What is it? (Що це?)
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
There ________ many shops in the city.
There _____ no a stadium in the village.
What is it?
Вкажіть чи речення є True (правда) чи False (неправда)
There are schools in Rayhorodock.
True or False?
There are many cinemas in Rayhorodock.
There are many ______ in Rayhorodock.
You can sit on the grass, run and walk, have a picnic in a ___________ .
We go there to see different animals.
There ... a supermarket in our villige.
There ... cafes in Rayhorodock.
There .... a travel agency in our village (in Rayhorodock).
There .... a market place in our village.
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