If I were you, I (not to take part) in that poll.
If he (to buy) a new house last year, he would run over there.
If you heat some water, it (boil).
If some troubles happened with my friend, I (not to stand aside).
If you want to decorate your dress, you (use) the national embroidery.
If he hadn't broken the law, he (not to be) in the prison.
We (not to have) an opposition in Ukraine if our policy is well-managed.
Знайди аналог речення.
Шкода, що не ти супроводжуєш цю кампанію по захисту навколишнього середовища.
Знайди аналог речення.
Шкода, що ця міжнародна зустріч відбулась не в Україні.
If you (not to do) your commitments at work, you will have some problems with the Labour Law.
According to the Ukrainian Law if you commit some mugging you (have) criminal, adminisrtative or disciplinary punishment.
If Linda (be) here, I'm sure she would hepl us.
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