The history of slavery in America (Презентація)

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Презентація містить: текстовий матеріал, відео, глосарій, питання для самоперевірки, а також список художніх творів, в яких висвітлена тема рабства.
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Рабство у США

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The notes on the photographs give little clues as to the identity of the slaves: their names, plantations, and tribes. According to this note, the American recognized her ancestors in the pictures of slaves in the Harvard Museum. She sued the university

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The colonizers who descended upon the Indians were commercial adventurers, wealth-seekers, capitalists and land speculators. The speculators sold land in the southern regions to planters who wanted to raise tobacco, cotton and sugar; and the planters needed field-workers. At first they tried to capture and use Indians. But the American Indians never made good slaves: in captivity they died like flies. So the colonists started bringing convicts from the prisons of Europe as labour, and also Negroes from Africa. In the year 1619 a Dutch ship, the Treasurer, landed at Jamestown, Virginia, with the first 20 black slaves in chains for the planters. Though slavery was legal only in the Southern colonies, trading companies in the North were much to blame for developing the slave-trade. Every year ships from Boston, Newport, Bristol and other ports sailed off to Africa to obtain this "profitable commodity". The hardships the Negroes had to suffer during the voyage to America were terrific. Often more than half of them suffocated in the hold of the ship where they were held during the voyage, and their bodies were thrown overboard.

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During the following decades the black population of America in¬creased rapidly. In the regions where the Blacks far outnumbered their white masters, the latter treated their slaves with utmost cruelty to keep them in subjection. Attempts to escape were not the only means employed by the slaves to free themselves of their oppressors. The intolerable conditions of the Blacks provoked them to no less than 25 rebellions in the colonies before the American War of Independence. Not only were Negroes bought and sold. The shipping companies also organized the kidnapping of white children twelve and thirteen years of age. In 1627 ships arrived bringing 1,500 children kidnapped by "spirits" in European ports. These were sold as slaves to the planters.

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Another type of white slaves imported to America were poor wretches from the cities and villages of Ireland, Scotland and other countries. These were poor artisans and peasants, unable to pay their passage to America, and ready to risk everything to save their families from starvation. They signed contracts called indentures before leaving the Old World, and became "indentured servants". This indenture bound the owner or master of the ship to transport them to the New World, and bound the passenger to serve some master in America a number of years (usually seven years). On reaching the port of destination the owner or master of the ship sold them for their passage to the highest bidder. This buying and selling of immigrants continued long after the colonies became the United States.

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The history of slavery in America Exjqb1z. U&ab_channel=FRANCE24 English. Slavery in America: the US commemorates the arrival of the first African slaves in 1619

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The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard NXC4 Q_4 JVg&ab_channel=TED-Ed

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The theme of slavery in the works of writers. Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom's Cabin. Margaret Mitchell - Gone with the Wind. Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Mark Twain) - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Thomas Mayne Reid - The Quadroon: or, A Lover's Adventures in Louisiana Toni Morrison (born Chloe Ardelia Wofford; 1931 – 2019), an American novelist. The critically acclaimed Song of Solomon (1977) brought her national attention and won the National Book Critics Circle Award. In 1988, Morrison won the Pulitzer Prize for Beloved (1987); She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993.

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Richard Hildreth (June 28, 1807 – July 11, 1865), was an American journalist, author and historian. He is best known for writing his six-volume History of the United States of America covering 1497–1821 and published 1840-1853«The white slave»In one review to the book it was written “Slavery terrifies us, the people of the twenty-first century, but there were other times ... times where it was the norm and not only the slave owners, but also the slaves themselves thought so ...”All literary and social activities of the author of the novel "The White Slave", Richard Hildreth, are associated with a broad democratic movement to abolish the slavery of blacks. But the abolition is not by revolutionary methods, but by parliamentary ones. The book gives an idea of the peculiarities of the socio-political situation that has developed in the southern slave states and in the North. The author's intention - to show all aspects of the plantation system - is implemented widely and truthfully. Hildreth exposes the hypocrisy of the slave owners who pretend to be enlightened supporters of freedom and progress.

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