Старобільська загальноосвітня школа ІІ-ІІІ ступенів №4
Конспект уроку з англійської мови
1 клас
вчитель англійської мови
Гаврилюк О.М.
Topic: Domestic animals
Form: 1
Lesson aims:
-to introduce new lexis to the topic;
-to revise the words;
-to develop reading, speaking skills;
-use of the adjective before the noun;
-use of the structure “This is a …”, “Have you got a …?”;
-organize the game with children’s pictures with the structure “This is a …”;
-sing a song with children “My little kitten”.
Equipment: a computer, a PPT, cards “Word circle”, cards “Domestic animals”.
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson learners will be able to
Recycled language: greetings, a cat, a dog, a pig, a duck, a goose, a hen, a horse, red, blue, green, white, black, yellow + new words “big”, “small”.
Revision of the lexis and learning the new words. The pupils answer the teacher’s questions:
What is it? Is this a cat? What color is it? Have you got a …? Etc.
(Teacher point to the picture learners name the words in chorus).
A Game “Point to…”
The teacher names domestic animals and students have to point them.
Work with cards “Word circle”
A Game “Chain”
Pupils ask each other
-Have you got a (cat, dog) …?
-Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t)
Do a physical exercise. Song “My little kitten”
Pupils listen to the text and watch PPT. Then they do a computer quiz.
Bill’s dog is big.
Tom’s dog is small.
But poor little Jack
Has no dog at all.
Ann’s cat is black.
Jane’s cat is grey.
Answering the questions
-What color is Ann’s cat?
-Has Bill got a dog?