The United States of America Країнознавча вікторина

Додано: 9 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 146 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

What oceans wash the United States of America?

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The Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

The Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

Запитання 2

What is the longest river in the USA?

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The Colorado.

The Mississippi.

The Saint Lawrence River.

Запитання 3

The five Great Lakes are situated along the border between…

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Canada and Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana.

The United States and Mexico.

Canada, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Запитання 4

New York City is…

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The capital of the USA.

The capital of Canada.

Not the capital of any state.

Запитання 5

What form of government has the United States of America got?

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A federal republic.

A presidential republic.

A parliamentary monarchy.

Запитання 6

A carved pumpkin is the symbol of…

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Thanksgiving Day.


Запитання 7

How many stars does the American flag have?

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Запитання 8

Illinois has the following nickname:

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The Sunshine State.

The Great Land.

The Land of Lincoln.

Запитання 9

Who was the first American President?

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Benjamin Franklin.

Theodore Roosevelt.

George Washington

Запитання 10

What is the largest state in the USA?

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Запитання 11

When is Independence Day in the USA?

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December 25 th 

November 11 th 

July 4 th 

Запитання 12

In what country was the Statue of Liberty made?

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In France.

In the USA.

In Russia.

Запитання 13

How long is American President’s term of office?

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2 years.

4 years.

5 years.

Запитання 14

The White House is the residence of the…

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American President.

American Congress.

Запитання 15

Jazz was first developed in…

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New York City.


New Orleans

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