Урок англійської мови з теми "I am at school" за підр. А.Несвіт

Про матеріал

Даний конспект розроблений за підручником А.Несвіт за 2 клас. Конспект розоблений на основі нового Державного стандарту початкової освіти НУШ. Усі завдання спрямовані на розвиток уваги, пам'яті учнівб розвиток навичок мовлення, групової парної та індивідуальної роботи. Ігри, включені у конспект мають не лише розважальну, але й навчальну спрямованість.

Перегляд файлу

Topic: Can you give me a pen?

Objectives: introducing and practicing new vocabulary;

  revising previously taught vocabulary;

  revising language chunk “Can you give me a …?”;

  developing reading skills;

  developing speaking skills;

  promoting interest in studying.



Good morning children. “Let’s shake hands” song



At this lesson we’ll continue speaking about school things. In the end of our lesson you’ll be able to ask for a supply and know all the necessary school supplies.

Warming up


“Ball – game”

Pupils make a circle. The teacher throws a ball to a pupil and name the word. If it’s connected to school supplies pupils catch it, if it’s not they push it away.

Vocabulary presentation and practicing


1)Ex.1 p. 126

The teacher steaks the pictures of school supplies on the board (the words are written under the pictures) and repeat it in several different ways (loudly, quietly, singing). Then the teacher steaks the second picture doing the same task. Now the teacher together with pupils repeat two words, then they add the next word and so on.

2)“Disappearing word”

The teacher asks pupils to close their eyes and takes one picture from the board, pupils have to name all words including the disappeared word. Then the teacher asks again to close pupils’ eyes and does the same. The teacher continues doing it until all the words are gone and pupils name all the words themselves.


1)Pupils sing “Count 1 – 20” song

2) Ex. 2 p. 126

Children work in pairs. The task is to ask and answer the question.

Have you got a …? What colour is it?

Physical activity

“Relay race”

The teacher divides the class into two teams an put in the end of the classroom two sets of school supplies. Then the teacher names one thing and one pupil from each team has to bring these thing to his team first. One thing – one point. The team which gets more points is the winner


Pre – reading activity

The teacher asks pupils to listen the words from Ex.4 p. 125 and remember guess which sound has each word.


The teacher reads the words one more time. Then the teacher divides the class into four groups. Each group reads its columns of words then the teacher changes words for each group.

After – reading activity

The teacher reads all words one more time and pupils try to remember them. Then the teacher reads again and pupils have to follow whether all words were read before or some of them are added (if the word is given in the book pupils say “Yes”, if words are added they say “No”.

Words:  cube, duck, Sue, blue, big, due, new, put, few, stew.


The teacher asks pupils to write down school supplies in alphabetic order then checks the task.

Physical activity

“Ball game”

Pupils stand in a circle and while the music is playing they throw a ball to each other. When music stops the pupil who has a ball has to say I have got a …(names one of school supplies). It’s … (names the colour).

Home task

The home task will be to learn new words, to write what does each pupils has in his bag


1)The teacher asks pupils for feedback:

  • What have we learned today?
  • What sound did we practice today?
  • Name as many school supplies as you can

2)Pupils make a circle and sing  “Goodbye song”


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
15 квітня 2018
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