Unit 7. Test. Artists. Passive. Reflective pronouns (Solutions intermediate 3rd edition)

Додано: 22 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 864 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

I really like this music. Who is the …… ?

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Запитання 2

Charles Dickens was a 19th century ……, but his books still have important messages for us today.

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Запитання 3

The dancers were great. It was an amazing …… .

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Запитання 4

“The Moons of Saturn” isn’t as good as his last sci-fi film, but Hadley Parker is still a great ….. .

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Запитання 5

Many painters do a ………. to plan everything before they start to paint a big picture.

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Запитання 6

Our ……. has had some great ideas for the next dance show.

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classical music


Запитання 7

South Beach was a ……. , so the actors in the film sang and danced.

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classical music



Запитання 8

My favourite ……. composer is Tchaikovsky. What about you?

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classical music


Запитання 9

Is that ……. made of stone or wood?

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Запитання 10

I love the work of this …….. , but nobody is as good as William Shakespeare.

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Запитання 11

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

1 a) are found

1 b) were found

1 c) have been found

Запитання 12

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

2 a) were being kept

2 b) were keeping

2 c) had kept

Запитання 13

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

3 a) had them taken

3 b) have been taken

3 c) were taken

Запитання 14

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

4 a) had museum uniforms made

4 b) make museum uniforms

4 c) making museum uniforms

Запитання 15

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

5 a) has left

5 b) is left

5 c) had been left

Запитання 16

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

6 a) were never caught

6 b) had never caught

6 c) never had caught

Запитання 17

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

7 a) aren’t returned

7 b) didn’t return

7 c) haven’t been returned

Запитання 18

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

8 a) are having held

8 b) are being held

8 c) are holding

Запитання 19

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

варіанти відповідей

9 a) are being checked

9 b) were checked

9 c) have been checked

Запитання 20

Five stolen paintings 1)…….. by police here in Newcastle. They 2)…….. in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbaran, and they 3)………. from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.

”The criminals were very good “, Detective Harriet Palmer told reporters. “They 4)……… before the robbery, and they also carried fake ID cards. Then, when everybody else was celebrating New Year, the the robbers climbed into a window, which 5)……. open for them by someone at the museum. The paintings were taken, and the criminals 6)…….”.

The paintings 7)………. to the museum yet. They 8)…….. in a police station for a few days while they 9)………. for fingerprints. Then they 10)………. to London.

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10 a) will be returned

10 b) are returned

10 c) have them returned

Запитання 21

That dance performance was amazing! Did the dancers do all the choreography ……… ?

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Запитання 22

Do you like this sculpture? I carved it ……… .

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Запитання 23

No, I’m not going to make you a cup of coffee. Stop being lazy and make it ………!

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Запитання 24

Tenerife is a great place to go on holiday. I’m sure we’ll really enjoy ……… there.

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