Things to do in Kyiv (Full Blast 5/ p.113)

Додано: 18 червня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 41 раз
11 запитань
Запитання 1

A lot of people want to visit ...and learn about its long history.

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Saint Sophia Cathedral

Saint Pavlo Cathedral

Saint Andriy Cathedral

Запитання 2

Kyiv is one of the most ... cities of Ukraine.

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Запитання 3

Kyiv is full of ...

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history and culture

Запитання 4

These gates were the main gate into Kyiv in the past. They called the ...

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Silver Gates

Golden Gates

Wooden Gates

Запитання 5

There are many parks in Kyiv and one of the best is ...

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Запитання 6

The place full of beautiful flowers and trees is the...

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Big Garden

Great Garden

Botanical Garden

Запитання 7

In this museum you can see paintings by the country's most famous artists.

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National Art Museum

National Science Museum

National Ukrainian Museum

Запитання 8

There are many ... in the city centre.

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cafes and cinemas

shops and cafes

restaurants and cafes

Запитання 9

If you need you can buy flowers, fruit and vegetables in...

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Ukrainian Market

Bessarabskyi Market

Big Market

Запитання 10

The St Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery. It is...

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blue and yellow

gold and yellow

blue and gold

Запитання 11

... is the perfect place to enjoy a few days of sightseeing.

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