ZNO Use of English 1

Додано: 28 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: ZNO Use of English 1
Тест виконано: 2 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Who is American named for?

Most people believe America is named for Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator 1) _________________________ sailed with Christopher Columbus the Caribbean and South America in 1499 and 1502. However, new countries or continents were never named for the Christian name of its discoverer; 2) _____________________ it would make sense to look for an explorer with a similar surname: that person is Richard Ameryk, a wealthy aristocratic merchant 3)_______________ in Bristol at the end of 4) ______________ century, who funded a voyage that reached America two years 5) ______________ than Columbus's voyage with Vespucci.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

Who is American named for?

Most people believe America is named for Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator 1) _________________________ sailed with Christopher Columbus the Caribbean and South America in 1499 and 1502. However, new countries or continents were never named for the Christian name of its discoverer; 2) _____________________ it would make sense to look for an explorer with a similar surname: that person is Richard Ameryk, a wealthy aristocratic merchant 3)_______________ in Bristol at the end of 4) ______________ century, who funded a voyage that reached America two years 5) ______________ than Columbus's voyage with Vespucci.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

Who is American named for?

Most people believe America is named for Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator 1) _________________________ sailed with Christopher Columbus the Caribbean and South America in 1499 and 1502. However, new countries or continents were never named for the Christian name of its discoverer; 2) _____________________ it would make sense to look for an explorer with a similar surname: that person is Richard Ameryk, a wealthy aristocratic merchant 3)_______________ in Bristol at the end of 4) ______________ century, who funded a voyage that reached America two years 5) ______________ than Columbus's voyage with Vespucci.

варіанти відповідей


having lived


was living

Запитання 4

Who is American named for?

Most people believe America is named for Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator 1) _________________________ sailed with Christopher Columbus the Caribbean and South America in 1499 and 1502. However, new countries or continents were never named for the Christian name of its discoverer; 2) _____________________ it would make sense to look for an explorer with a similar surname: that person is Richard Ameryk, a wealthy aristocratic merchant 3)_______________ in Bristol at the end of 4) ______________ century, who funded a voyage that reached America two years 5) ______________ than Columbus's voyage with Vespucci.

варіанти відповідей


the fifteenth


the fifteen

Запитання 5

Who is American named for?

Most people believe America is named for Amerigo Vespucci, the Italian navigator 1) _________________________ sailed with Christopher Columbus the Caribbean and South America in 1499 and 1502. However, new countries or continents were never named for the Christian name of its discoverer; 2) _____________________ it would make sense to look for an explorer with a similar surname: that person is Richard Ameryk, a wealthy aristocratic merchant 3)_______________ in Bristol at the end of 4) ______________ century, who funded a voyage that reached America two years 5) ______________ than Columbus's voyage with Vespucci.

варіанти відповідей


still earlier


much eralier

Запитання 6

What can harm your eyes?

There are lots of old 6) ___________________ tales about eyes and what you should and shouldn't do with them. Reading in poor light 7)_________________ to have no long-term adverse effect on eyesight. It does 8) _________________ much harm to your eyes as 9)_______________ a photo in poor light does to your camera. Reading in poor light may 10) ________________ you a headache and cause temporary eyestrain, but it won't cause permanent eye damage.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

What can harm your eyes?

There are lots of old 6) ___________________ tales about eyes and what you should and shouldn't do with them. Reading in poor light 7)_________________ to have no long-term adverse effect on eyesight. It does 8) _________________ much harm to your eyes as 9)_______________ a photo in poor light does to your camera. Reading in poor light may 10) ________________ you a headache and cause temporary eyestrain, but it won't cause permanent eye damage.

варіанти відповідей

has been shown

had been shown

had shown

has shown

Запитання 8

What can harm your eyes?

There are lots of old 6) ___________________ tales about eyes and what you should and shouldn't do with them. Reading in poor light 7)_________________ to have no long-term adverse effect on eyesight. It does 8) _________________ much harm to your eyes as 9)_______________ a photo in poor light does to your camera. Reading in poor light may 10) ________________ you a headache and cause temporary eyestrain, but it won't cause permanent eye damage.

варіанти відповідей


such as



Запитання 9

What can harm your eyes?

There are lots of old 6) ___________________ tales about eyes and what you should and shouldn't do with them. Reading in poor light 7)_________________ to have no long-term adverse effect on eyesight. It does 8) _________________ much harm to your eyes as 9)_______________ a photo in poor light does to your camera. Reading in poor light may 10) ________________ you a headache and cause temporary eyestrain, but it won't cause permanent eye damage.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

What can harm your eyes?

There are lots of old 6) ___________________ tales about eyes and what you should and shouldn't do with them. Reading in poor light 7)_________________ to have no long-term adverse effect on eyesight. It does 8) _________________ much harm to your eyes as 9)_______________ a photo in poor light does to your camera. Reading in poor light may 10) ________________ you a headache and cause temporary eyestrain, but it won't cause permanent eye damage.

варіанти відповідей


to be given

have given

to give

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