The British Press. Listening /p. 189-191/

Text for listening:

Додано: 6 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 630 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and tick (√) all the Quality Papers

варіанти відповідей

The Financial Times is large in size and publishes articles on business and finance.

The Daily Express is rather small in size with a lot of pictures and all kinds of articles.

The Independent is a serious paper with a lot of articles about national and international events.

The Sun is a very popular paper, small in size, containing a lot of articles about private life. It is the biggest-selling paper in the UK.

The Guardian is large in size with a lot of articles on politics.

The Times is the oldest paper in Britain, large in size, with many serious articles.

The Daily Mirror is very popular, small in size, with a lot of short articles and pictures.

Запитання 2

Read and tick (√) all the Tabloids

варіанти відповідей

The Financial Times is large in size and publishes articles on business and finance.

The Daily Express is rather small in size with a lot of pictures and all kinds of articles.

The Independent is a serious paper with a lot of articles about national and international events.

The Sun is a very popular paper, small in size, containing a lot of articles about private life. It is the biggest-selling paper in the UK.

The Guardian is large in size with a lot of articles on politics.

The Times is the oldest paper in Britain, large in size, with many serious articles.

The Daily Mirror is very popular, small in size, with a lot of short articles and pictures.

Запитання 3

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

The papers in Britain are divided into …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 4

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

The quality papers are …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 5

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

The tabloids are …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 6

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

Sunday papers are …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 7

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

A number of papers produce colour magazines as …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 8

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

The British press provides reading material about …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 9

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

The bright covers of magazines for women are …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

Запитання 10

Listen to the text and complete the sentenses:

There are magazines for …

варіанти відповідей

…large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events.

…bright and eye-catching.

…two groups: the quality newspapers and the tabloids

…a part of Saturday and Sunday papers.

…fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays.

…smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures.

…motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. 

…larger than daily papers.

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