Unite 8. Arts. TEST

Додано: 6 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 79 разів
36 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose painting genres:

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Запитання 2

In the .... right-hand corner of the portrait there is a flower.

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Запитання 3

Mark made some....sketches which would serve as guides when he painted the actual landscape.

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Запитання 4

Admission to the gallery is .... except on Saturdays and Sundays when a charge of one dollar is made.

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Запитання 5

The .... of Rembrandt's paintings finishes next week.

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Запитання 6

They thought the painting was genuine but it turns out to be ....

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 an imitation

 a replica

 a reproduction

  a fake

Запитання 7

The theatrical technique of expressing an idea or mood or portraying a character entirely by gesture and bodily movement without the use of words.

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music hall

Запитання 8

 Caricature is ...

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a picture made with a pencil


 a picture painted directly onto the wall

a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect

a humorous drawing, often dealing with smth of interest in the new in an amusing way

Запитання 9

 Work of art made by carving in stone or wood.

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Запитання 10

Reporting to the authority about unacceptable activity is ...

варіанти відповідей

 ring a bell

  blow the whistle

  blow your own trumpet

  blank canvas

Запитання 11

Ambient melody played in different public places is....

варіанти відповідей

 call the tune 

like a broken record

  jam sessoin

  elevator music

Запитання 12

Constantly repeat the same thing is...

варіанти відповідей

blow the whistle


paint the town red

 paint a gloomy picture

 like a broken record

Запитання 13

Buying or selling something at a very cheap price is...

варіанти відповідей

paint the town red 

 ring the bell

  for a song

  call the tune

Запитання 14

Take the initiative in deciding how something should be done is ...

варіанти відповідей

ring a bell

  call the tune

  blow the whistle

  watch paint dry

Запитання 15

It reminds you of something, but you can't remember exactly what it is ...

варіанти відповідей

 watch paint dry

  call the tune

  hit the book

  ring a bell

Запитання 16

Boast about own talents and achievments is...

варіанти відповідей

blow the whistle

  watch paint dry

  ring a bell

  blow your own trumpet

Запитання 17

A person that reacts to situations in an unnecessarily exaggerated way is ...

варіанти відповідей

blank canvas

  drama queen

  thumbnail sketch


Запитання 18

An informal performance of music that the misicians have not planned or practised is ...

варіанти відповідей

drama queen

  blank canvas


  jam session

Запитання 19

To enjoy yourself by going to places such as clubs and bars is ...

варіанти відповідей

 call the tune

  paint the town red

 paint a rosy picture

  ring the bell

Запитання 20

An activity that you consider extremely boring is ...

варіанти відповідей

 paint the town red

 for a song

 watch paint dry

 call the tune

Запитання 21

A short description mentioning only the most important features is ...

варіанти відповідей

blank canvas 

thumbnail sketch

teacher's pet

  jam session

Запитання 22

An arched ceiling usually made of stone or wood.

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Запитання 23

A succession of contiguous arches, with each arch supported by a colonnade of columns or piers.

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Запитання 24

A vertical curved structure that spans an elevated space. It may be pointed, curved, semicircular.

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Запитання 25

The lowest part of the entablature that rests on the capitals of columns.

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Запитання 26

... or pillar is frequently used to support beams or arches on which the upper parts of walls or ceilings rest. It is composed of capital, shaft, base.

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Запитання 27

_____ lives in that house. It's empty.

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Запитання 28

_____ is going really well and so I'm really happy.

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Запитання 29

Flora: How long have you and Sally known ...?

Janine: Since we were five, I think.

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each other

Запитання 30

Toby: Can you show me how to shut down these computers?

Lou: Don't worry, they turn ... off after 5 minutes.

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  one another

Запитання 31

Haley: Why is Mary taking up carate?

Tammy: She wants to learn how to protect ... .

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  by herself


Запитання 32

When Ann entered the office, she saw a lot of strangers and she felt ……….

варіанти відповідей


being embarrassed


Запитання 33

The story is ……..

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being frightened


Запитання 34

Once ……….. , twice shy.

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having bitten

Запитання 35

………..the test he went to the administrative office.

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having written



Запитання 36

……….the bag with keys, she couldn`t enter the flat.

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having lost


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