unit 3 english - speaking countries (Нерсисян)

Додано: 3 лютого 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 468 разів
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Every month offers a different way to experience what the Disneyland Resort has. From summer performances to the quieter winter months, there are different advantages for visiting during various seasons,If you want to visit when the number of guests is lower, plan to stay mid-week — Tuesdays to Thursday. If you would like to come when hours and entertainment are at their peak, June through August is our high season.

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When To Visit


Tickets and Fees

What To Wear

Special Offers

Guided Tours

Special Events

Запитання 2

Take home a piece of the magic! The Disneyland Resort is filled with charming stores featuring a perfect collection of Disney merchandise. Select the perfect souvenir to make the memories last a lifetime or bring home a gill to share the charm with someone special.

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Tickets and Fees



Special Events

Guided Tours

When To Visit

What To Wear

Special Offers

Запитання 3

Visit our world-class restaurants for food, music and fun. Venture to the French Quarter at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen, the tropical jungles of the Rainforest Café or the Southern stylings of the House of Blues. Of course, you'll find special seasonal treats throughout the Disneyland Resort!

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Special Events

Guided Tours

Special Offers

When To Visit

What To Wear


Tickets and Fees

Запитання 4

Save up to 30% on most stays at a Disneyland Resort Hotel Sunday through Thursday nights from August 12 through September 29, 2012. As a registered Resort Hotel Guest, enjoy early admission — during every day of hotel stay — to select attractions, stores, entertainment and dining locations in either Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure Park one hour before the park opens to the general public.

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What To Wear

Special Events

Special Offers

Guided Tours

Tickets and Fees

When To Visit


Запитання 5

Be sure to take comfortable clothing and shoes. Light colored clothes are best to help reflect the sun's rays. Sunglasses and hats are perfect for blocking the sun too.

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Special Events

Guided Tours


When To Visit

Special Offers

Tickets and Fees

What To Wear


Запитання 6

Crossing the Atlantic by Raft for WaterAid

After 66 days at sea, a grandfather from London and his three-man crew have successfully crossed the Atlantic on a raft made of pipes.

Anthony Smith, 85, wanted to complete the 2,800-mile voyage to highlight the fact that a billion people worldwide live without clean water.

The former BBC Tomorrow's World science correspondent and presenter hoped to collect 50,000 for the charity WaterAid. They set sail from the Canary Islands and reached the Caribbean 66 days later. Mr. Smith recruited the team of "mature and daring gentlemen" — aged between 56 and 61 — by placing an advert in the Daily Telegraph. It read: "Fancy rafting across the Atlantic? Famous traveller requires 3 crew. Must be OAP (old age pensioner). Serious adventurers only."

Speaking ahead of the trip Mr Smith said: "Water strikes at the very heart of need. To voyage altnost 3,000 miles upon the salty kind will make us intensely aware of places in the world that are without adequate supplies."

Their vessel, named the An-Tilci, was constructed out of 39 foot lengths of pipe. It was powered by a 400-square-foot sail and travelled at an average speed of four knots. The crew had intended to end their voyage in the Bahamas, but strong winds and currents forced them lathe Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten. Crew member John Russell, 61, from Stroud, said he was looking forward to "having a nice shower and washing the salt off me and having a nice steak to eat. We haven't had fresh food for a long time. We've been living out of tins. Our fresh fruit and vegetables ran out a long time ago.

1.Why did Anthony Smith decide to cross the Atlantic?

2. Where did Anthony and his crew originally plan to complete their crossing?

варіанти відповідей

1.He wanted to earn money.

1.He wanted to raise money.

1.He wanted to appear on TV.

1.He wanted to become famous.

2. in the Canary Islands

2. in the Caribbean

2. in the Bahamas

2. in Philipsburg on St. Maarten

Запитання 7

Youngest Language in the World

Scientists (1) ____ that the youngest language in the world is Afrikaans, spoken by South Africans. Dutch and German Protestants avoided persecution from the Roman Catholic Church in the 175 and l8 centuries to (2) ____ in the Dutch colony of the Cape of Good Hope on the southern point of Africa. By the early 200 century Afrikaans had (3) ____ from Dutch, German and other influences into a(n) (4) ____ independent language with its own dictionaries. It is the third most spoken language in South Africa (Zulu being the most spoken, the Zulu people being the largest ethnic group there).

варіанти відповідей

1. expect


2. settle

2. come

3. appeared

3. developed

4. exactly

4. fully

Запитання 8

Youngest language in the world

New languages develop as different cultures meet and (1) ____. For instance, about 700 different languages are spoken in London. In some suburbs of big cities (2) ____ London and New York, English is now a second language. The same is happening — or has taken place — in cities such as Los Angeles, Miami and Singapore. Already the Internet and mobile phone texting are (3) ____ the development of languages as people communicate (4) ____ across cultural and regional borders.

варіанти відповідей

1. participate

1. mix

2. such

2. like

3. influencing

3. participating

4. freely

4. lightly

Запитання 9

a series of chairs hung from a moving cable, used for carrying people up and down a mountain

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Запитання 10


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Запитання 11

original, true

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one of a kind



Запитання 12

a party celebrating a move to a new home

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Запитання 13

a night spent by children or young people at a friend's house

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Запитання 14

accompany a person who is leaving to their point of departure.

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see on

see off

see out

Запитання 15

used to describe a person's rise from a state of extreme poverty to one of great wealth.

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rags to riches

grab at chance

make it big

Запитання 16

to enjoy feeling or experiencing (something pleasant) in usually a slow or relaxed way 

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melting pot


soak up

Запитання 17

fast shallow stretches of water in a river

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long haul


white water

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