Урок .2клас "Зовнішність"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови 2 клас. Тема "Зовнішність" за підручником Г. Мітчелл
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Form : 2

Topic: Appearance

Aim: to identify parts of the face;

          to talk about physical appearance.

Vocabulary: mouth, nose, ear, eye, hair, head, big, small

Structures: He has got (  big ears).

                    She has got ( a small nose).

Materials: picture of Red Fox, cards with the numbers of groups, HO, computer, student’s book Smart Junior 2 by H. Mitchell


  1. Greeting

T: Good morning, dear children!

P: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: How are you?

P: I’m OK.

(Hello! | Super Simple Songs

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVlcKp3bWH8 )

(Note: All songs and poems in this lesson are performed with appropriate movements)

  1. Aim.

Today you’ll revise the names of parts of the face and practice the use of them in games and exercises. We’re going to sing lots of songs and to have lots of fun. And now let’s start our lesson.

  1. Warming up

A)T: Touch your mouth (say mouth a few times and encourage pupils to touch their mouth and repeat after me)

Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the parts of the face (nose, eyes, ears)

B) Game “Simon says”

T: I shall give orders about what you have to do. You must not perform the action if it isn’t preceded by the words, Simon says,  for example, Simon says touch your nose .

C)T: Look! Who has at last come to us. It’s а fox - a Red Fox!  Say hello to our Fox!

img-thing Ps: Hello, Fox! – Hello.

 Hello, Red Fox! Nice to meet you! – Nice to meet you, too.     

T: Let’s get acquainted with our guest!

Ps: - What is your name?

  • How old are you?
  • Where do you live?
  • Do you like our school?


  1. Main part of the lesson
  1. Vocabulary Practice

T: Children. Our Red Fox only start to study of Englisn. She is very diligent, so she already has a lot going on. But she told me in secret that she had not yet learned the words about  parts of face.. Let's repeat all the necessary words with you and tell her everything.

(Pupils open their books to page 46 and point out the words and phrases in the vocabulary section. Teacher says a few times and pupils point to the words and phrases and repeat. Next teacher says the words and phrases in random order and pupils repeat and point)

  1. Listening Comprehension. 

Fox: Thank you children! Now let’s play the game.

Game «Clap Your Hands».

(The Red Fox calls different words, pupils should, if they hear the necessary word, clap in the hands)

Fox: a window, a mouth, a pen, a head, an eye,  a door, a hair, a car, an ear, a nose.


Fox: Thank you, children. Thank you very much!

And now tell me, please, what I have.


Game «Stamp Your Feet».

 (The Red Fox calls different words, pupils should, if they hear the necessary word, stamp on the feet ).

Fox: a window, two ears, big eyes, a bag, a bed, a small nose,  a car, a head, a banana, a mouth, a shelf


Fox: Thank you, children. Thank you very much!

  1. Speaking and Physical Activity

T:Do you like songs with actions?  Do you like karaoke?

(Сlass is divided into groups, on the desk are cards with the numbers of groups. Songs are accompanied by actions)

1.One Little Finger | featuring Noodle & Pals | Super Simple Songs


2.Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes - Exercise Song For Kids


3.If You're Happy | Super Simple Songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4WNrvVjiTw

4.How Many Fingers? | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs


  1. Grammar Revision and Practice.


1.Teacher points to a boy with brown hair and says: He has got brown hair. Next she points to a girl with blue eyes and says: She has got blue eyes.

2.  She writes the sentences on the board and encourage pupils to guess their meaning. 3. Next she reads the sentences in the Grammar Box aloud and pupils repeat their.

4.Work of pair.

Pupil points to another pupil and says a sentence describing his/her hair, eyes, e.g

  1.  Revising the Material

HO1 Pupils listen to the texts and they point to the children in the order they hear their descriptions.


C:\Users\Сім’я Карначових\Desktop\photo_2020-10-19_23-19-41.jpg


  1. This is Johnny. He has got  fair hair and blue eyes.
  2. This is Bobby. He has got brown hair and green eyes.
  3. This is Laura.  She has got fair hair and brown eyes.
  4. This is Sue. She has got brown hair and brown eyes.


Game “ Find Friend”

Pupils go round the  classroom  and point  pupils  for their descriptions.


  1. Suming-up


1. Summarizing.

T: Thank you, dear children, for your work today. How are you now? (- Fine, thank you.)

Are you happy? (-Yes, we are) / Are you sad? (- No, we are not)

Let’s ask our guest how  she is and did she like our lesson.

Ps: How are you, Red Fox?

Fox: I am great! Thank you! I like your lesson and your work very much!

Fox: What a happy, happy day!

 Boys and girls are very gay,

 They dance and play,

 What a happy, happy day!

T: Thank you, Red Fox! Goodbye! Come to us again!

Ps: Goodbye, Red Fox!

Fox: Good bye, children!

2. Home Assignment.

Exercise 1-3, p.27 (Wb)

Т: Our lesson is over! Now, stand up, please! Good bye, children! See you next lesson!






28 грудня 2020
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