It's territory is ... thousand square kilometres
The .... is Kyiv
Ukrainians live in ...
Two colours of the Ukrainian flag symbolize ....
A lot of tourists come to Ukraine every year.
There are three colours on Ukrainian National Flag.
The official language is Ukrainian.
The 24th of August is the birthday of our country.
Independent state
What is the longest river in Ukraine?
Ukraine is situated in the centre of
Ukraine is ______in the southeastern part of Central Europe.
Finish the sentences.
Today Ukraine is...
Ukrainian people are..
Match adjectives with nouns as in the letter.
National -
Match adjectives with nouns as in the letter.
Independent -
Match adjectives with nouns as in the letter.
Talented -
Translate into Ukrainian.
Ancient -
Translate into Ukrainian.
Independence -
Translate into Ukrainian.
Foreign -
Translate into English.
Вони не знають багато про Україну.
Finish the sentences.
Many tourists ...
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до активної роботи у класі та вдома