Урок англійської мови у 5 класі "What colour is nature?"

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Form 5


  • to activate using the vocabulary on the topic;
  • to drill skills in listening and reading;
  • to develop skills in dialogue and monologue speech;
  • to practice grammar habits (Present Simple interrogative)
  • to enrich pupils’ knowledge about British National Parks, London Zoo and Art Gallery.



I Warming up

T: We live on the planet Earth. Our life is full of wonders. We can listen to the wind blow, watch the sun shine or just walk in the rain… Watch a video and try to ask some incredible questions like – Where does the sun live? – and think if you can answer them.

(Video clip)

Possible questions and answers: (P1 →P2 )

  • Where does the sun live? (May be, it lives in the sky.)
  • Where does the wind blow? (It blows wherever it wants.)
  • Why is the sky blue? (Because the sun poured out the blue colour.)
  • Why are the mountains so high? (Because they grow very quickly.)
  • How does the snow smell? (It smells like the frost in winter and like the flower in summer.)

II Speaking

T: So today we’re going to speak about nature, its creatures and geographical features. But at first I’d like to give you some beautiful boxes with surprises. Please, don’t open them. You’ll do it at the end of the lesson.

(boxes with surprises)

T: Now let’s start with some quotations about nature. Choose a stripe with the beginning or the ending of a quote, then match them, discuss in pairs and give your comments.

  1. P1; P2 (red) Before you can smell the roses, you must first plant them.
  2. P3; P4 (orange) Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower.
  3. P5; P6 (yellow) Birds are nature’s musicians… and their concerts are free.
  4. P7; P8 (green) The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth.
  5. P9; P10 (blue) Before there can be a rainbow. There must first be rain.
  6. P11; P12 (violet) We kill caterpillars, and yet we wonder why there are no butterflies.

T: What does out “picture” look like? (A rainbow)

T: Look at the screen, please. There is a rainbow here but each colour has one highlighted letter. Join them together to make up one word. (NATURE)

V       I       O       L       E       T

B       L       U       E

G       R       E       E       N

Y       E       L       L       O       W

O       R       A       N       G       E

R       E       D


T: What colour is nature?

P1 : Nature is red because red is for roses and ripe fruit.

P2 : Nature is orange because orange is for pumpkins and melons.

P3 : Nature is yellow because yellow is for the sun and a lemon.

P4 : Nature is green because green is for the grass and trees.

P5 : Nature is blue because blue is for the sky and the rain.

P6 : Nature is violet because violet is for eggplants and violets.

T: So nature is multicoloured. And where can we watch the real beauty of nature? (In national parks, in the zoo…)

III  Monologue speech. Listening

T: Today we’ve invited the representatives of 3 different agencies that would present you some interesting information. Listen and say where you’d like to go.

(Pupils’ projects followed up by the presentations)

Presentation 1: British Natural History Museum (about national parks in Great Britain)

British Natural History Museum

Welcome to Natural History Museum in Britain. We would like to inform you that our following theme week is devoted to British National Parks. So you can get acquainted with all national parks of Great Britain. There are 15 national parks in Great Britain but the Lake District is one of the biggest and the most famous.

The Lake District National Park is in the north of England. There are 15 National Parks in Britain, but the Lake District is bigger than the others. It is about 55 kilometres from east to west and 55 kilometres from north to south. There are mountains, lakes, woods, towns, villages and even some beaches.

The Lake District is famous for its beautiful scenery. There are a lot of mountains and hundreds of hills. There are 16 large lakes, and many smaller ones. This area has also got a lot of different animals: for example, you can see rare animals like the red squirrel and the Golden Eagle.

Over 40,000 people live and work in the Lake District. There are also many visitors every year. You can go walking and climbing in the hills, and go swimming and sailing on the lakes. You can also visit many pretty villages and towns, and the homes of two famous English writers: William Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter. It is a very popular place for visitors because there is something for everyone!

Another beautiful national park is Loch Lomond. It is in Scotland, only 30 minutes from Glasgow by car. You can get to Glasgow by car, by railway, by air or by coach.  There are old Scottish castles, now changed into hotels. You can find traditional Scottish dishes in all our local restaurants. The Sunday bazaar in Loch Lomond Market Square is an attraction for all tourists who are looking for special souvenirs. You can see the large collection of paintings, guns, costumes and jewellery in Loch Lomond Museum. A visit to the castle will give you a taste of life in the past. Take the Lake Tour to the Loch Lomond area to have a complete visit of the Park.

 Our national parks are a real attraction for tourists. You can have a rest, watch beautiful scenery or just enjoy your holiday in the picturesque corners of Great Britain.


 Presentation 2: London Zoo (about animals)

London Zoo

We would like to present you the information about an attractive place in London. It’s London Zoo, one of the most famous zoos in the world. It’s situated in the heart of London, on the north side of Regent's Park. The Zoo has got the first reptile house, the first public aquarium, insect house and children's zoo. Today the Zoo looks after 650 animal species, of which 112 species are listed in the Red Data books. London Zoo is the world's oldest zoo. It was opened in London in 1828.

It’s interesting to know that London Zoo started the idea of showing off animals in their natural habitat. We opened the Mappin Terrace and it was the first time that members of the public could see animals in natural environment.

So you can meet a lot of different animals in our wonderful zoo, such as elephants, polar bears, tigers, hippos, deer and others. You can see giraffes, zebras and other African animals in the Cotton Terraces, and the monkeys, chimpanzees and gorillas are housed near the entrance. You can be surprised to see the astonishing giant Amazonian fish. Animal performances are still a big attraction, and you should remember to check the feeding times to make sure you don’t miss the Animals in Action show. If you want to learn about the world’s ecosystem, then get a ticket for the Web of Life. This contains 60 animal exhibits ranging from ants, termites and jellyfish, to flying birds and stinging bees.

We have a new Penguin Beach, which is great fun and is well designed with underwater panels so that you can see the penguins “flying” underwater.

We recommend you to visit this special place, because a day in London Zoo is the perfect day out for the whole family. There’s a lot to do, plenty to see and so much to learn. Get closer to your favourite animals, learn more about them and watch them show their skills at our daily events. By visiting London Zoo, you help us protect endangered species and bring useful minutes for the people of all ages.


 Presentation 3: The Art Gallery (about the most attractive cities in the world)

The Art Gallery

 Welcome to the new Art Gallery in Kyiv! We are organizing our first exhibition. It is devoted to the most attractive cities in the world. Today we are going to present 5 top world cities.

 Paris, France

The ‘City of Light’ has some of the most wonderful and well-known places in the world such as the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral. Paris is the most elegant and sophisticated of all cities.

 Venice, Italy

A city on the water, Venice holds historic charm. The city has more than 150 canals and is connected by 400 bridges. Venice is the most beautiful city in the world. Each building is a work of art.

London, UK

London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. You can watch the Palace of Westminster, Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus or Tower Bridge. London is home to many museums, galleries, libraries and sporting events. While visiting London you may travel by the London Underground or a famous double-decker. 

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

There are those who say God created the world in six days and devoted a seventh to Rio. It’s the most naturally beautiful city in the world. Rio is surrounded by mountains, it’s home to miles of white-sand beaches and rainforests

Kyiv, Ukraine

Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is one of the most beautiful cities of the world. There are many museums, theatres, cultural buildings, libraries, concert halls in the capital of Ukraine. You can watch a lot of interesting places such as St. Sophia Cathedral, Kiev Pechersk Lavra,  St. Andrew's Church,  the Golden Gate, monuments to famous people and others.

 So welcome to our gallery and you will see everything with your own eyes.


IV Dialogue speech. Listening.

T: Before visiting these places we should certainly phone them. Listen to the phone conversation and be ready to make a phone call.

Clerk   Good afternoon. Bronx Zoo.

James   Good afternoon. Can you give me some information about the  zoo, please?

Clerk   Certainly. How can I help you?

James  What are your opening times?

Clerk   We open at 9 and close at quarter to six. But we don't sell tickets after five o'clock.

James   How much does it cost to get in?

Clerk    It's $14 for adults and $8 for children under 12.

James   How much is it for students?

Clerk    For students it's $10.

James   OK, thanks very much.

Clerk   You're welcome.  Thank you for calling Bronx Zoo. Have a nice day.

James  Goodbye.

Clerk   Goodbye.

(Pupils phone the  British Natural History Museum,

London Zoo, The Art Gallery in Kyiv)



V Speaking

T: Say where you would like to go and why.

Possible answers:

P1 : I would like to go to London Zoo because I enjoy watching the animals in their natural habitat.

P2 : As for me it’s interesting to visit the British Natural History Museum because they could help me choose the national park to go.

P3 : I’d like to visit the Art Gallery because I’m interested in culture and I want to know more about the most attractive cities in the world.

T: Now you may open your boxes with surprises. (There are ribbons of different colours inside.) Stick your ribbons to the pole to make a rainbow-flower.

T: Wherever we live or go, whatever we do or create, we should always remember that the Earth does not belong to us, but we belong to the Earth. So let’s keep it clean and bright like a rainbow. (“Rainbow song”)

Rainbow song

Oh, I like red, it's the color of an apple,

Orange, it's the color of an orange,

Yellow, it's a lemon and our wonderful sun, sun, sun,

Green, it's the color of the trees

 And lots of things that grow,

And then there's blue for the sky,

And purple, that's a color that's fun, fun, fun.

And when we put those colors side by side,

Now what do you think we've done?

We've made a rainbow

And it's a really beautiful one, one, one.

VI Summarizing

Home task: Write a postcard to a friend describing the place you last visited.

T: Let your life be multicoloured like a rainbow and let the rainbow be always present in your life.



Filipchuk Oksana
16 грудня 2022
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