Урок англійської мови. Тема: «Моє улюблене свято»

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 4 клас       Тема: «Моє улюблене свято»

Мета уроку: активізувати раніше вивчену лексику з теми: Свята; продовжити формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; розвивати пам’ять, логічне мислення, мову і мовлення, мовну здогадку; виховувати повагу до традицій та свят різних народів, зацікавленість у пізнанні нового.

Очікуваний результат: на кінець уроку учні розрізняють найвідоміші свята світу, вміють вести невеличкий діалог про улюблене свято, орієнтуються у датах відзначення найпоширеніших свят.


I Beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting.

T:  - Hello, students.

Ps: - Hello, teacher.

T: - I’m glad to see you!

Ps: - We are glad to see you, too!

2. The aim of the lesson.

T: Today, we’re going to work over the topic: “Let’s celebrate the holiday!”

During the lesson we ‘re going to revise our knowledge about the most famous holidays of the world and listen to the dialogues, make your own ones. We’ll work over the cards and the workbook and also do some tasks with the pictures.

II. Main body.

1. Warming up.

Answer the questions:

  • Do you like holidays?
  • What holidays do you know?
  • What is your favourite holiday?

2. Presentation. Vocabulary work.

T: We all like holidays. There are a lot of holidays in the year and in different countries of the world. Some of them are very popular, some are not. Every person has his or her favourite holiday. As for me, I like some holiday, especially my birthday, New Year and Teacher’s Day because I’ve got a lot of presents and good wishes on these days.

 Look at the pictures of different holidays and repeat the words after me.

 Let’s write down the names of these holidays into your vocabularies.

New Year – Новий рік

Christmas – Різдво

St Valentine’s Day – День Святого Валентина

Mother’s Day – Міжнародний жіночий день

Easter – Великдень

St Nicholas Day – День Святого Миколая

3. Listening. Ex. 1 p. 52. Listen, point and repeat.

4. Look at the picture and say what holiday is this:

Send your Mum a special Mother's Day message for FREE in the M.E.N -  Manchester Evening News     What is Easter Monday? - Easter Greetings Sayings    History of Christmas - Origins, Traditions & Facts - HISTORY

St. Valentine's Day Blessing and Social (Feb. 5) - Saints Peter and Paul  Jesuit Church  Santa Claus Myra Saint Nicholas Day, PNG, 423x663px, Santa Claus, Bishop,  Christmas, Christmas Decoration, Christmas Ornament Download Free4 Ways to Celebrate the New Year - wikiHow New Year's Eve in Lanzarote 2021

KEY: Mother’s Day, Easter, Christmas, St Valentine’s Day, St Nicholas Day, New Year.

5. Listening and reading. Ex. 2 p. 52

Look. Then listen and say.

  • What is Ann’s favourite month? Why?
  • What is Jane’s favourite holiday? Why?
  •  What is your favourite holiday?

T: Let’s read to the dialogue by the roles.

3. Revision of the months.

T: Let’s revise months of the year. How many of them?(12)

Amazon.com: Scholastic TF2502 Months of The Year Chart, Multiple Colors :  Friend, Teacher's: Books

6. Physical activity.

Let’s have a rest:

Look at the window, look at the door.

Look at the ceiling, look at the floor.

Look at me. Sit down, please.

7. Work in the workbook. Ex. 1 p.33.

Circle the odd one out.

1  A New Year       B Christmas Day     C Easter              D September

2 A flowers            B spring                    C presents          D balloons

3 A Thursday         B January                 C July                   D March

4 A December       B Christmas Day     C St Nicholas Day     D St Valentine’s Day

8. Work on the worksheet:


Holidays and traditions - simple present worksheet

9. Speaking. Ex. 4 p. 52. Ask and answer in pairs.

A: What is your favourite holiday?

B: … ( My favourite holiday is Ner Year)

A: Why do you like it?

B: … ( I like a New Year’s tree and presents.)

III. Summary.

  • What is your favourite holiday?
  • Why do you like this holiday?
  • When do you celebrate your favourite holiday?

Homework. Ex. 2 p. 52 - чит. за ролями; WB Ex. 2,3 p. 33


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, 4 клас, Сценарії
18 грудня 2022
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