Тема: Modern Town
Мета: формувати навички аудіювання з розуміння звукового потоку з використанням аудіовізуальних матеріалів, розвивати навички читання, ігноруючи невідомі слова та мовну здогадку, удосконалювати навички вживання граматичної структури There is / There are в усному та писемному мовленні, розвивати вміння ефективно співпрацювати під час роботи в групі, виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови
Очікувані результати : учні знають та вживають вивчені ЛО по темі, використовують їх в мовленні та на письмі, описують тематичні малюнки, використовуючи звороти There is / There are та прийменники місця, вміють знаходити специфічну інформацію.
Обладнання : Student’s Book Next Move 1, Workbook, CD 1, Diagraph th Song -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3INXFPrfJM&ab_channel=JackHartmannKidsMusicChannel
Video Buildings in the Town- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdDXlL9u0vI&ab_channel=LittleSmartPlanet,
Song If you are happy
Хід уроку
І Організаційний момент
Phonetic Drill – Diagraph th
ІІ Основна частина
- pre-listening Ex.1 p.20
Look at the picture and match the place to these words
Watch the video and try to remember the buildings in your block 1,2,3,4,5
Block 1 – hospital, bank
Block 2 – fire station, post office
Block 3 - school, park, library, museum
Block 4 – supermarket, police office
Block 5 – theatre, bakery, bus stop, restaurant
Watch review to the video and name the number of the block – … is number …
Listen to people of different professions and tуll where does he / she work
He is a doctor and she is a nurse. Where do they work? Hospital
She is a teacher. Where does she work? School
She is a decorator and he is an actor. Where do they work? Theatre
He is a firefighter. Where does he work? Fire station
He is a waiter and she is a waitress. Where do they work? Restaurant / Cafe
She works in a place where you can buy food, toys, clothes. Where does she work? Supermarket
The work in a place where you can see old things. Museum
He works in a uniform, drives a car, helps people. Where does he work? Police office
She works with books. Her name is Nina Vasylivna. Where does she work? Library
He works with a lot of money. Where does he work? Bank
2.PE Activity
Song If you are happy
3. Reading Ex.1 p.21
Do you like our town Cherkasy?
Have we got a theatre, some cinemas, a post office, some parks ,a train station, some museums, a sports centre?
Do you like to change some buildings?
-while reading Ex.3 p.21
Read the text about Cybertown and tell if sentences are true or false
Answer the questions
1.Who has got 2 shopping centres next to the house?
2.Who has got 2 sports centres and 3 parks?
3.Who has got a train and a bus stations?
4.Is there a museum and a library in Tania’s town?
5.Is there a police station in Ben’s town?
6. .Is there a museum and a library in Sanjay’s town?
7. Who has got a school in the town?
8. Who has got a hospital in the town?
9. Who has got a town square in the town?
Do you like to create your own town or a Dreamtown?
Let’s work in groups. Take these papers and draw one block with 4 buildings. A person from one group should draw it on the blackboard listening to the description.
4. Writing Ex.2 p.22
Let’s complete these sentences with There is / There are
III. Заключна частина
WB ex. 1-3 p.18
Do you like today’s lesson?
What part of the lesson do you like?
Was listening difficult?
Was reading easy?
Was writing difficult?