Урок "Eating and Drinking Around the World"

Про матеріал
Це авторська розробка уроку з англійської мови для учнів 10-11 класів, метою якого є ознайомити з новою лексикою та закріпити її в усному мовленні; навчати передавати своїми словами зміст прочитаного, прослуханого або побаченого, виражаючи своє відношення до викладеного, навчати вживати вивчені граматичні та лексичні структури у мовленні; забезпечити розвиток сприйняття, уваги, уяви, комунікативно-мовних умінь; розвивати навички аудіювання, монологічного й діалогічного мовлення, розвивати ерудицію учнів; збагачувати внутрішній світ учнів, виховувати любов до приготування їжі, а також повагу до різних культур країн світу; виховувати усвідомлення та розуміння того, що смаки різні. Тип уроку: комбінований, урок розвитку комунікативної діяльності в різних видах і формах її прояву, нестандартний урок з елементами урока-подорожі.
Перегляд файлу

Учитель:  Мисник Я.А.


Клас: 11-В


Предмет: Англійська мова



Тема:  Культура харчування в різних країнах світу. 


             Eating and Drinking Around the World



   навчаюча: ознайомити з новою лексикою та закріпити її в усному мовленні; навчати передавати своїми словами зміст прочитаного, прослуханого або побаченого, виражаючи своє відношення до викладеного, навчати вживати вивчені граматичні та лексичні структури у мовленні;

   розвиваюча: забезпечити розвиток сприйняття, уваги, уяви, комунікативно-мовних умінь; розвивати навички аудіювання, монологічного й діалогічного мовлення, розвивати ерудицію учнів;

   виховна: збагачувати внутрішній світ учнів, виховувати любов до приготування їжі, а також повагу до різних культур країн світу; виховувати усвідомлення та розуміння того, що смаки різні.



Тип уроку: комбінований, урок розвитку комунікативної діяльності в різних видах і формах її прояву, нестандартний урок з елементами урока-подорожі.



Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, тематичні картки, роздатковий матеріал,                                                                                                                                                 магнітофон, диск, ноутбук.



Технології:  особистісно-орієнтовані, інформаційні, інтерактивні технології.



 Методи і прийоми роботи: проблемно-пошуковий, репродуктивний,евристичний  метод дискусії; прийоми запам’ятовування, одержання з тексту підручника нових знань, різноманітна самостійна робота учнів, формування висновків.





Хід уроку.

І Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Привітання                                       Greeting

T. Hello, everybody. I hope you are all feeling fit today. Am I right?

Ps   Yes, you are right.

T. I want you to be divided into two groups. Your task is to try to remember the material we`ve learnt and answer my questions. The team which gets more points will win the game.

1. What traditional British food can you name? (Fish-and-chips, Yorkshire pudding).

2. What are the three main ingredients of traditional Christmas Pudding in Britain? (Flour, bread crumps and eggs).

3. What is “High Tea”? (A substantial meal between 5 and 6 o`clock).

4. What is a full English breakfast? (A large breakfast consisting of fruit juice, cereal, a cooked dish, toast with butter and jam, tea or coffee).

5. What is a continental breakfast? (A light breakfast, typically consisting of coffe and bread rolls with butter and jam).

6. What food helps you grow? (Meat, fish, milk).

7. What food gives us a lot of vitamins? (Fruit and vegetables).

8. What are beverages? (drinks).

9. Finish the proverb: “An apple a day …” (keeps the doctor away).


 T. Look at some more proverbs on the blackboard , choose one of them and explain its meaning.

1. To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.

2. The discovery of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.

3. Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody.


T. Answer my questions.

1. Do you like trying new food?

2. Is there any food that you didn`t use to eat as a child but you eat now?

3. Do you prefer your own country`s food or other kinds of food?

4. If you were living abroad, which Ukrainian food would you miss?

T. So, children, try to guess the theme of our today`s lesson. What are we going to speak about? What are we going to do, in your opinion? Have you got any ideas?





2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T. Really and truly this lesson we`ll speak about eating and drinking habits in different countries. Without any doubt, you`ll travel abroad in future and this knowledge will certainly help you. Respect other cultures and you`ll be welcome in any place of our wonderful world!

 So, I`m sure our lesson will be interesting and educational.  Let`s not to waste our time!


ІІ Основна частина уроку:

1.Подання нових лексичних одиниць.

    Key Words    p.52

( baby food, fast food, fresh food, frozen food, genetically modified food, organic food, pre-cooked, pre-packed, ready-made, take-away, tinned food, vegetarian food )

T. Repeat these words after me


T. Try to explain the meaning of these words without using your native language … Consult your mini dictionary if it`s necessary.

baby food – food for little children;

fast food – is food such as hamburgers, which is prepared and served quickly in a restaurant and which you can take away with you;

fresh food – produced, grown, sent, etc. a short time ago and in good condition;

frozen food – something that has been made as cold as ice;

genetically modified food – flour, oil, etc. that has been produced by changing the structure of its genes;

organic food – food, produced by using farming methods without chemicals;

pre-cooked – describes food that has been cooked when you buy it;

pre-packed – describes a meal, etc. that has been put in a package ready for you to buy it;

ready-made – prepared, cooked, etc., so that you can eat or use it now;

take-away – a meal you buy from a restaurant and take home to eat;

tinned food – describes food put into a metal container;

vegetarian food – using or eating only vegetables.


T. Make up some sentences with the new words, answering the questions below.




T. Well done, children, thank you.


2. Подання тексту до читання                  Reading Comprehension

T. Read the article and match the titles with the sections (A-H). There is one extra title.

                                          Food For Thought


     This issue regularly gets into the news nowadays. Basically, scientists manipulate the DNA structure of plants and animals to produce more food or improve resistance to diseases. But what are the long-term effects?  Arecent study found that the pollen of genetically modified (GM) corn can kill the eggs of the monarch butterfly. Many people are not happy about these new developments. Some supermarkets and restaurants do not sell GM foods and two baby markets, Gerber and Heinz, have promised not to use it.


   Organic food is “natural” food. This means that pesticades or additives are not used in the production process. And it`s not just for vegetarians; organic food is a booming business and includes cheese, meat, wine, tinned food – even pet food.


   Eating out in a restaurant is on the increase. With the Internet, going out for a meal is a lot easier. You can make a reservation and look at the menu before you go!


   TV chefs are doing well. Their cookery books are bestsellers and many people have started cooking as a hobby. But eating in doesn`t always mean cooking. Shops offer a bigger variety of ready-made meals more restaurants offer take-away meals and, of course, there are more and more places on the Internet where you can order from.


  Nowadays, when you go to supermarkets, you can get a much wider choice of food from all over the world. More and more people are experimenting with exotic food – watch out for more Australian, Hawaiian, Brazilian and Malaysian recipes.


  British farmers had to kill thousand of animals at the turn of the century because of outbreaks of  “mad cow” and foot and mouth diseases. People will expect better conditions for animals and less risk of infected meat. Scientists are worried because bugs that carry diseases in food are getting resistant to antibiotics.


   The world`s population is growing fast but our planet is not. Supplies of fish and seafood have reached very low levels because of overfishing and governments will have to do something to allow the numbers of fish to get back to normal. To feed the growing population, farmers have to grow different types of crops and therefore there is pressure on them to grow more and more genetically modified crops.


   Many of these foods have special ingredients that are supposed to protect or improve your health – prevent disease or build muscles, for example. But are they really good for you? The 15 billion dollars industry is largely unregukated and so there are useless and sometimes dangerous products on the market. Expert to see more “health foods” or nutraceuticals – delicious ice cream packed with vitamins or low-cholesterol burgers, perhaps?


T. Complete the sentences with the correct answer  a, b, c.   p.53



3. Подання тексту до аудіювання                   Listening Comprehension


T. But as far as you know, different countries have different eating and drinking habbits.You are going to hear a man talking about his experiences of eating in other countries. For each question choose the correct answer A, B, C.



  Interviewer: This afternoon we have in the studio John Reginald, who after many years of serving as a diplomat on behalf of the British government in a large number of countries has decided to retire and devote himself to full-time writing. His first book, which has just been published, is autobiographical and has the title A strong stomach”. Why this title?


John Reginald:    Well, food really can be a tricky issue. Obviously, as a diplomat you attend many official dinners and you have to learn to negotiate your way though the minefield of rules of etiquette which must be adhered to. As I'm sure you know every country's culture is different - and what is acceptable in one country or culture can be quite inappropriate in another. But the main thing I discovered very early on in the job is that basically you really have to be prepared to eat whatever is set in front of you, and eat it with enthusiasm too. Believe me, that does sometimes necessitate having a strong stomach, hence the title.

Interviewer: Can you give us some examples?


John Reginald:   One that springs to mind, and which I've written about in the book, happened at my first official dinner when I was in my first post, in the Middle East. The main dish was a sheep's head and unfortunately as the guest of honour I was presented with the eyeball, which is regarded over there as a delicacy.


Interviewer: Oh, dear! Did you manage to eat it?


John Reginald: I didn't really have much choice. If I hadn't eaten it, I would have offended my hosts. As simple as that.


Interviewer: Hmm, I don't think I could have coped with that even if a diplomatic incident had happened as a result. So was that the worst thing you've ever been served?


John Reginald:    It was pretty disgusting yes, and among the worst certainly. But there have been many others, I do assure you, that can go into that category. Bat - I had dried bat once when I was in the Pacific Islands - that wasn't very nice either - a bit dry! - needed some gravy - and a bit leathery! It wasn't so much the taste, which was bad enough, but the fact that it was almost impossible to swallow. I seemed to be chewing on it for hours. But I think top of the list is probably snake blood, which was served to me at a meal in Thailand. It can be served as a cocktail or just on its own. It might not have been so bad as a cocktail, mixed with something else to disguise the taste.


Interviewer: What makes something repulsive to eat?


John Reginald:  If I can see what it actually is, it's worse. If I am obviously eating a part of an animal which is recognisable as such then that makes it harder to eat. If what is on your plate is an eyeball then you can't pretend that you are eating something else. For some people smell is the most important factor but I don't have a very good sense of smell, which has been something of a blessing, and yes, taste is important as well. I'm thinking of the raw turtle eggs I ate in Nicaragua. They were fishy, in an extremely unpleasant way.


Interviewer: So what advice would you give to someone in a situation where something is put in front of them that they don't want to eat?


John Reginald:   I'd say: one, don't not eat it. You need to be polite. It could be one of their national dishes. Two, take it easy; eat too fast and you might find that you get some more and, three, pretend you're eating something you like.


Interviewer: The book is doing very well, I believe. I understand it's come in at number twenty on the bestsellers list. You must be very pleased.


John Reginald:   I'm absolutely delighted.

Interviewer: I have to say that I found it very amusing. From the title I thought it was going to be some sort of medical textbook, so I was pleasantly surprised. Is there another book in the pipeline?

John Reginald:  Yes, but the next one will be totally different. My editor wanted me to do a follow-up to this one - again based on my experiences - things that went wrong and almost led to diplomatic incidents. And I had thought about doing a sort of guide book for businessmen who travel abroad - etiquette in different countries - there's a definite market for that especially with the growth of China. But I've recently become very interested in the origins and rationale behind the consumption of food in different countries so that's what it'll be about. Did you know that...

3.Розвиток умінь діалогічного й монологічного мовлення

1.T. By the way, children, have you ever tried any extreme (unusual) kind of food?

P1   No, I haven`t. I`ve never tried any extreme food.

P2                          unfortunately\fortunately

T. Would you like to try something special? Why or why not?

P1 …

P2 …

P3 …

2.T. Well, if I am not mistaken Maria prepared an interesting presentation about unusual dishes and beverages. The other studends should be ready to ask and answer some questions.





3.T. Great, and now I want you to listen to some useful information about eating and drinking in some countries. Your task is to guess the country, trying to prove your point of view.


    - Meals usually take place in restaurants rather than in private houses. Guests are usually seated according to the rank, with the guests of honour seated to the right of the host. Do not start eating until the host has served the principal guest. Don`t talk business during a meal. Alcohol is practically obligatory. Expect much toasting. Refusing food or drink is impolite. Finish your rice or noodles as a sign of respect for the person who prepared the food, but leave a small amount of other food untouched to indicate that you are satisfied.



  •          Bread or breadsticks are an accompaniment to the main meal, so don`t start nibbling until food arrives. Meals consist of many courses with small portions, so pace yourself and don`t ask for seconds. Do not eat food with your fingers (even sandwiches). Always use a knife and a folk. Fruit should be peeled with a knife and eating with a fork. Attract a waiter`s attention by tipping your head back slightly and saying “Monsieur”. Never snap your fingers.



  •          The drinking age in this country is 16. In many restaurants you are allowed ( and even encouraged) to visit the kitchen to see how the food is being prepared and to decide what would you like to order. Their waiters will leave you to enjoy your meal without continually returning to check that everything is okay. If you are at home, expect to be offered many seconds and thirds at meals. Eating well is a compliment to your hosts. The most common toast is “Kalymata” (“Good Health”). They never rush with coffee; it is savored for at least half an hour. Frappe (chilied coffee) is very popular.








III Заключна частина уроку

1.Домашнє завдання:

-*написати коментар до вислову “One man`s meat is another man`s poison”;

-впр.1,с.117 (complete the tour guide information about French dishes with the words from the box; find out which of the dishes your partner would or wouldn`t like to try and why);

- скласти декілька корисних порад щодо традицій харчування в Україні для іноземних туристів.


2.Підведення підсумків уроку                            Summarizing

- What activities of our lesson were interesting for you?

- Which of them will be helpful for you in future?

- Think of any reasons why people may be changing their cooking and eating habits. How the following factors can change people`s cooking and eating habits:

     - travelling,

     - health,

     - vegetarianism,

     - ingredients available.

P1 …

P2 …

P3 …




T. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention. Good-bye, students.  Have a nice day!







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