The Mystery of the Lost Key

Додано: 16 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
5 запитань
Запитання 1

The Mystery of the Lost Key

Sarah and her friends went on a picnic to the park. They spread out a blanket and put down their picnic basket. Sarah was in charge of the basket, and she carefully packed sandwiches, fruit, and juice for everyone. After lunch, they played games like Frisbee and tag.

As they were about to leave, Sarah realized that she couldn't find the key to the picnic basket. They looked everywhere - under the blanket, in the grass, even in the trees nearby. But the key was nowhere to be found.

Feeling worried, Sarah remembered that they had visited the playground earlier. Maybe she had dropped the key there! They rushed back to the playground and searched all around the swings and slides. Just when they were about to give up, Sarah spotted something shiny near the slide. It was the lost key!


Where did Sarah and her friends go for a picnic?

варіанти відповідей

A) To the beach

B) To the park

C) To the mountains

D) To the zoo

Запитання 2

The Mystery of the Lost Key

Sarah and her friends went on a picnic to the park. They spread out a blanket and put down their picnic basket. Sarah was in charge of the basket, and she carefully packed sandwiches, fruit, and juice for everyone. After lunch, they played games like Frisbee and tag.

As they were about to leave, Sarah realized that she couldn't find the key to the picnic basket. They looked everywhere - under the blanket, in the grass, even in the trees nearby. But the key was nowhere to be found.

Feeling worried, Sarah remembered that they had visited the playground earlier. Maybe she had dropped the key there! They rushed back to the playground and searched all around the swings and slides. Just when they were about to give up, Sarah spotted something shiny near the slide. It was the lost key!


What did Sarah pack for the picnic?

варіанти відповідей

A) Sandwiches, fruit, and juice

B) Toys and games

C) Books and pencils

D) Paints and brushes

Запитання 3

The Mystery of the Lost Key

Sarah and her friends went on a picnic to the park. They spread out a blanket and put down their picnic basket. Sarah was in charge of the basket, and she carefully packed sandwiches, fruit, and juice for everyone. After lunch, they played games like Frisbee and tag.

As they were about to leave, Sarah realized that she couldn't find the key to the picnic basket. They looked everywhere - under the blanket, in the grass, even in the trees nearby. But the key was nowhere to be found.

Feeling worried, Sarah remembered that they had visited the playground earlier. Maybe she had dropped the key there! They rushed back to the playground and searched all around the swings and slides. Just when they were about to give up, Sarah spotted something shiny near the slide. It was the lost key!


What did they do after lunch?

варіанти відповідей

A) They went home.

B) They played games.

C) They went shopping.

D) They took a nap.

Запитання 4

The Mystery of the Lost Key

Sarah and her friends went on a picnic to the park. They spread out a blanket and put down their picnic basket. Sarah was in charge of the basket, and she carefully packed sandwiches, fruit, and juice for everyone. After lunch, they played games like Frisbee and tag.

As they were about to leave, Sarah realized that she couldn't find the key to the picnic basket. They looked everywhere - under the blanket, in the grass, even in the trees nearby. But the key was nowhere to be found.

Feeling worried, Sarah remembered that they had visited the playground earlier. Maybe she had dropped the key there! They rushed back to the playground and searched all around the swings and slides. Just when they were about to give up, Sarah spotted something shiny near the slide. It was the lost key!


Where did Sarah think she might have dropped the key?

варіанти відповідей

A) In the grass

B) Under the blanket

C) At the playground

D) In the trees

Запитання 5

he Mystery of the Lost Key

Sarah and her friends went on a picnic to the park. They spread out a blanket and put down their picnic basket. Sarah was in charge of the basket, and she carefully packed sandwiches, fruit, and juice for everyone. After lunch, they played games like Frisbee and tag.

As they were about to leave, Sarah realized that she couldn't find the key to the picnic basket. They looked everywhere - under the blanket, in the grass, even in the trees nearby. But the key was nowhere to be found.

Feeling worried, Sarah remembered that they had visited the playground earlier. Maybe she had dropped the key there! They rushed back to the playground and searched all around the swings and slides. Just when they were about to give up, Sarah spotted something shiny near the slide. It was the lost key!


What did they find near the slide?

варіанти відповідей

A) A toy

B) The lost key

C) A book

D) A sandwich

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