Урок "Let's Have a Rest! (Places to Go)"

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Даний урок розроблений за технологією Lap Book, яка сприяє розвиткові освітніх компетентностей.
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5 клас

Тема  Let's Have a Rest! (Places to Go)

Даний урок розроблений за технологією  Lap Book, яка сприяє розвиткові освітніх компетентностей.



The topic: Let’s Have a Rest!

                   Places to Go.


  • to  teach pupils to use new words in his speech;
  • to develop reading, writing and listening;
  • to develop monological  and dialogical  speech;
  • to develop grammar skills using an  Invitation;
  • to bring up the interest in learning English.


By the end of the lesson pupils will:

  • activate the information and vocabulary on the topic;
  • acquire some skills of self-learning and self-marking.




  1. Greeting.

Dear friends! I’m glad to meet you again in our English lesson. Today we have an interesting and  unusual lesson on the topic  “ Let’s Have a Rest”.

I hope that you are fine and ready for our lesson.

Well, let’s start!

  1. Main part
  1. Warming-up.

Children, put these words in the proper columns.


Film, concert hall, exhibition, master class, theatre, art gallery, lecture, show, guided tour, cabaret, art centre, gymnasium, competitions, performance




Places to go

Things to see or do


  1. Writing a mind-map.

Dear friends!  We’ll speak about  interesting and useful things: where  you like going most of all in your free time.

What words come to your mind when you hear the word combination  “Places to Go”?





a theatre                             a cinema                                         a museum








a zoo                                      an Art gallery                           a circus


  1. Pair work.

Now let’s ask your friend when he or she often spend their free time at these places.


  1. Do you often go to the  circus?
  2. Yes, I do. I go to the  museum every month. And what about you?
  1. Me too.
  1. Game “Puzzle”

Read and match the part of a sentence.

(Додаток 1 )


  1. Reading

Interesting page.

Can you imagine what an elephant is drawing? If not let’s read about it.

(Додаток 2 )

  1. Role-playing

Your next task is read and out the dialogue. Then act out similar dialogues.

( Додаток 3)

  1. Game “  I know who is it”

I have some riddles for you. Are you ready? If yes, then let’s start.

( Додаток 4)

  1. Writing .

I’ll  divide the class into two groups. Choose a leader in each group. The task of the first group is to write out an  invitation “ My birthday”. The task of the second group is to write out an  invitation “ St. valentine’s party”.

(Додаток 5)


ІІІ.    Home assignment.

You have decided to invite your friend to spend some time together at the weekend. Write him or her an invitation.

  1. Summing-up.

So, we’ve done a lot of work in our English lesson and your work has been wonderful.















Додаток 1





Додаток 2






Elephant art

 Works of art of elephants are now being sold in art galleries  around the world.  It’s no joke. Elephants are natural artists and elephant art is becoming big business.

 In November 1998, the world’s first elephant art academy was opened in  Thailand. Today, there are a number of elephant painting schools in Thailand. Bali, India, and many more are being opened. At these school elephants are taught to channel their natural abilities onto canvas. It appears that elephants have enormous artistic talent and enjoy expressing themselves through painting.

 Their pictures were sold for up to $ 250.



Додаток 3


Ann: Are you free this Saturday, Jane?


Jane: Yes, I am.


Ann: Great! Let’s do something together! What about going to a museum?


Jane: That’s a great idea! Where shall we meet?


Ann: We  can meet at my place at 10 o’clock.


Jane: OK. Shall we go to the zoo next Sunday?


Ann: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to visit my grandparents next Sunday. Besides, I was at the Zoo last week.


Jane: How about going to the circus to watch the new animal show next Sunday? I’ve got two tickets.


Ann: Good idea! Yes, I’d love to.  



Додаток 4





















Додаток 5

























An invitation





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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
16 березня 2020
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