
Додано: 9 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 175 разів
55 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the odd line: Which special services and facilities can be provided in hotels ?

варіанти відповідей

a swimming pool

skiing and skating

a horse riding and entertainment at school

a skilled secretary to take dictation for travelling business people

Запитання 2

Choose the correct grammar tense: ‘Have you ever worked at the hotel yet’ ?

варіанти відповідей

Present Simple

Present Perfect

Present Continuous

Past Simple

Запитання 3

Complete the question with the most suitable answer: ‘Could we have the bill for room 234, please’?

варіанти відповідей

We hope to see you again.

How would you like to pay ?

Yes, your bill’s ready for you, Mrs De Canio. How would you like to pay ?

Keep the change.

Запитання 4

Choose the correct answer: ‘What is tourism’?

варіанти відповідей

It is a trip away from a person’s usual place of residence for a period less than 24 hours

It is a place or area to which tourists travel

It’s travel away from a person’s usual place of residence for a period longer than 24 hours

It is a place where people gather for recreational purposes.

Запитання 5

Fill in the correct variant: The ……… is responsible for the restaurant and the waiting staff.

варіанти відповідей

food and beverage manager

bar manager

head waiter

head chef

Запитання 6

Choose the correct answer: What has the development of tourism as a mass industry depended on ?

варіанти відповідей

It depends on government officials.

It depends on tourism business in England.

It has depended on the economy of the countries.

It has a lot of advantages.

Запитання 7

Choose the most complete answer: Which things is tourism affected by ?

варіанти відповідей

Tourism is affected by international events.

Tourism is affected by economic changes.

Tourism is affected by changes in fashion.

Tourism is affected by international events, economic changes and changes in fashion.

Запитання 8

Choose the correct grammar tense: ‘The growth rate of tourism has generally exceeded the growth rate for the worldwide economy.’

варіанти відповідей

Present Continuous

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Запитання 9

The …………………………serve drinks to customers, mix cocktails, and clean all the glasses. 

варіанти відповідей

bar staff

waiters and waitresses

kitchen porters

bar manager

Запитання 10

What do you know about fire exits?

варіанти відповідей

we must keep the fire exits clear and check them carefully

we must keep the fire exits clear and check them careful

we must keep the fire exits clearly and check them carefully

we must keep the fire exits clearly and check them careful

Запитання 11

Why should we keep the hotel clean and tidy at all times?

варіанти відповідей

guests could trip on torn carpets and work clearly

we should work carefully and slip on dirty floors

we must take care of customers' health and safety

we should mark cleaning products clearly

Запитання 12

What should we do if we see an accident?

варіанти відповідей

we must find the first aider immediately

we should train first aiders

we must know first aiders' names at reception

we must keep the hotel clean and tidy at all times

Запитання 13

Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or adverb: Front desk staff must speak guests?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 14

What do you do in case of fire?

варіанти відповідей

check the fire exits carefully

keep the fire exits clear

call the fire brigade

find a first aider immediately

Запитання 15

Make up a question and choose the correct answer: He reserved two double rooms.?            

варіанти відповідей

Yes,he has

Yes, he does

No, he had not

No, he didn't

Запитання 16

Make up a question and choose the correct answer: You heard what she said.?

варіанти відповідей

No, I didn't

No, he didn't

Yes, he heard

Yes, he had

Запитання 17

Make up a question and choose the correct answer: The room attendants need to change the towels every day. ?   

варіанти відповідей

No, he does not

No, they do

Yes, they do

Yes, he does

Запитання 18

Make up a question and choose the correct answer: You booked a table for one o’clock.?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, you do

Yes, you did

No, you didn't

No, I didn't

Запитання 19

Яку роботу виконують працівники кухні?

варіанти відповідей

What work kitchen workers do ?

What work do kitchen workers do ?

Which work do kitchen workers does ?

What kind of work kitchen workers do ?

Запитання 20

Translate the question: Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?

варіанти відповідей

Ви не заперечуєте, якщо я задам вам особисте питання?

Вам не важко поставити особисте питання?

ви б хотіли задати особисте питання?

Дайте відповідь на особисте питання

Запитання 21

Translate the question: I don't like this TV program. Would you mind if I changed the channel?

варіанти відповідей

Ви не будете заперечувати, якщо я переключу TV канал?

Вам не важко переключити TV канал?

Я хочу переключити канал

Я не хотів би переключати канал

Запитання 22

Choose the correct form of the comparisons: набагато швидкіший?

варіанти відповідей

more fast

much fast

much faster

the fastest

Запитання 23

Choose the correct form of the comparisons: найбільш владний?  

варіанти відповідей

the most powerful

more poweful



Запитання 24

Read the following text, from which four sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences (A-E) the one which fits each gap (1-4) to obtain a logical and coherent text. There is oneextra sentence that you do not need to use.

The next morning I couldn’t decide whether I should stay or leave the place While I was having breakfast at the hotel restaurant, a busload of noisy tourists streamed into the lobby. (4)__ I quickly checked out of the hotel and drove home, wishing I had not made up my mind to return.

варіанти відповідей

A Some of the historic buildings had been renovated and the main square now boasted a nice fountain.

B Most of them were occupied by groups of tourists.


C Their arrival was the final straw.


D I was hoping to book the same small guesthouse where I had stayed previously.


E So were the artists, whom I had watched at work.           

Запитання 25

Read the following text, from which four sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences (A-E) the one which fits each gap (1-4) to obtain a logical and coherent text. There is oneextra sentence that you do not need to use.

A leisurely stroll around the town later in the afternoon revealed more changes that I found difficult to accept. The colourful street stalls where I used to shop for local crafts were now replaced by fashionable boutiques, attracting tourists with flashy neon lights. The buskers, who had played local music, were gone. (3)__ The place was becoming more and more touristy and was no longer the quiet retreat I had hoped to find.

варіанти відповідей

A Some of the historic buildings had been renovated and the main square now boasted a nice fountain.

B Most of them were occupied by groups of tourists.

C Their arrival was the final straw.

D I was hoping to book the same small guesthouse where I had stayed previously.

E So were the artists, whom I had watched at work.

Запитання 26

Read the following text, from which four sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences (A-E) the one which fits each gap (1-4) to obtain a logical and coherent text. There is oneextra sentence that you do not need to use.

Immediately after my arrival, I couldn’t fail to notice some remarkable changes that had taken place in the town over the years. True, in some respects it looked even more attractive than I remembered it. (2)__ While driving to the hotel, however, I also noticed that some of the small restaurants and cafés had disappeared, giving way to several fast food places.

варіанти відповідей

A Some of the historic buildings had been renovated and the main square now boasted a nice fountain.

B Most of them were occupied by groups of tourists

C Their arrival was the final straw.

D I was hoping to book the same small guesthouse where I had stayed previously.

E So were the artists, whom I had watched at work.

Запитання 27

Read the following text, from which four sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences (A-E) the one which fits each gap (1-4) to obtain a logical and coherent text. There is oneextra sentence that you do not need to use.

Returning to a holiday spot which one used to admire in the past can sometimes be a shocking experience. I discovered the truth of this last year when I decided to spend a few days in a small, historic town which I had visited many years before.

The first warning signs came with my internet search for accommodation. (1)__ When I eventually came across its address, I found out that over the years it had been converted to a modern hotel with all the typical facilities. ‘They need to keep up with the times’, I thought and decided to ignore the sense of disappointment as I did my bookings online.

варіанти відповідей

A Some of the historic buildings had been renovated and the main square now boasted a nice fountain

B Most of them were occupied by groups of tourists.

C Their arrival was the final straw.

D I was hoping to book the same small guesthouse where I had stayed previously.

E So were the artists, whom I had watched at work.

Запитання 28

Read the pairs of sentences (1-5). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences.

4 Excuse me, could you __ me the way to the bus station, please?

  He used to __ us such good stories about his travels.


варіанти відповідей

A tell                

 B show               

C give

Запитання 29

Read the pairs of sentences (1-5). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences.

3 The train leaves __ about half an hour, so we’ve still got time to have a coffee.

  We arrived __ Paris late at night and we went straight to the hotel.


варіанти відповідей

A for                

 B in                   

C to

Запитання 30

Read the pairs of sentences (1-4). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences.

2 My car’s broken down, so I’ll need to __ the late night train to Berlin.

  You’d better put on a jacket or you’ll __ a cold.


варіанти відповідей

A take            

 B have               

 C catch

Запитання 31

Read the pairs of sentences (1-4). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences.

1 We bought a map at a nearby tourist information __.

  My sister works in a large __ in the centre of Warsaw.


варіанти відповідей

A room          

 B office               

C service

Запитання 32

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

3 We’re going to take a guided ____of the castle.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 33

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

2 It’s a good idea to take ____some travel insurance.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 34

What type of travel is leisure tourism? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit

b) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

c) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

d) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit

Запитання 35

What type of holiday is sports tourism? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby 

b) a type of tourism which involves taking part in meetings, conferences and seminars

c) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

d) ) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit

Запитання 36

What kind of travel is business tourism? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves taking part in meetings, conferences and seminars

b) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

c) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

d) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby 

Запитання 37

What does incentive tourism mean? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

b) a type of tourism which involves holidays awarded to staff members as a bonus and to encourage them to work better

c) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

d) ) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for elderly and retired people

Запитання 38

What does familiarization tourism mean? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

b) a type of tourism which involves taking part in meetings, conferences and seminars

c) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

d) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

Запитання 39

What is third-age tourism?

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

b) ) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby 

c) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for elderly and retired people

d) ) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

Запитання 40

Historic cities are cities which have retained an old world character. Which of the following are examples of historic cities? Choose two.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 41

What is the name given to the type of trips that are used as a motivational tool in a workplace; where companies offer these vacations, as a reward to their top performing employees?

варіанти відповідей

incentive trips

benefit in kind

monthly bonus

Запитання 42

FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: The _________ of a city is defined by the architecture, cuisine, culture and the lifestyles of the people who live there. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 43

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct missing word: As well as climate, an attractive sun resort must have a nice _____ upon which to enjoy the weather.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 44

City trips make up 7% of all pleasure trips. City trips tend to be short, impulsive getaways and are often weekend trips. 75% of city travelers will stay in hotels, with the other 25% staying with friends or relatives. City travelers are interested in the nightlife offered by bars and nightclubs. Which tourist attractions do they enjoy visiting?

варіанти відповідей

business conventions

monuments, museums and cultural attractions+

Запитання 45

Outdoor trips represent 10% of all trips taken. What are the two most common activities on outdoor trips?

варіанти відповідей

archery and horse-riding

hunting and fishing

kayaking and skydiving

Запитання 46

Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option: Prior to the mid-18th century, nature was not regarded as a tourist __________. In Europe, appreciating nature was viewed as uncivilised and tourists preferred to visit cities, in order to appreciate culture.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 47

FILL-IN-THE-BLANK: Traditionally, distance was measured in the amount of miles/kilometres a destination was from a person's current location. Today, distance is more commonly measured in ____.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 48

Which type of accommodation is popular with city dwellers, who want a break from urban life and with young families, as they provide plenty of space and activities for children?

варіанти відповідей



campsites and caravan parks

Запитання 49

A basic distinction can be made ________domestic and international tourists, although this distinction is blurring away in many parts of the world (For example, in the European Union).

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 50

_______________________- trips to a place where the major part of the stay is at the accommodation location. These guest are those often favoured by marketing efforts – the reasons might be the belief that the longer stay in the region, the more profitable those guests are for the area. In some studies resorts are extended to “destination areas”.

варіанти відповідей

Resort trips 

Day trips 

Base holiday trips 

Tour operated round trips 

Запитання 51

... the capital of Italy, is a city like no other. For more than two millennia, this city has been the center of European culture, politics and religion. Walking around the streets of ... feels like taking a tour through the history of humankind. ... is densely populated with ancient churches, its ruins, beautiful fountains, spacious squares (piazzas) and expensive shops. In simple words, it is a city for everyone.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 52

The Colosseum is also __________ as the Flavian Amphitheater.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 53

Across the river from the older buildings of the Bund rise unique skyscrapers which form the modern skyline of .... Here tourists can see The Oriental Pearl TV and Radio Tower. This building is a working TV and radio tower, but the fun design and things to do inside the tower make it a popular tourist site. The huge tower rests on a tripod. As the tower goes up, it spreads out into three large spheres. The spheres look like balls on a stick. Visitors can go up to the top of the tower in an elevator. Then they can go back down and do other activities like visit a museum or explore a model of a futuristic city inside the spheres.

варіанти відповідей

New York




Запитання 54

This Roman Catholic church is the jewel of Antoni Gaudi's legacy in the city. Although the construction of Sagrada Familia commenced in 1882, the building still remains unfinished. The architect, Gaudi devoted his life to this church, and even so, only a quarter of the project was complete at the time of his death in 1926.

Once finished, the church will be as tall as the tallest mountain in the area, because Guadi believed that no man-made structure should rise above a God's creation. With its tall ceilings and glass windows that produce beautiful natural light, Sagrada Familia's interior offers a once in a life time experience for all visitors.

Who was Antoni Gaudi?

варіанти відповідей

Roman Emperor

the architect of many buildings in Barcelona

former president of Catalonia

Запитання 55

Lisbon is the oldest city in Western Europe. It was called Felicitas Julia during Julius Caesar's times.

After the Roman rule, Lisbon was conquered by Muslim forces from North Africa and the Middle East, so many mosques were built in the city.

In the 12th century, the city was reconquered by the Crusaders, and it has been a major political, economic and cultural center of Portugal ever since.

During the Age of Discovery (a period of European history when overseas exploration started), many expeditions left from Lisbon, including Vasco de Gama's famous journey to India in 1498. At the same time, Lisbon served as the main European hub for trading spices, sugar, textiles and other goods with Africa, India and the Far East.

In 1755, the city was nearly completely destroyed by an earthquake, when 85 percent of Lisbon's structures were ruined.

Portugal has been a republic since 1974, and it is now an important member of the European Union.

Why was the city nearly completely destroyed in 1755?

варіанти відповідей

Because there was a big fire.

Because of the Great War.

Because there was an earthquake.

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