Unit 4. Нерсисян. Lesson 1. A place to live. Prepositions of place.

Додано: 10 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 508 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the following prepositions: about, around, at, for, in, of, to, with or leave empty if no preposition is required.

Italians are very conscious 1)___ their dress and have a great sense 2)__ style. Casual dress is fine 3)___ most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended 4)__ business meetings. 5)___ summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts 6)___ the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted 7)___ churches and the Vatican, including the Vatican museums.

Tipping is not mandatory. 8)___ times a service charge (servizio) is included 9)_____ your restaurant bill. This should not be confused 10)____ the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge 11)___ bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased 12)____ the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave 10% tip. 13)____ the porter and cleaning lady 14)___ the hotel you should give 15)___ 10,000 lire, 16)___ room service leave 17)____ 5,000 lire. Tipping 18)___ taxis is not obligatory either, but 1,000 to 2,000 lire is usually given 19) ___ the driver.

варіанти відповідей

1) of 2) of 3) of 4) for

1) of 2) of 3) for 4) for

1) of 2) for 3) about 4) for

1) at 2) of 3) of 4) for

Запитання 2

Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the following prepositions: about, around, at, for, in, of, to, with or leave empty if no preposition is required.

Italians are very conscious 1)___ their dress and have a great sense 2)__ style. Casual dress is fine 3)___ most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended 4)__ business meetings. 5)___ summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts 6)___ the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted 7)___ churches and the Vatican, including the Vatican museums.

Tipping is not mandatory. 8)___ times a service charge (servizio) is included 9)_____ your restaurant bill. This should not be confused 10)____ the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge 11)___ bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased 12)____ the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave 10% tip. 13)____ the porter and cleaning lady 14)___ the hotel you should give 15)___ 10,000 lire, 16)___ room service leave 17)____ 5,000 lire. Tipping 18)___ taxis is not obligatory either, but 1,000 to 2,000 lire is usually given 19) ___ the driver.

варіанти відповідей

5) in 6) around 7) in

5) at 6) to 7) in

5) in 6) in 7) of

5) in 6) in 7) in

Запитання 3

Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the following prepositions: about, around, at, for, in, of, to, with or leave empty if no preposition is required.

Italians are very conscious 1)___ their dress and have a great sense 2)__ style. Casual dress is fine 3)___ most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended 4)__ business meetings. 5)___ summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts 6)___ the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted 7)___ churches and the Vatican, including the Vatican museums.

Tipping is not mandatory. 8)___ times a service charge (servizio) is included 9)_____ your restaurant bill. This should not be confused 10)____ the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge 11)___ bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased 12)____ the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave 10% tip. 13)____ the porter and cleaning lady 14)___ the hotel you should give 15)___ 10,000 lire, 16)___ room service leave 17)____ 5,000 lire. Tipping 18)___ taxis is not obligatory either, but 1,000 to 2,000 lire is usually given 19) ___ the driver

варіанти відповідей

8) around 9)in 10) for 11) for

8) in 9)in 10) for 11) for

8) at 9)in 10) with 11) for

8) at 9) at 10) with 11) with

Запитання 4

Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the following prepositions: about, around, at, for, in, of, to, with or leave empty if no preposition is required.

Italians are very conscious 1)___ their dress and have a great sense 2)__ style. Casual dress is fine 3)___ most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended 4)__ business meetings. 5)___ summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts 6)___ the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted 7)___ churches and the Vatican, including the Vatican museums.

Tipping is not mandatory. 8)___ times a service charge (servizio) is included 9)_____ your restaurant bill. This should not be confused 10)____ the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge 11)___ bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased 12)____ the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave 10% tip. 13)____ the porter and cleaning lady 14)___ the hotel you should give 15)___ 10,000 lire, 16)___ room service leave 17)____ 5,000 lire. Tipping 18)___ taxis is not obligatory either, but 1,000 to 2,000 lire is usually given 19) ___ the driver

варіанти відповідей

12) in 13) to 14) to 15) around 16) for 17) about

12) with 13) to 14) of 15) around 16) for 17) around

12) of 13) to 14) of 15) in 16) for 17) to

12) with 13) to 14) of 15) about 16) of 17) about

Запитання 5

Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the following prepositions: about, around, at, for, in, of, to, with or leave empty if no preposition is required.

Italians are very conscious 1)___ their dress and have a great sense 2)__ style. Casual dress is fine 3)___ most occasions, but a suit and tie are recommended 4)__ business meetings. 5)___ summer, locals will not be seen wearing shorts 6)___ the city. When visiting the Vatican or any major cathedral, men should wear long pants and women skirts or long pants. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not permitted 7)___ churches and the Vatican, including the Vatican museums.

Tipping is not mandatory. 8)___ times a service charge (servizio) is included 9)_____ your restaurant bill. This should not be confused 10)____ the cover charge (coperta), which is a charge 11)___ bread and table settings. If the service charge is included and you are pleased 12)____ the service, it's customary to leave an additional 5%; if the service charge is not included, leave 10% tip. 13)____ the porter and cleaning lady 14)___ the hotel you should give 15)___ 10,000 lire, 16)___ room service leave 17)____ 5,000 lire. Tipping 18)___ taxis is not obligatory either, but 1,000 to 2,000 lire is usually given 19) ___ the driver.

варіанти відповідей

18) in 19) in

18) to 19) to

18) with 19) to

18) in 19) to

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