It’s ___________ today. It’s only 2°C outside!
It’s ________ today. We can go to the beach!
Look outside! There’s a lot of _________, so everywhere is white!
It’s a ___________ day, so Dad can’t see clearly to drive.
It’s a ___________ day. I can take off my sweater!
A ___________ happens when there’s a lot of rain for a long time.
A huge amount of snow is falling down the side of the mountain! It’s a big ___________!
It’s ___________! The temperature is below zero!
A ____________ can come suddenly onto the beach from the sea.
The ____________ blew down a lot of trees in the park.
I hate ______ days. Everywhere is so wet.
It’s __________ today, so we can’t see any blue sky.
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