Додано: 5 червня 2019
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 143 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

What type of travel is leisure tourism? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit

b) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

c) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

d) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit

Запитання 2

What type of holiday is sports tourism? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby 

b) a type of tourism which involves taking part in meetings, conferences and seminars

c) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

d) ) a type of tourism which involves tours with a lot of physical training, exercising and keeping fit

Запитання 3

What kind of travel is business tourism? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves taking part in meetings, conferences and seminars

b) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

c) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

d) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby 

Запитання 4

What does incentive tourism mean? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

b) a type of tourism which involves holidays awarded to staff members as a bonus and to encourage them to work better

c) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

d) ) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for elderly and retired people

Запитання 5

What does familiarization tourism mean? 

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves visits of tour operators and travel agents to travel destinations so that they get to know their facilities well

b) a type of tourism which involves taking part in meetings, conferences and seminars

c) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

d) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

Запитання 6

What is third-age tourism?

варіанти відповідей

a) a type of tourism which involves holidays for relaxation and entertainment purposes

b) ) a type of tourism which involves journeys for people who share the same hobby 

c) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for elderly and retired people

d) ) a type of tourism which involves tours and visits for disabled people 

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