Unit 5. Science and Technology

Додано: 6 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 589 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the following text about computer safety. Choose the correct answer (A-C) according to the text.

‘What time is it?’ Tom was getting a bit bored as the lesson continued. He reached for his mobile phone to check the time. As soon as he looked at the screen, he noticed the box at the top of the screen informing him that data transfer was in progress. ‘What is going on?!’ It took him a while to realise that someone had accessed his phone data via wi-fi. During the previous break he had exchanged some photos with Alex and had forgotten to switch it off. He quickly removed the battery and the phone went dead. Tom looked around at his classmates to see who had played the joke on him. There! Max was looking at him with a nasty smile on his face.

What did Tom notice first when he looked at his phone?

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The wireless system wasn’t working.

Someone was copying data from his phone.

There was something wrong with his phone battery.

Запитання 2

Read the following text about computer safety. Choose the correct answer (A-C) according to the text.

During the course, you will learn about the most common techniques hackers use to break into Android and iOS. We will also discuss the important issues in mobile security and teach you how to protect your mobile phone from hacking attacks. There will also be some practical tasks. As part of the course, we will try to hack into a phone in order to understand the weaknesses of mobile systems, and, as a result, you will learn to protect yourself more effectively.

What is the best title for this text? 

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Dangerous Hackers

Mobile Data Safety

Hacking Techniques

Запитання 3

Read the following text about computer safety. Choose the correct answer (A-C) according to the text.


I’ve read your blog entry about the different types of techniques that hackers use to access our Facebook accounts. I must say I found it rather scary! I didn’t realise that there were so many ways to do that. All this phishing, keylogging, session hijacking and so on made me wonder whether my Facebook account is safe. So, could you please write more about what I can do to protect it?

Thanks in advance for your help!


John wrote the comment mainly to ...

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thank the blog author for the information about hacking techniques.

express his concern about the security of his Facebook account.

ask the blog author for advice on Facebook security.

Запитання 4

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

I tried to call him but he kept losing the ... He was probably on the train.

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wireless network


Запитання 5

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

I can’t hear the news. Could you ... the volume a bit?

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turn up 


set up

Запитання 6

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

There’s something wrong with the connection and I can’t ... online.

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log on



Запитання 7

Read the pairs of sentences (1-5). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences. 

After the experiment, the teacher asked us to write ... some notes on the results.

The programme was on late at night but I stayed ... to watch it.

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Запитання 8

Read the pairs of sentences (1-5). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences. 

I tried to ... the instructions in the manual but I still couldn’t get the device to work properly.

She invited us to ... her into the living room.

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Запитання 9

Read the pairs of sentences (1-5). Choose and circle the word (A-C) which fits both sentences. 

The scanner doesn’t work. It’s out of ...

The police officer gave his team a(n) ... to search the building.

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Запитання 10

Report this sentence correctly.

‘I can swim really fast.’

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He told that he could swim really fast.

He said that he could swim really fast.

He said me that he could swim really fast.

Запитання 11

Which sentence is NOT correct?

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Karen said she was going to be late.

James said he will help me.

Lisa said she didn’t have a map.  

Запитання 12

Report this sentence correctly.

“Please help me carry this”

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She asked me to carry that.

She asked me if I help her to carry that.

She asked to help her to carry that.

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