Матеріал, мета якого активізувати ЛО: шкільні речі, предмети, шкільні приміщення, розвивати навички говоріння з опорою на фото своєї школи, розвивати навички читання з повним розумінням змісту прочитаного, уміння виконувати комунікативні завдання за прочитаним, читання із маркуванням тексту розвиваючи критичне мислення, практикувати роботу в групах для створення проекту.
Конспект уроку-мініпроекту з англійської мови для 4 класу
на тему «Шкільне життя. Моя школа»
розвиваюча: розвивати пам'ять, увагу, логічне мислення, мовленнєву реакцію учнів та мовну догадку
виховна: ціннісне ставлення до вчителів, однокласників, культуру поведінки на уроці та у школі, позитивне ставлення до навчання у школі, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови
Тип уроку: урок-мініпроект
Методи і прийоми: метод проектів, інтерактивне навчання, особистісно орієнтоване навчання, здоров’я зберігаючі технології, ігровий метод, робота в групах, методичний прийом критичного мислення «Читання із маркуванням тексту»
Обладнання: тематичні малюнки, відео, вербальні опори, фото, план школи
Хід уроку
І Початок уроку
1. Greeting
T. Good morning, dear pupils!
Ps: I am a pupil
I am a good pupil
I am a clever pupil
I am a talented pupil
I try to be the best pupil in the world!
T: Today we meet again and I am so happy. How are you? Are you happy? We have got an interesting and unusual lesson today.
2. Warming-up
Do you remember our class rules? Let’s remind!
Ps: Kindness! Be confident! Now and here! Be active! Be confident! Don’t interrupt! Be honest! Kindness! We speak English here!
3. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку
The topic of our lesson is “My School”. Today we will speak, read, write and play interesting games, repeat words on topics “School”, “School rooms”. Also we will build our school as a project, guess riddles and sing a song.
- Are you ready?
I see everybody is ready, so let’s start our work.
ІІ Основна частина уроку
1. Phonetic drills
[ p] pen, pencil, pencil- box [ d ] gym, gymnasium, subject
[ r ] write, read, ruler, rubber, room [ s ] scissors, school
[ h ] headmaster, hall [ ∫ ] sharpener
[ t ] teacher, training, canteen [ g ] glue
[ ei] eraser, training room
[ ai] diary, library
[ 3:] workshop
2. Practice the vocabulary
T: Name the things. Let’s go to school. Check our school things and show them, please:
a pen, a pencil, a pencil-box, a pencil sharpener, an eraser, an exercise-book, a ruler, a glue, scissors, English textbook, diary, a vocabulary and a schoolbag.
Well done!
3. Speaking
- When did you start school? (at the age of 6)
Welcome to the first form. (Video)
Guess “What room is this? (The photos of the school)
Let’s go on excursion.
4. Physical activity
We are in one of American schools. Let’s sing and dance.
“Brain Breaks-Action Songs for Children – Happy Dance”
5. Mini-project “My School”
Let’s build our school. Make up 3 groups and choose a headmaster.
With the pictures of the classrooms build the ground floor, the first and the second floors.
6. Reading
1) Do you know this school? Read the text. (On the chain)
My School
My is # 5 named after
. It is 32 years old. My school is in Armiiska Street, 107.
It is a modern three-storeyed building. It is big and lovely.
When you enter the school, you will see with beautiful flowers. On the right there is a
. On the left there is a
, a
, a canteen, a museum, a
and six
on the ground floor.
There is a library, a , teachers’ room, headmaster’s room, a
and our
on the first floor.
There are 12 classrooms, a , a
, a
on the second floor.
I study a lot of subjects: Maths, Reading, English, Ukrainian, Nature Study, Art, PE, Computer Studies and Handicrafts. I read, write, do sums, sing, do sports, play games at our lessons. I like my teachers and my school.
2) Reading with marking
Read and mark
+ |
I know
- |
I don’t know
# 1for me
School Rules
1. You must come to school on time.
2. You mustn’t run in the corridors.
3. You must not eat during the lessons.
4. You must go out of the classroom during the breaks.
5. You mustn’t behave badly.
6. You must bring a note from your parents if you were absent.
7. You must wear a uniform at school.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
1. Home task:
Think about your school. Write three things you like and three things you don’t like about it.
2. Thank you for your work. You are the excellent students. Did you like our lesson?
The lesson is over. Bye, children. See you later.