Youth in Mind (control test)

Додано: 14 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 1029 разів
22 запитання
Запитання 1

1. Listen to the interview with Benjamin Wilkinson, who is a school official from York, England. Choose the most suitable item to finish each sentence.

The interview is about …

варіанти відповідей

 schoolchildren not having enough pocket money

 schoolchildren getting jobs

schoolchildren leaving schools early

Запитання 2

2. Listen to the interview with Benjamin Wilkinson, who is a school official from York, England. Choose the most suitable item to finish each sentence.

One of the two jobs most popular with teenagers is …

варіанти відповідей

taking care of babies and children while their parents are out

  washing the dishes in cafes and restaurants

 house cleaning

Запитання 3

3. Listen to the interview with Benjamin Wilkinson, who is a school official from York, England. Choose the most suitable item to finish each sentence.

Compared to grown-ups, teenagers are …

варіанти відповідей

 fairly paid



Запитання 4

4. Listen to the interview with Benjamin Wilkinson, who is a school official from York, England. Choose the most suitable item to finish each sentence.

 Doing a part-time job can turn out to be a problem because …


варіанти відповідей

working schoolchildren spend too much time at work and don’t see their parents

working schoolchildren cannot fully concentrate on their studies

working schoolchildren cannot be allowed to spend more than two or three hours at work.

Запитання 5

5. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentences.

 I can’t wait __________ his new movie.

варіанти відповідей

to see


Запитання 6

6. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentences.

She remembered ________________Disneyland when she was about five years ago.

варіанти відповідей

to visit


Запитання 7

7. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentences.

They expected her ______________ them the money.

варіанти відповідей

to refuse/to give

to refuse/giving

refusing/to give


Запитання 8

8. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sentences.

 I don’t think he meant ______________ us.

варіанти відповідей

to betray


Запитання 9

9. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sententence.

You shouldn’t forget ______________ the laundry out.

варіанти відповідей

to take


Запитання 10

10. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sententence.

She was watching TV and knitting but she stopped _________________ the channel.

варіанти відповідей

to change


Запитання 11

11. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sententence.

Can you stop _______________ ? I’m trying _____________ .

варіанти відповідей

to shout/to study

to shout/studying

shouting/to study


Запитання 12

13. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sententence.

I regret __________ you that you are dismissed.

варіанти відповідей

to tell


Запитання 13

14. Choose the correct verb form to complete each sententence.

In the beginning he considered _____________ her a hand but when she snapped at him he walked away.

варіанти відповідей

to give


Запитання 14

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 1?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 15

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 2?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 16

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 3?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 17

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 4?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 18

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 5?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 19

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 6?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 20

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 7?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 21

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 8?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 22

15. Complete the text with the words from the box.

Emotions are exciting, and primitive man needed this experiment to help him _____ (1) in dangerous world. However, emotions _____ (2) with thinking, and in modern society, they can _____ (3) problems at home and at work. They can damage our health, _____ (4) mental suffering and even lead to tragedies such as killings. Therefore, we should ______ (5) our emotions. Emotionally ______ (6) people are aware of the emotions in themselves and others and can analyse ______ (7) situations and do something to improve them. If we can ______ (8) our feelings and deal effectively with others, we are more likely to live ______ (9) lives.

Which word is the best in 9?

варіанти відповідей





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