bank will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing,or even just drizzling or spitting,but not be wet.

8. What weather is considered to be bad?

варіанти відповідей

sunny and wet

sunny and warm

too hot

too cloudy

Запитання 9

As Samual Johnson (an English critic famous for his smart sayings) once noticed, when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather,and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and impersonal topic of conversation.Most British people would agree that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to water their gardens,is good. But weather usually maens dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or,in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to expect the worst as far the weatheris concerned and it is a part of national folklore that summer holidays on a bank will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing,or even just drizzling or spitting,but not be wet.

9. What are the words are NOT uwed for wet weather in the text?

варіанти відповідей

as grey as a cloud

raining cats and dogs

pouring with rains

bucketing and drizzling

Запитання 10

As Samual Johnson (an English critic famous for his smart sayings) once noticed, when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather,and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and impersonal topic of conversation.Most British people would agree that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to water their gardens,is good. But weather usually maens dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or,in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to expect the worst as far the weatheris concerned and it is a part of national folklore that summer holidays on a bank will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing,or even just drizzling or spitting,but not be wet.

According to the text Samuel Johnson is a critic famous for ______

варіанти відповідей

best-selling books

serious news in tabloids

cleaver sayings

spaeking about the weather

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