ZNO English

Додано: 21 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 164 рази
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (17–21). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Which of the advertisements deals with?

варіанти відповідей

A health care

B housework assistance 

C domestic IT support 

D a family journey

E car purchasing

F animal keeping

G an educational vacation

H an art competition

Запитання 2

Which of the advertisements deals with?

варіанти відповідей

A health care

B housework assistance 

C domestic IT support 

D a family journey

E car purchasing

F animal keeping

G an educational vacation

H an art competition

Запитання 3

Which of the advertisements deals with?

варіанти відповідей

A health care

B housework assistance 

C domestic IT support 

D a family journey

E car purchasing

F animal keeping

G an educational vacation

H an art competition

Запитання 4

Which of the advertisements deals with?

варіанти відповідей

A health care

B housework assistance 

C domestic IT support 

D a family journey

E car purchasing

F animal keeping

G an educational vacation

H an art competition

Запитання 5

Which of the advertisements deals with?

варіанти відповідей

A health care

B housework assistance 

C domestic IT support 

D a family journey

E car purchasing

F animal keeping

G an educational vacation

H an art competition

Запитання 6

Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (27–32). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

New Year Traditions

In the Czech Republic, fireworks light up the sky. In Prague, visitors can watch fantastic fireworks on the world-famous Charles Bridge after the clock strikes midnight. All across the country, people gather in pubs, clubs, and city squares to celebrate New Year.

Where do people... ? 

варіанти відповідей

A start celebrating with ritual sounds

B put flowers on the front door

C tidy up their homes to get rid of bad luck

D decorate cakes with candy roses

E put paper figures on fire

F go to public places to party together 

G associate bad luck with hair colour 

H have a fixed number of dishes

Запитання 7

In Ecuador, thousands of life-size dolls representing misfortunes from the past year are burnt in the streets. They are made from newspapers and pieces of wood, and at midnight everyone gathers outside their homes to burn the dolls together. Another interesting feature is that some men dress like women to ask for beer money. Kids will dress up too and ask for candy.

Where do people... ? 

варіанти відповідей

A start celebrating with ritual sounds

B put flowers on the front door

C tidy up their homes to get rid of bad luck

D decorate cakes with candy roses

E put paper figures on fire

F go to public places to party together 

G associate bad luck with hair colour 

H have a fixed number of dishes

Запитання 8

The Chinese Lunar New Year, or the “Spring Festival”, does not happen until late January or early February. Traditions vary across China, but many include cleaning. The grounds, the walls, and every corner of the house need to be cleaned to drive misfortunes away. Then the Chinese buy presents for loved ones, and children receive money in red paper envelopes.

Where do people... ? 

варіанти відповідей

A start celebrating with ritual sounds

B put flowers on the front door

C tidy up their homes to get rid of bad luck

D decorate cakes with candy roses

E put paper figures on fire

F go to public places to party together 

G associate bad luck with hair colour 

H have a fixed number of dishes

Запитання 9

On New Year’s Eve in Japan, Buddhist temples ring their bells 108 times to welcome Toshigami, the New Year’s God. The Japanese also send thank-you cards called “nengajo” that wish a Happy New Year and give thanks to friends and relatives.

Where do people... ? 

варіанти відповідей

A start celebrating with ritual sounds

B put flowers on the front door

C tidy up their homes to get rid of bad luck

D decorate cakes with candy roses

E put paper figures on fire

F go to public places to party together 

G associate bad luck with hair colour 

H have a fixed number of dishes

Запитання 10

Some people in Estonia believe that they should eat seven, nine, or twelve meals on New Year’s Eve. It is believed that the person gains more strength with each meal eaten. You don’t have to eat the entire meal, however – part of the meal is left unfinished for the spirits of ancestors who visit the house on New Year’s Eve

Where do people... ? 

варіанти відповідей

A start celebrating with ritual sounds

B put flowers on the front door

C tidy up their homes to get rid of bad luck

D decorate cakes with candy roses

E put paper figures on fire

F go to public places to party together 

G associate bad luck with hair colour 

H have a fixed number of dishes

Запитання 11

Single women of Ireland place mistletoe under their pillows on New Year’s night in the hope that it will bring them better luck and a future husband. Also, according to Irish superstition, be careful of who enters your home after the 31st of December – if the visitor is a tall, dark handsome man, a new year will bring good fortune. If it’s a red-headed woman, she will bring a lot of trouble.

Where do people... ? 

варіанти відповідей

A start celebrating with ritual sounds

B put flowers on the front door

C tidy up their homes to get rid of bad luck

D decorate cakes with candy roses

E put paper figures on fire

F go to public places to party together 

G associate bad luck with hair colour 

H have a fixed number of dishes

Запитання 12

Read the texts below. For questions (33–42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Going Whole Hog

“This room is a pigsty!” your father says, and you promise to clean it up – some time soon. But if you (38) __________ a pig, you will notice that a pigsty is not (39) __________ bad place to live. In fact, the pig’s pen (40) __________ be cleaner than your own bedroom!

No one knows for sure why pigs have their bad names. However, they have been slandered for thousands of years. Actually, pigs are smart, clean, curious, and social.

Smart pigs (41) __________ to hunt small game and sniff out truffles, the delicious, hard-to-find mushrooms that (42) __________ underground. They probably find as many truffles in a day as a dog could find in a week.

варіанти відповідей


will visit

has visited


Запитання 13

Going Whole Hog

“This room is a pigsty!” your father says, and you promise to clean it up – some time soon. But if you (38) __________ a pig, you will notice that a pigsty is not (39) __________ bad place to live. In fact, the pig’s pen (40) __________ be cleaner than your own bedroom!

No one knows for sure why pigs have their bad names. However, they have been slandered for thousands of years. Actually, pigs are smart, clean, curious, and social.

Smart pigs (41) __________ to hunt small game and sniff out truffles, the delicious, hard-to-find mushrooms that (42) __________ underground. They probably find as many truffles in a day as a dog could find in a week.

варіанти відповідей



so as

such a

Запитання 14

“This room is a pigsty!” your father says, and you promise to clean it up – some time soon. But if you (38) __________ a pig, you will notice that a pigsty is not (39) __________ bad place to live. In fact, the pig’s pen (40) __________ be cleaner than your own bedroom!

No one knows for sure why pigs have their bad names. However, they have been slandered for thousands of years. Actually, pigs are smart, clean, curious, and social.

Smart pigs (41) __________ to hunt small game and sniff out truffles, the delicious, hard-to-find mushrooms that (42) __________ underground. They probably find as many truffles in a day as a dog could find in a week.

варіанти відповідей


ought to



Запитання 15

This room is a pigsty!” your father says, and you promise to clean it up – some time soon. But if you (38) __________ a pig, you will notice that a pigsty is not (39) __________ bad place to live. In fact, the pig’s pen (40) __________ be cleaner than your own bedroom!

No one knows for sure why pigs have their bad names. However, they have been slandered for thousands of years. Actually, pigs are smart, clean, curious, and social.

Smart pigs (41) __________ to hunt small game and sniff out truffles, the delicious, hard-to-find mushrooms that (42) __________ underground. They probably find as many truffles in a day as a dog could find in a week.

варіанти відповідей

have trained

were training

have been trained

were trained

Запитання 16

“This room is a pigsty!” your father says, and you promise to clean it up – some time soon. But if you (38) __________ a pig, you will notice that a pigsty is not (39) __________ bad place to live. In fact, the pig’s pen (40) __________ be cleaner than your own bedroom!

No one knows for sure why pigs have their bad names. However, they have been slandered for thousands of years. Actually, pigs are smart, clean, curious, and social.

Smart pigs (41) __________ to hunt small game and sniff out truffles, the delicious, hard-to-find mushrooms that (42) __________ underground. They probably find as many truffles in a day as a dog could find in a week.

варіанти відповідей





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