Урок " Crazy Houses"

Про матеріал
Метою уроку є: -повторити та активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; - формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; -навчати описувати будинки та кімнати в них; - продовжувати розвивати в учнів уміння логічно будувати своє повідомлення; - удосконалювати техніку читання; - практикувати учнів у письмі; - поглибити знання про людські помешкання по всьому світу; - виховувати вміння співпрацювати.
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Урок із застосуванням інтерактивних методів у 5-му класі

The Theme: ‘’ Crazy Houses ‘’.


*to master phonetic, speaking and writing skills;

*to summarize the knowledge of the topic;

*to revise grammar material;

*to develop pupils’ ability to work in groups;

*to develop listening skills;

*to check pupils’ ability in working additional text to get information;

*to broad  the pupils’ outlook, to encourage pupils to develop their critical intelligence with the regard to leadership, to let them share their ideas, feelings, beliefs ;to involve them into the process of communication, to show the importance and value of a good leader.

Equipment: a blackboard, a flit-chart, a CD-player, a video, pictures with unusual  houses, cards with the words to be revised, handouts for group work.


  1. Greeting and Introduction

T. Good morning, friends!

P. Good morning, teacher!

T. I’m glad to see you!

P. We’re glad to see you, too!

T. I hope you are fine!

P. We hope you are, too!

T. Today we’re going to have an unusual lesson. During our last lessons we read & spoke much about our houses & flats, furniture & our household chores. But today we’re going to speak about something interesting & exciting in our world.

I think it’s better to start  any  work or business with a nice mood. Let’s see how are you today .Take your ‘’faces’’  & if you feel well,  – draw a smile, if you feel neither well or bad – draw a face without smile, and  if you’re sad and unhappy – draw a sad face.

( The  children are drawing ‘’faces’’ ).

T. Now, show me your ‘’faces’’

( The children are going to the blackboard & telling about their mood ).

Ps. I’m happy ( relieved, scared, worried, tired, bored, surprised, excited, tip-top, so-so, fantastic, OK ) – We ‘re glad to hear that, It’s a pity, I’m sorry to hear that, Don’t worry, Be happy, I’m sure everything will be all right, etc.

T. Look at the blackboard!  Choose the  pictures  which aren’t connected with the topic “ Houses & Furniture “. Write the first letters of the words connected with this topic and make up new words, which tell you about the topic of our lesson – Crazy Houses.

  1. Warming-up ( Riddles and  a Mind Map )
  1. T. First, I want you to refresh your vocabulary on the topic ‘’ Homes’’.

Do you like to guess riddles? Of course, you are. What is it?


* The place where people can watch films ( a cinema )

* People like eating here ( a café )

* A very big and old  house ( a castle )

* You can take or borrow books there for some time ( a library )

* The place where people watch comedies and dramas ( a theatre )

* You go there to visit a doctor ( a hospital )

* Children like to go there to watch different animals ( a zoo )

* We can buy different food or things in it ( a shop )

* Famous paintings, ancient things are kept here ( a museum )

* The building where people can swim ( a swimming-pool )

* You can  send letters, buy stamps there ( a post-office )

* A place where there is a lot of money ( a bank )

* We buy newspapers, magazines, badges there ( a newsagent’s )

* You can park your car there ( a car park )

* A very big shop with many departments ( a supermarket )

The pupils are guessing the riddles & writing down the Mind-Map on the blackboard.

  1. Гра “ Ghost writing”.

One of the pupils is “writing” the words-names of the buildings in the air. The pupils have to guess what the word it is.

          The words: a bungalow, a hotel, a skyscraper, a cottage, a block of flats, a farm, a detached house, a mansion, a terraced house, a ranch, halls of residence, a mobile home, a shelter, a semi-detached house, a nursing home, a townhouse, a villa, a penthouse.


  1. Home Assignments Checking ( Presentation of Projects )

T. Of course, these kinds of buildings we can see every day and everywhere. But there are some buildings in the world which are unusual and even strange. Last year I visited Lutsk and saw a very unusual house. It looks like a small castle. It is decorated with different sculptures of people, animals .It was  exciting! Let’s travel around the world! During our travel we can see a lot of strange houses , another words- crazy houses!


                                          Watching Video


 Your  hometask was to find information about different strange houses around the world. Are you ready today? – Of course, you are.


(  Some pupils are presenting their projects – another pupils are choosing the right picture )


  1. Jigsaw Reading ( Group work )

T. Now you’re going to read three texts just to enrich your outlook.

Both groups have the same text, but some information in them missed.

You should get this missing information by asking questions to each other.


Crazy houses!

( Teacher’s Sheet )

A    The Shoe House is like a shoe. There are pictures of shoes on the windows and doors, and the letter box is a shoe, too. The house isn’t very big, but there are  three bedrooms  and two bathrooms. The address? Shoe House Road!


B     This isn’t a spaceship – it’s a Futuro House! This amazing house has got a lot of windows, and four legs! The house has got plastic walls, and all the furniture is plastic, too. There aren’t any bedrooms, but eight people can sleep in the house. Special chairs in the living-room become beds at nights. They’re very comfortable!


C      This strange house is 125 years old, and it’s called Lucy the Elephant. People don’t live in it now because it’s a museum. The doors of the house are in the elephant’s feet, and the stairs are in the elephant’s legs. Its eyes are two round windows!





Crazy houses! ( Group A )

A    The Shoe House is like a shoe. There are pictures of shoes on …..               ( Where? ), and the letter box is a shoe, too. The house isn’t very big, but there are three bedrooms  and  ( How many? ) bathrooms. The address? Shoe House Road!


B     This isn’t a spaceship – it’s a Futuro House! This amazing house has  got a lot of windows, and ….. ( How many? ) legs! The house has got …..               ( What? ), too. There aren’t any bedrooms, but  eight  people can sleep in the house. Special chairs in the living-room become beds ….. ( When? ) They’re very comfortable!


C      This strange house is  125 years old, and it’s called ….( How? ). People don’t live in it now because it’s a museum. The doors of the house are in ….. ( Where? ), and the stairs are  in the elephant’s legs. Its eyes are two …..        ( What kind of? ) windows!




Crazy houses! ( Group B )

A    The Shoe House is like a shoe. There are pictures…..( What? ) on the windows and doors, and the letter box is a shoe, too. The house isn’t very big, but there are …..( How many? ) bedrooms  and two bathrooms. The address? Shoe House Road!


B     This isn’t a spaceship – it’s a Futuro House! This amazing house has got a lot of windows, and four legs! The house has got ( What kind of? ) walls, and all the furniture is plastic, too. There aren’t any bedrooms, but …..( How many? ) people can sleep in the house. Special chairs ( Where? ) become beds at nights. They’re very comfortable!


C      This strange house is …..( How old? ), and it’s called Lucy the Elephant. People don’t live in it now because…..( Why? ) The doors of the house are in the elephant’s feet, and the stairs are ….. ( Where? ) Its eyes are two round windows!

5. Speaking on the texts

T. Now change the information you’ve got with your classmates

( The pupils  from group A ask questions to the pupils from group B, then group B ask questions to group A ) – Dialogues

T. Imagine that you live in different countries. Nowadays people can chat in the Internet. Let’s speak with your pen-friends about strange houses in some countries - Role Play ‘’ Skype-Bridge ‘’


6 .Listening


The first photo shows an underground house in the opal mining town of Coober Pedy in the Great Central Desert of Australia. Temperatures can reach up to 60*C and some people live in underground houses where the temperature is much cooler.

The Bedouin are nomadic Arabic people who live in the deserts of Arabia and North Africa. Traditionally they live in tents and travel with herds of horses or camels. However, in modern times more and more Bedouin are finding it necessary to give up their traditional lifestyle to live and work in towns.

( Pupils listen to the text for the first time ):


Teri    My name’s Teri. It’s very hot where I live in Australia, so my family live in an underground house! Our house in Australia  is quite big and there are four bedrooms. My bedroom is really very nice. It has got a bed, a wardrobe and two bookshelves. There’s a carpet, too. It’s like a normal bedroom really, but there aren’t any windows!

Khayam    Hello, I’m  Khayam and I’m from Jordan. I’m a Bedouin so I live in with my family in a tent in the desert. There are only two bedrooms in our tent. One room is for the boys and one room is for the girls. I share the boys’ room with 3 people! We must tidy the tent every day because there isn’t o lot of space. I haven’t got a bed – I sleep on a carpet on the floor. There are a lot of carpets  so it’s very comfortable.

Play the CD again. Students complete the sentences and check the answers with the class

  1. Relaxation ( A Song )

T. Very well, children. It’s time to have a rest.

( Pupils  sing a song ‘’ Crazy House ‘’ )


  1. Writing ( Wall Dictation )

T. Now let’s check your spelling skills and write down a short dictation which is called  ‘’ Wall Dictation ‘’.

The leader of each group will dictate the text which is hanging on the wall. You can ask the spelling of any word. At the end we’ll check someone’s work and the same mark will be given to this person and to the leader.

Good luck to everyone!

                                          Wall Dictation

Dear friends and guests,

We are happy to meet you  today!

At our English lesson we spoke , read, listened to CD, wrote, sang a song and played.

We hope to see you again!


Best wishes,

The pupils of 5-C form.



  1.  Summing-up

T. Well done, guys. Everybody was active and displayed good knowledge on the topic discussed. I’m sure all of you deserve only excellent marks for your activity.














* The place where people can watch films ( a cinema )




* People like eating here ( a café )




* A very big and old  house ( a castle )




* You can take books there for some time ( a library )




* The place where people watch comedies and dramas ( a theatre )




* You go there to visit a doctor ( a hospital )




* Children like to go there to watch different animals ( a zoo )




* We can buy different food or things in it ( a shop )





* Famous paintings, ancient things are kept here ( a museum )



* The building where people can swim ( a swimming-pool )




* You can  send letters, buy stamps there ( a post-office )




* A place where there is a lot of money ( a bank )




* We buy newspapers, magazines, badges there ( a kiosk )



The first photo shows an underground house in the opal mining town of Coober Pedy in the Great Central Desert of Australia. Temperatures can reach up to 60*C and some people live in underground houses where the temperature is much cooler.

The Bedouin are nomadic Arabic people who live in the deserts of Arabia and North Africa. Traditionally they live in tents and travel with herds of horses or camels. However, in modern times more and more Bedouin are finding it necessary to give up their traditional lifestyle to live and work in towns.














                       Wall Dictation


Dear friends and guests,

We are happy to meet  you  today!

At our English lesson we  spoke , read,          listened to CD, wrote, sang a song and played.

We hope to see you again!


Best wishes,

the pupils of 5-C form.














             relieved                                We are glad to hear that

             scared                                   It’s cool!                           

             Worried                                It’s a pity!

I’m        tired                                     I’m sorry to hear that

             bored                                   Don’t worry! Be happy!

            surprised                              I’m sure, everything will be all right!

            excited                                 Everything will be OK!






             relieved                                We are glad to hear that

             scared                                   It’s cool!                           

             Worried                                It’s a pity!

I’m        tired                                     I’m sorry to hear that

             bored                                   Don’t worry! Be happy!

            surprised                              I’m sure, everything will be all right!

            excited                                 Everything will be OK!





























Stepanenko Lina
До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
3 березня 2021
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