Find the most appropriate logical order for steps of dealing with complaints:
To check the guests in and out is the duty of a:
To advise tourists about accommodation, transport and sightseeing is the job of a:
To check the transport arrangements, organize the accommodation, tell people what‘s happening each day and deal with any problems is the job of a:
A newly married couple would prefer to take a .... room in a hotel.
Find the most appropriate answer to the phrase:“single or return?”
The translation of ‘a return ticket‘ into Ukrainian is:
Find the most appropriate logical order for steps of the process of checking in a new guest:
?Find the most appropriate answer to the phrase:”What date do you want to travel on?‘
?The translation of ‘швейцар‘ into English is:?
?The translation of ‘suite‘ (a room in a hotel)into Ukrainian is:?
?‘At a supplement‘ means:?
?The translation of ‘a twin room‘ is:?
?The translation of ‘завгосп‘ (у готелі) into English is:?
At the airport. Find the most appropriate answer to the phrase:“I‘ve got one hundred of cigarettes and two bottles of vodka”?
?Find the most appropriate answer to the phrase:“How will you pay?”?
?Find the most appropriate question to the answer:“You could have it two days prior to your departure”?
?The translation of ‘час відбуття‘ into English is:?
?The translation of ‘час затримки‘ into English is:?
?The translation of ‘час прибуття‘ into English is:?
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