Урок "Family. Family Relationship"

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Тема: Family. Family Relationship. Мета уроку: навчальна; розвивальна; виховна.
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Тема:  Family. Family Relationship

Мета уроку:

 навчальна: удосконалювати навички виразного читання, усного та писемного мовлення з теми, застосовуючи набуті раніше знання під час виконання різноманітних вправ та підготовки презентацій;

розвивальна: розвивати пам'ять, мислення,, кмітливість, ініціативу, (творчі здібності, уміння аналізувати та робити висновки; 

виховна: виховувати дружні стосунки у сім'ї, любов, повагу, увагу один до одного.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: підручник О. Карп'юк, малюнки за темою «Сім'я», відеоматеріали, інтерактивна дошка з додатками, роздатковий матеріал, презентації учнів.



Т. Good morning, my dear pupils. I am glad to see you.

Today we are going to speak about people who live in the same house, under one roof, who love each other, who help one another, who support their dearest, who encourage each other, who understand those nearby, who believe in each other, who are happy together. And these people we call a family. So, our topic today is “Family. Family relationships”.

I know that you are clever and creative pupils.

I hope you will be smart as usual and do all your best to make our lesson interesting and useful.

I believe in you.

Warming up activity

T. Let's remind the words that come to our mind when we hear the word “family”.

I would like to suggest you some useful phrases, connected with a family. Pay attention to their content. I am sure you will like them:

  1. 1. My family is my strength.
    2.  My family is my support.
    3. My family is my motivator.
    4. My family is my inspiration.
    5. A family is made of love and tears, laughter and years.
    6. You can tell a lot about a person by watching them with their family.






























  1. Speaking/Homework

Conversation with pupils (ex. 1 p. 74).

Pair work:

  1. Complete the dialogue

    I should like, to know about your family.

   There are 4 of us: mum, dad, my sister and me.

    Do you all live together?

    No, my sister is a student. She studies and lives in  Zaporizhzhya.

           I wonder who does cooking and takes care about the household chores.

          My mum does. But I help her about house and sometimes  I cook.

    What customs are there in your family?

    There is a custom to have a family dinner on Sundays.

    Are you happy with your family?

    Sure? I am. I love and respect my parents.

  1. Pause for relaxation

Song “We are family” sang by a group.

  1. Presentation about the closest person in the family.

(Учні презентують свої роботи.)

  1. Film “Meet the Parents funny Dinner”


T. What does this lesson teach us?

You have worked hard. You were rather active and creative. Thank you for your home preparation and participation during the lesson. You have got excellent marks today. All of you deserve praise.

Home work

Your homework is to describe your family dinner (using the text as an example or using the phrases).


До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 жовтня 2022
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