Wider world 3 Module 6

Додано: 1 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 139 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

I can’t wait to swim in the sea on our  ...             

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an experience.

beach holiday.

a backpacking holiday.

Запитання 2

On our holiday, we want to explore  ...

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an experience.

great facilities!

different places.

a wonderful view.

Запитання 3

I’d love to go on a long sea ...

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the excursion.

  a wonderful view.

a backpacking holiday.

Запитання 4

Making a video is a good way to share ...

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an experience.

great facilities!

different places.

a backpacking holiday.

Запитання 5

We’re at the top of the hotel, so we’ve got  ...

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an experience.

a wonderful view.

beach holiday.

Запитання 6

Our hotel’s got a pool, a gym and a cinema ...

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great facilities!

different places.

beach holiday.

Запитання 7

Hi Jake,

We’re finally here on our holiday! We’re at a campsite by the sea, so we can go 0 swimming every morning! The journey was hard, though. We nearly missed our train and my 1 _____________ was really heavy to carry. And I lost my 2_____________ somewhere, so we had to buy another for me to sleep in. But the place is great, and the 3_____________ shows some great places nearby to visit. Now I’m sitting on the beach, covered in

4_____________. It’s very hot! I need my 5_____________, too, to protect my eyes. And I’m wearing my new 6____________, ready to go into the water. But first I think I’ll go and have a rest inside our 7 _____________!


See you!


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Запитання 8

Hi Jake,

We’re finally here on our holiday! We’re at a campsite by the sea, so we can go 0 swimming every morning! The journey was hard, though. We nearly missed our train and my 1 _____________ was really heavy to carry. And I lost my 2_____________ somewhere, so we had to buy another for me to sleep in. But the place is great, and the 3_____________ shows some great places nearby to visit. Now I’m sitting on the beach, covered in

4_____________. It’s very hot! I need my 5_____________, too, to protect my eyes. And I’m wearing my new 6____________, ready to go into the water. But first I think I’ll go and have a rest inside our 7 _____________! 

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sleeping bag


Запитання 9

Hi Jake,

We’re finally here on our holiday! We’re at a campsite by the sea, so we can go 0 swimming every morning! The journey was hard, though. We nearly missed our train and my 1 _____________ was really heavy to carry. And I lost my 2_____________ somewhere, so we had to buy another for me to sleep in. But the place is great, and the 3_____________ shows some great places nearby to visit. Now I’m sitting on the beach, covered in

4_____________. It’s very hot! I need my 5_____________, too, to protect my eyes. And I’m wearing my new 6____________, ready to go into the water. But first I think I’ll go and have a rest inside our 7 _____________! 

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sleeping bag

sun cream

Запитання 10

Hi Jake,

We’re finally here on our holiday! We’re at a campsite by the sea, so we can go 0 swimming every morning! The journey was hard, though. We nearly missed our train and my 1 _____________ was really heavy to carry. And I lost my 2_____________ somewhere, so we had to buy another for me to sleep in. But the place is great, and the 3_____________ shows some great places nearby to visit. Now I’m sitting on the beach, covered in

4_____________. It’s very hot! I need my 5_____________, too, to protect my eyes. And I’m wearing my new 6____________, ready to go into the water. But first I think I’ll go and have a rest inside our 7 _____________! 

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sun cream


Запитання 11

Hi Jake,

We’re finally here on our holiday! We’re at a campsite by the sea, so we can go 0 swimming every morning! The journey was hard, though. We nearly missed our train and my 1 _____________ was really heavy to carry. And I lost my 2_____________ somewhere, so we had to buy another for me to sleep in. But the place is great, and the 3_____________ shows some great places nearby to visit. Now I’m sitting on the beach, covered in

4_____________. It’s very hot! I need my 5_____________, too, to protect my eyes. And I’m wearing my new 6____________, ready to go into the water. But first I think I’ll go and have a rest inside our 7 _____________! 

варіанти відповідей


sun cream


Запитання 12

Hi Jake,

We’re finally here on our holiday! We’re at a campsite by the sea, so we can go 0 swimming every morning! The journey was hard, though. We nearly missed our train and my 1 _____________ was really heavy to carry. And I lost my 2_____________ somewhere, so we had to buy another for me to sleep in. But the place is great, and the 3_____________ shows some great places nearby to visit. Now I’m sitting on the beach, covered in

4_____________. It’s very hot! I need my 5_____________, too, to protect my eyes. And I’m wearing my new 6____________, ready to go into the water. But first I think I’ll go and have a rest inside our 7 _____________! 

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Запитання 13

You ... drive fast here – there’s a speed limit!

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Запитання 14

There’s a good train service to the city, so we ... to drive there.

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don’t have

Запитання 15

You ... to go to the doctor about your sore leg.

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Запитання 16

In England, drivers ... drive on the left.

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have to


Запитання 17

You ... pack lots of heavy things in your bag. 

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don’t have to

Запитання 18

It’s my grandma’s birthday today, so I ... ring her this morning.

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ought to

Запитання 19

That ______ be Sam calling me. He’s in Australia – and it’s the middle of the night there! 

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Запитання 20

I’m not sure what we’re doing tomorrow – we ______ go to the beach.

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Запитання 21

My money ______ be in my purse. I put it in there this morning.

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Запитання 22

Dad said he ______ take us swimming later, if he’s got time.

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Запитання 23

That ______ be the bus to the centre. It says City on it. 

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Запитання 24

Mum says this is my book, but it ______ be. I never read thrillers.

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