ZNO2 11 D

Додано: 14 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 117 разів
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Match choices (A-H) to texts (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

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Запитання 2

Match choices (A-H) to texts (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

варіанти відповідей

















Запитання 3

Match choices (A-H) to texts (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

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Запитання 4

Match choices (A-H) to texts (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

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Запитання 5

Match choices (A-H) to texts (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

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Запитання 6

Read the text below. Match choices (A — H) to (1 — 5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It

When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, “Wow! She’s got so much more about her than I thought” and “Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself”. It’s easy enough to let everyone around you know you’re something special — the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker.

So here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, “Look at me!”

Being loud isn’t a good way to get noticed. Quietness and a smile can be more interesting than someone who blurts everything out constantly. Be cool instead, and show people what you’re really about, rather than shouting it in their faces.

варіанти відповідей


We are talented!


Accept yourself for what you are.


Don’t pretend you know everything.


Idle talk is a bad habit.


Try to act in good faith.


Don’t talk behind people’s back.


Keep your voice down.


Be original.

Запитання 7

Read the text below. Match choices (A — H) to (1 — 5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It

When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, “Wow! She’s got so much more about her than I thought” and “Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself”. It’s easy enough to let everyone around you know you’re something special — the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker.

So here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, “Look at me!”

It may be tempting to try to bluff your way through a conversation. But if you don’t know much about the subject being discussed, you’ll get more kudos if you shut up and listen. You can’t lose — get your facts right and people will respect your wisdom, or stay quiet if you’re unsure and people will appreciate your honesty.

варіанти відповідей


We are talented!


Accept yourself for what you are.


Don’t pretend you know everything.


Idle talk is a bad habit.


Try to act in good faith.


Don’t talk behind people’s back.


Keep your voice down.


Be original.

Запитання 8

Read the text below. Match choices (A — H) to (1 — 5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It

When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, “Wow! She’s got so much more about her than I thought” and “Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself”. It’s easy enough to let everyone around you know you’re something special — the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker.

So here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, “Look at me!”

Toning down your gossip factor will show there’s much more to you than people may think. Your mates will trust you and your reputation will sky-rocket. Gossiping gives negative vibes to other people.

варіанти відповідей


We are talented!


Accept yourself for what you are.


Don’t pretend you know everything.


Idle talk is a bad habit.


Try to act in good faith.


Don’t talk behind people’s back.


Keep your voice down.


Be original.

Запитання 9

Read the text below. Match choices (A — H) to (1 — 5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It

When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, “Wow! She’s got so much more about her than I thought” and “Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself”. It’s easy enough to let everyone around you know you’re something special — the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker.

So here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, “Look at me!”

Choose things to do that you love doing and not because everyone else is doing them. If you are passionate about something, and enjoying it, you’ll have more energy and people will be attracted to you — and you might even be the person who starts a new trend.

варіанти відповідей


We are talented!


Accept yourself for what you are.


Don’t pretend you know everything.


Idle talk is a bad habit.


Try to act in good faith.


Don’t talk behind people’s back.


Keep your voice down.


Be original.

Запитання 10

Read the text below. Match choices (A — H) to (1 — 5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

You’re Amazing, So Make Sure People Know It

When it comes to telling the world how wonderful you are, there’s a fine line between having other people think, “Wow! She’s got so much more about her than I thought” and “Blimey! I wish she’d shut up about herself”. It’s easy enough to let everyone around you know you’re something special — the trick is doing it without trying too hard or looking like an attention seeker.

So here’s how to get the attention you deserve without screaming, “Look at me!”

We may not be superhuman beings, but remember, each and every one of us has something going on that’s worth shouting about. It’s a fact — everyone is an individual and that’s what makes you who you are. Be proud of why you’re different. If you love who you are, people are more likely to love you too.

варіанти відповідей


We are talented!


Accept yourself for what you are.


Don’t pretend you know everything.


Idle talk is a bad habit.


Try to act in good faith.


Don’t talk behind people’s back.


Keep your voice down.


Be original.

Запитання 11

Read the text below. For questions (6–11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, or D).

The Magic of Friendship

Relationships make the world go round - everyone is seeking someone who will love and understand them. And that's just as true of friendship as it is of romantic relationships. In many countries, especially in tribal cultures, friendship is admired and marked by rituals - from blood brotherhood to blessed 'marriages' between friends - that formalize an unbreakable bond. Friendship can so often happen by the purest chance, but what is it that makes you compatible with one person and not another? It may lie in the stars - your Zodiac sign can reveal the type of friend you are and who might be a suitable best friend.Certainly, with your very best friend you can feel that you are 'soul mates' - and in such cases, you can be sure that your friendship goes beyond your shared taste in music!

Historically, friendship has been regarded far more highly than it is today. As time has passed and society's emphasis has shifted from friendship to romantic partnerships, the formality surrounding our relations with friends has diminished. Friendship is very often seen as secondary to relationships between lovers.

The Greeks and Romans celebrated classical friendships - platonic relationships with many of the characteristic of modern-day love. In Greek mythology, for example, famous friendships existed between male heroes, such as Achilles and Patroclus.

Later, during the Renaissance, this type of friendship made a reappearance in the form of romantic friendship. In these relations it was not usual for friends to set up home together as 'husband and wife'.

Many of the sentimental things we see lovers doing today - writing poems, holding hands, carving each other's names on tree trunks - would then have been practised by close friends. These romantic friendships existed between women only into the early part of the 20th century, but something of their intensity still survives between best friends today. 

The author ______ .

варіанти відповідей

wonders how people make friends

celebrates the reappearance of romantic friendship

tries make sense of friendship

traces the evolution of the notion of friendship

Запитання 12

Read the text below. For questions (6–11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, or D).

The Magic of Friendship

Relationships make the world go round - everyone is seeking someone who will love and understand them. And that's just as true of friendship as it is of romantic relationships. In many countries, especially in tribal cultures, friendship is admired and marked by rituals - from blood brotherhood to blessed 'marriages' between friends - that formalize an unbreakable bond. Friendship can so often happen by the purest chance, but what is it that makes you compatible with one person and not another? It may lie in the stars - your Zodiac sign can reveal the type of friend you are and who might be a suitable best friend.Certainly, with your very best friend you can feel that you are 'soul mates' - and in such cases, you can be sure that your friendship goes beyond your shared taste in music!

Historically, friendship has been regarded far more highly than it is today. As time has passed and society's emphasis has shifted from friendship to romantic partnerships, the formality surrounding our relations with friends has diminished. Friendship is very often seen as secondary to relationships between lovers.

The Greeks and Romans celebrated classical friendships - platonic relationships with many of the characteristic of modern-day love. In Greek mythology, for example, famous friendships existed between male heroes, such as Achilles and Patroclus.

Later, during the Renaissance, this type of friendship made a reappearance in the form of romantic friendship. In these relations it was not usual for friends to set up home together as 'husband and wife'.

Many of the sentimental things we see lovers doing today - writing poems, holding hands, carving each other's names on tree trunks - would then have been practised by close friends. These romantic friendships existed between women only into the early part of the 20th century, but something of their intensity still survives between best friends today.

Everyone is looking for ______.

варіанти відповідей

a blessed 'marriage'

blood brotherhood

an unbreakable bond

love and personal support

Запитання 13

Read the text below. For questions (6–11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, or D).

The Magic of Friendship

Relationships make the world go round - everyone is seeking someone who will love and understand them. And that's just as true of friendship as it is of romantic relationships. In many countries, especially in tribal cultures, friendship is admired and marked by rituals - from blood brotherhood to blessed 'marriages' between friends - that formalize an unbreakable bond. Friendship can so often happen by the purest chance, but what is it that makes you compatible with one person and not another? It may lie in the stars - your Zodiac sign can reveal the type of friend you are and who might be a suitable best friend.Certainly, with your very best friend you can feel that you are 'soul mates' - and in such cases, you can be sure that your friendship goes beyond your shared taste in music!

Historically, friendship has been regarded far more highly than it is today. As time has passed and society's emphasis has shifted from friendship to romantic partnerships, the formality surrounding our relations with friends has diminished. Friendship is very often seen as secondary to relationships between lovers.

The Greeks and Romans celebrated classical friendships - platonic relationships with many of the characteristic of modern-day love. In Greek mythology, for example, famous friendships existed between male heroes, such as Achilles and Patroclus.

Later, during the Renaissance, this type of friendship made a reappearance in the form of romantic friendship. In these relations it was not usual for friends to set up home together as 'husband and wife'.

Many of the sentimental things we see lovers doing today - writing poems, holding hands, carving each other's names on tree trunks - would then have been practised by close friends. These romantic friendships existed between women only into the early part of the 20th century, but something of their intensity still survives between best friends today. 

Your Zodiac sign reveals ______ .

варіанти відповідей

personal information about you

suitable close friend

your taste in music

your soul mate

Запитання 14

Read the text below. For questions (6–11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, or D).

The Magic of Friendship

Relationships make the world go round - everyone is seeking someone who will love and understand them. And that's just as true of friendship as it is of romantic relationships. In many countries, especially in tribal cultures, friendship is admired and marked by rituals - from blood brotherhood to blessed 'marriages' between friends - that formalize an unbreakable bond. Friendship can so often happen by the purest chance, but what is it that makes you compatible with one person and not another? It may lie in the stars - your Zodiac sign can reveal the type of friend you are and who might be a suitable best friend.Certainly, with your very best friend you can feel that you are 'soul mates' - and in such cases, you can be sure that your friendship goes beyond your shared taste in music!

Historically, friendship has been regarded far more highly than it is today. As time has passed and society's emphasis has shifted from friendship to romantic partnerships, the formality surrounding our relations with friends has diminished. Friendship is very often seen as secondary to relationships between lovers.

The Greeks and Romans celebrated classical friendships - platonic relationships with many of the characteristic of modern-day love. In Greek mythology, for example, famous friendships existed between male heroes, such as Achilles and Patroclus.

Later, during the Renaissance, this type of friendship made a reappearance in the form of romantic friendship. In these relations it was not usual for friends to set up home together as 'husband and wife'.

Many of the sentimental things we see lovers doing today - writing poems, holding hands, carving each other's names on tree trunks - would then have been practised by close friends. These romantic friendships existed between women only into the early part of the 20th century, but something of their intensity still survives between best friends today. 

You and your very best friend ______ .

варіанти відповідей

feel that you are 'soul mates'

agree about most things

have common physical traits

share a common taste in music

Запитання 15

Read the text below. For questions (6–11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, or D).

The Magic of Friendship

Relationships make the world go round - everyone is seeking someone who will love and understand them. And that's just as true of friendship as it is of romantic relationships. In many countries, especially in tribal cultures, friendship is admired and marked by rituals - from blood brotherhood to blessed 'marriages' between friends - that formalize an unbreakable bond. Friendship can so often happen by the purest chance, but what is it that makes you compatible with one person and not another? It may lie in the stars - your Zodiac sign can reveal the type of friend you are and who might be a suitable best friend.Certainly, with your very best friend you can feel that you are 'soul mates' - and in such cases, you can be sure that your friendship goes beyond your shared taste in music!

Historically, friendship has been regarded far more highly than it is today. As time has passed and society's emphasis has shifted from friendship to romantic partnerships, the formality surrounding our relations with friends has diminished. Friendship is very often seen as secondary to relationships between lovers.

The Greeks and Romans celebrated classical friendships - platonic relationships with many of the characteristic of modern-day love. In Greek mythology, for example, famous friendships existed between male heroes, such as Achilles and Patroclus.

Later, during the Renaissance, this type of friendship made a reappearance in the form of romantic friendship. In these relations it was not usual for friends to set up home together as 'husband and wife'.

Many of the sentimental things we see lovers doing today - writing poems, holding hands, carving each other's names on tree trunks - would then have been practised by close friends. These romantic friendships existed between women only into the early part of the 20th century, but something of their intensity still survives between best friends today.

Platonic relationships ______ .

варіанти відповідей

are a thing of the past

were usual only for women

existed between Greek heroes

are a modern phenomenon

Запитання 16

Read the text below. For questions (6–11) choose the correct answer (А, В, C, or D).

The Magic of Friendship

Relationships make the world go round - everyone is seeking someone who will love and understand them. And that's just as true of friendship as it is of romantic relationships. In many countries, especially in tribal cultures, friendship is admired and marked by rituals - from blood brotherhood to blessed 'marriages' between friends - that formalize an unbreakable bond. Friendship can so often happen by the purest chance, but what is it that makes you compatible with one person and not another? It may lie in the stars - your Zodiac sign can reveal the type of friend you are and who might be a suitable best friend.Certainly, with your very best friend you can feel that you are 'soul mates' - and in such cases, you can be sure that your friendship goes beyond your shared taste in music!

Historically, friendship has been regarded far more highly than it is today. As time has passed and society's emphasis has shifted from friendship to romantic partnerships, the formality surrounding our relations with friends has diminished. Friendship is very often seen as secondary to relationships between lovers.

The Greeks and Romans celebrated classical friendships - platonic relationships with many of the characteristic of modern-day love. In Greek mythology, for example, famous friendships existed between male heroes, such as Achilles and Patroclus.

Later, during the Renaissance, this type of friendship made a reappearance in the form of romantic friendship. In these relations it was not usual for friends to set up home together as 'husband and wife'.

Many of the sentimental things we see lovers doing today - writing poems, holding hands, carving each other's names on tree trunks - would then have been practised by close friends. These romantic friendships existed between women only into the early part of the 20th century, but something of their intensity still survives between best friends today.

Carving each other's names on tree trunks ______ .

варіанти відповідей

is a symbol of platonic friendships nowadays

is a tradition that romantic partners practice in modern time

was celebrated during marriage rituals in the 20th century

was introduced only in the early part of the 21st century

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