Use of English

Додано: 26 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 174 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

.Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use.

Sailing Solo

Frenchman Francis Joyon has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days, beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark (1)_____.

There were fears (2) _____ that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast (3) _____, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was feared (4) _____ for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean.

But Joyon has broken all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of Brest only 11 days outside the outright record set by another Frenchman Bruno Peyron, (5)_____.

Joyon was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats to try to break that record, they may find (6) ____ to a level that will be unbeatable for some time to come.


варіанти відповідей

A that reached 30 metres into the sky

B that will be difficult to beat

C who had a full crew of 14

D who will bring him worldwide fame

E that Joyon has raised the record

F before Francis Joyon set off in November

G that was beaten by Francis

H that such a boat would be too powerful

Запитання 2

Sailing Solo

Frenchman Francis Joyon has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days, beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark (1)_____.

There were fears (2) _____ that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast (3) _____, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was feared (4) _____ for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean.

But Joyon has broken all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of Brest only 11 days outside the outright record set by another Frenchman Bruno Peyron, (5)_____.

Joyon was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats to try to break that record, they may find (6) ____ to a level that will be unbeatable for some time to come.


варіанти відповідей

A that reached 30 metres into the sky

B that will be difficult to beat

C who had a full crew of 14

D who will bring him worldwide fame

E that Joyon has raised the record

F before Francis Joyon set off in November

G that was beaten by Francis

H that such a boat would be too powerful

Запитання 3

Sailing Solo

Frenchman Francis Joyon has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days, beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark (1)_____.

There were fears (2) _____ that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast (3) _____, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was feared (4) _____ for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean.

But Joyon has broken all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of Brest only 11 days outside the outright record set by another Frenchman Bruno Peyron, (5)_____.

Joyon was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats to try to break that record, they may find (6) ____ to a level that will be unbeatable for some time to come.


варіанти відповідей

A that reached 30 metres into the sky

B that will be difficult to beat

C who had a full crew of 14

D who will bring him worldwide fame

E that Joyon has raised the record

F before Francis Joyon set off in November

G that was beaten by Francis

H that such a boat would be too powerful

Запитання 4

Sailing Solo

Frenchman Francis Joyon has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days, beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark (1)_____.

There were fears (2) _____ that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast (3) _____, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was feared (4) _____ for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean.

But Joyon has broken all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of Brest only 11 days outside the outright record set by another Frenchman Bruno Peyron, (5)_____.

Joyon was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats to try to break that record, they may find (6) ____ to a level that will be unbeatable for some time to come.


варіанти відповідей

A that reached 30 metres into the sky

B that will be difficult to beat

C who had a full crew of 14

D who will bring him worldwide fame

E that Joyon has raised the record

F before Francis Joyon set off in November

G that was beaten by Francis

H that such a boat would be too powerful

Запитання 5

Sailing Solo

Frenchman Francis Joyon has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days, beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark (1)_____.

There were fears (2) _____ that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast (3) _____, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was feared (4) _____ for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean.

But Joyon has broken all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of Brest only 11 days outside the outright record set by another Frenchman Bruno Peyron, (5)_____.

Joyon was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats to try to break that record, they may find (6) ____ to a level that will be unbeatable for some time to come.


варіанти відповідей

A that reached 30 metres into the sky

B that will be difficult to beat

C who had a full crew of 14

D who will bring him worldwide fame

E that Joyon has raised the record

F before Francis Joyon set off in November

G that was beaten by Francis

H that such a boat would be too powerful

Запитання 6

Sailing Solo

Frenchman Francis Joyon has become the first person to sail solo around the world in less than 73 days, beating the old record by 20 days, and setting a mark (1)_____.

There were fears (2) _____ that he would be unable to control his huge boat named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast (3) _____, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was feared (4) _____ for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean.

But Joyon has broken all the records, and remarkably came home to the port of Brest only 11 days outside the outright record set by another Frenchman Bruno Peyron, (5)_____.

Joyon was aided by favourable winds, but as other sailors prepare new boats to try to break that record, they may find (6) ____ to a level that will be unbeatable for some time to come.


варіанти відповідей

A that reached 30 metres into the sky

B that will be difficult to beat

C who had a full crew of 14

D who will bring him worldwide fame

E that Joyon has raised the record

F before Francis Joyon set off in November

G that was beaten by Francis

H that such a boat would be too powerful

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