Додано: 1 червня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 351 раз
35 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose people working in arts and media (4 answers

варіанти відповідей





 talent scouts


top designers


Запитання 2

Choose people working in arts and media (4 answers

варіанти відповідей



talent scouts

top designers





Запитання 3

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

Many famous and successful teenagers have.

варіанти відповідей

used new technology

been inspired by YouTube videos

 worked from an early age

Запитання 4

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

Justin Bieber started off.

варіанти відповідей

singing with R&B star Usher

posting videos on YouTube

 sending videos to talent scouts

Запитання 5

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

Some people say Justin Bieber is the most influential person in the world because..

варіанти відповідей

he has had so many number one songs

he is friends with Barack Obama

he has so many followers on Twitter

Запитання 6

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

A negative consequence of fame for Justin Bieber is...

варіанти відповідей

he has very little privacy

people get bored of hearing about him

 people criticize his appearance

Запитання 7

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

“Rookie” means.....

варіанти відповідей

 a beginner

 a fan

someone who is bad at something

Запитання 8

Justin Bieber started off posting videos on YouTube at the age of _______

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Tavi employs about _______________ writers and photographers.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 17-21. There are three choices you do not need to use.

5 Ways to stop being lazy!

"I'm going to take a lazy day today." Okay, there's nothing wrong with this. It's called a day off, and it's a magical thing. But when every day is a "lazy day," there's a problem. Here are 5 ways to stop being lazy and become more productive!

17 _________

Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for as long as you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not supposed to work all the time. Maybe you feel upset or are afraid to fail at the task, or you just don't want to do the task; these are problems with separate solutions. Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make in order to be a more effective and energetic person.


People work more efficiently when they have a little rest time. Working in short, focused bursts is far more effective than trying to get through the task all at once. Not only will you be happier with the end product, but you'll feel better and more energized after completing it.


When possible, work smarter instead of harder. If you can find a better way to do the task, you're more likely to enjoy it because you're not simply performing the task like a robot, but rather, using your creativity and imagination to their best effect. This will make you feel better about the job and you'll probably enjoy it more, too.


Sometimes, we just need a little extra backup. There's nothing wrong with asking for help from a more motivated colleague, friend, or family member. This is a useful way to get you up and moving, because they will motivate you to do the task. At the same time, you may be doing them a favour by motivating them to work harder. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!


Sometimes there's just no getting around it. All the good advice and wishes in the world won't make the job look any better. In these cases, you need to remember you're an intelligent, mature member of the Homo Sapiens, and then get down to work. While it may not be fun at the time, you can look back on the task you did later and say, "Yeah. I did that." You shouldn't have to force yourself out of bed every morning (this is a warning sign of depression that you should NOT Ignore), but every once in a while, we need to force ourselves to do something we just don't want to do. Believe it or not, you'll be proud of yourself once the task is done.

варіанти відповідей


Make yourself perform the task


B Think of how to act more efficiently. .


C Schedule everything you do


D Start with a small step forward.


Learn to reward yourself.


F Establish the reasons for being lazy.


Break up your work time.


H Find somebody to support you.

Запитання 11

Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 17-21. There are three choices you do not need to use.

5 Ways to stop being lazy!

"I'm going to take a lazy day today." Okay, there's nothing wrong with this. It's called a day off, and it's a magical thing. But when every day is a "lazy day," there's a problem. Here are 5 ways to stop being lazy and become more productive!


Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for as long as you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not supposed to work all the time. Maybe you feel upset or are afraid to fail at the task, or you just don't want to do the task; these are problems with separate solutions. Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make in order to be a more effective and energetic person.

18 _________

People work more efficiently when they have a little rest time. Working in short, focused bursts is far more effective than trying to get through the task all at once. Not only will you be happier with the end product, but you'll feel better and more energized after completing it.


When possible, work smarter instead of harder. If you can find a better way to do the task, you're more likely to enjoy it because you're not simply performing the task like a robot, but rather, using your creativity and imagination to their best effect. This will make you feel better about the job and you'll probably enjoy it more, too.


Sometimes, we just need a little extra backup. There's nothing wrong with asking for help from a more motivated colleague, friend, or family member. This is a useful way to get you up and moving, because they will motivate you to do the task. At the same time, you may be doing them a favour by motivating them to work harder. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!


Sometimes there's just no getting around it. All the good advice and wishes in the world won't make the job look any better. In these cases, you need to remember you're an intelligent, mature member of the Homo Sapiens, and then get down to work. While it may not be fun at the time, you can look back on the task you did later and say, "Yeah. I did that." You shouldn't have to force yourself out of bed every morning (this is a warning sign of depression that you should NOT Ignore), but every once in a while, we need to force ourselves to do something we just don't want to do. Believe it or not, you'll be proud of yourself once the task is done.

варіанти відповідей


Make yourself perform the task


B Think of how to act more efficiently. .


C Schedule everything you do


D Start with a small step forward.


Learn to reward yourself.


F Establish the reasons for being lazy.


Break up your work time.


H Find somebody to support you.

Запитання 12

Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 17-21. There are three choices you do not need to use.

5 Ways to stop being lazy!

"I'm going to take a lazy day today." Okay, there's nothing wrong with this. It's called a day off, and it's a magical thing. But when every day is a "lazy day," there's a problem. Here are 5 ways to stop being lazy and become more productive!


Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for as long as you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not supposed to work all the time. Maybe you feel upset or are afraid to fail at the task, or you just don't want to do the task; these are problems with separate solutions. Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make in order to be a more effective and energetic person.


People work more efficiently when they have a little rest time. Working in short, focused bursts is far more effective than trying to get through the task all at once. Not only will you be happier with the end product, but you'll feel better and more energized after completing it.

19 _________

When possible, work smarter instead of harder. If you can find a better way to do the task, you're more likely to enjoy it because you're not simply performing the task like a robot, but rather, using your creativity and imagination to their best effect. This will make you feel better about the job and you'll probably enjoy it more, too.


Sometimes, we just need a little extra backup. There's nothing wrong with asking for help from a more motivated colleague, friend, or family member. This is a useful way to get you up and moving, because they will motivate you to do the task. At the same time, you may be doing them a favour by motivating them to work harder. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!


Sometimes there's just no getting around it. All the good advice and wishes in the world won't make the job look any better. In these cases, you need to remember you're an intelligent, mature member of the Homo Sapiens, and then get down to work. While it may not be fun at the time, you can look back on the task you did later and say, "Yeah. I did that." You shouldn't have to force yourself out of bed every morning (this is a warning sign of depression that you should NOT Ignore), but every once in a while, we need to force ourselves to do something we just don't want to do. Believe it or not, you'll be proud of yourself once the task is done.

варіанти відповідей


Make yourself perform the task


B Think of how to act more efficiently. .


C Schedule everything you do


D Start with a small step forward.


Learn to reward yourself.


F Establish the reasons for being lazy.


Break up your work time.


H Find somebody to support you.

Запитання 13

Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 17-21. There are three choices you do not need to use.

5 Ways to stop being lazy!

"I'm going to take a lazy day today." Okay, there's nothing wrong with this. It's called a day off, and it's a magical thing. But when every day is a "lazy day," there's a problem. Here are 5 ways to stop being lazy and become more productive!


Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for as long as you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not supposed to work all the time. Maybe you feel upset or are afraid to fail at the task, or you just don't want to do the task; these are problems with separate solutions. Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make in order to be a more effective and energetic person.


People work more efficiently when they have a little rest time. Working in short, focused bursts is far more effective than trying to get through the task all at once. Not only will you be happier with the end product, but you'll feel better and more energized after completing it.


When possible, work smarter instead of harder. If you can find a better way to do the task, you're more likely to enjoy it because you're not simply performing the task like a robot, but rather, using your creativity and imagination to their best effect. This will make you feel better about the job and you'll probably enjoy it more, too.

20 _________

Sometimes, we just need a little extra backup. There's nothing wrong with asking for help from a more motivated colleague, friend, or family member. This is a useful way to get you up and moving, because they will motivate you to do the task. At the same time, you may be doing them a favour by motivating them to work harder. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!


Sometimes there's just no getting around it. All the good advice and wishes in the world won't make the job look any better. In these cases, you need to remember you're an intelligent, mature member of the Homo Sapiens, and then get down to work. While it may not be fun at the time, you can look back on the task you did later and say, "Yeah. I did that." You shouldn't have to force yourself out of bed every morning (this is a warning sign of depression that you should NOT Ignore), but every once in a while, we need to force ourselves to do something we just don't want to do. Believe it or not, you'll be proud of yourself once the task is done.

варіанти відповідей


Make yourself perform the task


B Think of how to act more efficiently. .


C Schedule everything you do


D Start with a small step forward.


Learn to reward yourself.


F Establish the reasons for being lazy.


Break up your work time.


H Find somebody to support you.

Запитання 14

Read the texts below. Match choices A-H to the texts 17-21. There are three choices you do not need to use.

5 Ways to stop being lazy!

"I'm going to take a lazy day today." Okay, there's nothing wrong with this. It's called a day off, and it's a magical thing. But when every day is a "lazy day," there's a problem. Here are 5 ways to stop being lazy and become more productive!


Are you burned out from working 27 hours a day, 9 days a week for as long as you can remember? This is a signal that you need a rest or a change. Human beings are not supposed to work all the time. Maybe you feel upset or are afraid to fail at the task, or you just don't want to do the task; these are problems with separate solutions. Finding out the root cause of your laziness can help you make the changes you need to make in order to be a more effective and energetic person.


People work more efficiently when they have a little rest time. Working in short, focused bursts is far more effective than trying to get through the task all at once. Not only will you be happier with the end product, but you'll feel better and more energized after completing it.


When possible, work smarter instead of harder. If you can find a better way to do the task, you're more likely to enjoy it because you're not simply performing the task like a robot, but rather, using your creativity and imagination to their best effect. This will make you feel better about the job and you'll probably enjoy it more, too.

20 _________

Sometimes, we just need a little extra backup. There's nothing wrong with asking for help from a more motivated colleague, friend, or family member. This is a useful way to get you up and moving, because they will motivate you to do the task. At the same time, you may be doing them a favour by motivating them to work harder. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!

21 _________

Sometimes there's just no getting around it. All the good advice and wishes in the world won't make the job look any better. In these cases, you need to remember you're an intelligent, mature member of the Homo Sapiens, and then get down to work. While it may not be fun at the time, you can look back on the task you did later and say, "Yeah. I did that." You shouldn't have to force yourself out of bed every morning (this is a warning sign of depression that you should NOT Ignore), but every once in a while, we need to force ourselves to do something we just don't want to do. Believe it or not, you'll be proud of yourself once the task is done.

варіанти відповідей


Make yourself perform the task


B Think of how to act more efficiently. .


C Schedule everything you do


D Start with a small step forward.


Learn to reward yourself.


F Establish the reasons for being lazy.


Break up your work time.


H Find somebody to support you.

Запитання 15

Choose the plural form of the word "advice"

варіанти відповідей



 не має форми множини

Запитання 16

Choose the plural form of the word "man-of-war"

варіанти відповідей

а) mans-of-war

б) men-of-war

в) man-of-wars

Запитання 17

Choose the plural form of the word "pie"

варіанти відповідей

а) piys

б) piees

в) pies

Запитання 18

17. This question is difficult for ... . We don't know the answer. 

варіанти відповідей

а) we 

б) our

в) us

г) ourselves 

Запитання 19

This problem ...... by this clever boy last night. 

варіанти відповідей

а) will be solved

б)was solved 

в) solved

г) is solve

Запитання 20

1. My car has broken down, so I … to work these days

варіанти відповідей

а) am walking

б) have walked 

в) was walking

г) will walk

Запитання 21

 In those days, I … like drawing. 

варіанти відповідей

а) don’t

б) didn’t 

в) won’t

г) haven’t 

Запитання 22

He is limping because he … his ankle. 

варіанти відповідей

а) had twisted 

б) has twisted 

в) twisted 

г) is going to twist

Запитання 23

If I … you were coming, I would have met you at the station. 

варіанти відповідей

а) have known 

б) knew

в) had known 

г) know 

Запитання 24

Supposing you … the football match, what would you do? 

варіанти відповідей

а) won

б) had won

в) were winning 

г) win 

Запитання 25

Smith is believed to … England last year

варіанти відповідей

а) leave 

б) have left

в) leaving

г) having left

Запитання 26

 I don’t mind _____ Zac. It’s a nice nickname

варіанти відповідей

а) calling

б) being called

в)having been called

Запитання 27

I really appreciate _____ this opportunity. I’ll do my best.

варіанти відповідей

а) giving

б) being given 

в) having been given

Запитання 28

She strongly objected to our _____ a fire. 

варіанти відповідей

а) making 

б) being made

в) having been made

Запитання 29


варіанти відповідей

а) loan

б) money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.

в) purchasing power

Запитання 30


варіанти відповідей

а) an owner of shares in a company or business

б) an manager in a company or business

в) a lawyer

Запитання 31


варіанти відповідей

а) wiining the lottery

б) the money that you make in business or by selling things, especially after paying the costs involved 

в) wages

Запитання 32

We used to be inseparable, but gradually.....

варіанти відповідей

а) drifted apart

б) settle down

в) cheat in relation

Запитання 33

Even though we have our .......I still love you

варіанти відповідей

а) ups and downs

б) in common 

в) broke up

Запитання 34

Rose didn't invite Max to her party which ....him

варіанти відповідей

а) accused 

б) offended

Запитання 35

When Max's sister fell in love with his best friend, things quickly.

варіанти відповідей

а) get complicated 

б) get bored 

в) get on with 

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