​Конспект уроку у 4 класі за темою: «Колекціонування. Одяг.»

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Конспект уроку у 4 класі

за темою: «Колекціонування. Одяг.»

Цілі :

-поглибити знання з теми «Колекціонування»;

-перевірити знання учнів за темами « Одяг» та «Пори року»;

-розвивати навички говоріння;

-практикувати в діалогічному мовленні;

-тренуватися у вживанні лексичних одиниць теми;

-розвивати креативне мислення учнів ;

-виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, толерантне відношення до інтересів своїх друзів.

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 Конспект уроку у 4 класі 

за темою:  «Колекціонування. Одяг.»


Цілі :

  • поглибити знання з теми «Колекціонування»;
  • перевірити знання учнів за темами « Одяг» та «Пори року»;
  • розвивати навички говоріння;
  • практикувати в діалогічному мовленні;
  • тренуватися у вживанні лексичних одиниць теми;
  • розвивати креативне мислення учнів ;
  • виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, толерантне відношення до інтересів своїх друзів.






  • мультимедійний проектор,
  • мультимедійна презентація,
  • картки для самостійної роботи.














Хід уроку.


  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


-Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!  How are you?

2 Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

- Dear children, today we are going to speak and read. We will have some lexical games, solve a crossword puzzle, make up dialogues on the topic and recite poems. So, do your best to be the best. Good luck to you.

3Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

- Who is on duty today? 

- What date is it today?

- What season is it now?

- What are winter months?

- What is the weather like in winter?

- What are spring months?

- What is the weather like in spring?

- What can you tell about summer?

- What is the first autumn month?

- Name all the months of the year.

- What poems about seasons do you know?


Pupil 1 - When the weather is wet

               We must not fret;

               When the weather is cold

               We must not scold;

               When the weather is warm

               We must not storm;

                But be thankful together

               Whatever the weather.

        P.2- Spring is green, summer is bright,

        Autumn is yellow, winter is white.


P.3- Winter brings us snowflakes,

        Spring- green buds and shoots,

        Summer brings us berries,

        Autumn - golden fruits.


P.4- Woods are green, the sun is bright,

        And the wind is warm and light.

        I can bathe, and play, and run.

        Summer holidays are fun.


P.5- The sun shines,

        The trees bloom,

        The sky is blue,

        The rains are few.


P.6- I like all trees in autumn time,

       A maple,  chestnut and a lime.

       Their leaves are yellow, red and brown

       And they are gently falling down.


P.7- This is the season when mornings are dark,

       And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.

       This is the season when children ski

       And Santa Claus brings the New Year Tree.


Teacher: Now let us complete the crossword. After you finish it, you will see the name of the first flower. (HO 1).


Children complete the crossword and name the first flower- snowdrop.

  1. The season when the nature awakens (spring).
  2. New Year starts in this month (January).
  3. Winter comes with frost and (snow).
  4. In winter children like to play (snowballs).
  5. The flower of April (daisy).
  6. The color of spring (green).
  7. How many seasons are there in a year? (four).
  8. What is the second spring month? (April).


II. Основна частина уроку.

1.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

  • At home you have read the text” Collecting things.”
  • Tell me, please, who do we call collectors? (People who collect different things).
  • What does your brother like to collect?
  • What has he got?
  • What can you learn while collecting stamps?
  • What does Jane collect?
  • What does she have?
  • How many dolls does she have?
  • What does your friend Mark collect?
  • What is there in your grandpa`s collection?
  • What do you collect?
  • How do you get your postcards?
  • Tell me once more, who are collectors?
  • What can people collect?

2.Фізкультурна хвилинка

    -I see you are tired. Let us move our arms and legs.

            Hands up, hands down,

            Hands on hips, and sit down.

            Stand up! Hands on sides,

            Bend left, bend right,

                Hands on hips,

                One, two, three, hop!

                One, two, three stop.

                Hands down and sit down.


    3.Етап перевірки розуміння тексту.

  • We are working with exercise 3 at page 94.  Read and name only true sentences.
  • Different people like different things.
  • Jane `s father buys a doll in every country.
  • Jane has got three German dolls.
  • Grandpa has got some old and very expensive coins.
  • He buys postcards at the newsagents and post office.


  4 Рольова гра. Складання діалогу на основі      прочитаного тексту.

  • And now try to make up and present a dialogue on the topic “Collecting Things.”


A: You are a stamp/ badge/ postcard or coins collector. Choose the topic and buy some stamps/ badges/ postcards or coins.

B: You are a newsagent. Help the customer to choose and buy some.

1. A: Have you any stamps/ badges/ coins/ postcards about        (with)?

     B: Yes, we have. / Sorry, we haven`t got any …about   (with)…but we have got some…about (with)…


2. A: Can you show me ….?

    B: Certainly.

    A: Where is it /are they from?

    B: It is/ are from…

    A: How much is it/are they? I buy/take them.




5.Повторення теми «Одяг».

- Children, we have already learned many new words on the topic “Clothes”. Let us revise them. But first let us train our tongues:

My pretty red dress is ready already (скоромовка).

Презентація «Одяг».

  • Name the clothes.
  •  What is it? (a sweater, a hat, a cap, a    dress, a shirt, a skirt, a coat).
  • What are they? (trousers, boots, shoes, socks, jeans).
  • What clothes do we wear when it is cold/ warm/ hot?

   6.Лексичні ігри.

  • Good. You are a bit tired, aren`t you? Let`s entertain ourselves. Now, dear children, work out these word puzzles.


  • Find two things you need when it is raining (umbrella, boots).


  • Find two things you need in hot weather (sunglasses, camera).


  • You need them when it is very cold (scarf, coat).


III.Заключна частина уроку

1.Підведення підсумків уроку.

- We are coming to the end of the lesson. I am pleased with your work. I am happy to say we have done a good bit of work today. You get good marks.

2.Домашнє завдання.

-Now write down your homework. At the next lesson we will speak about your hobbies. That is all for today. Goodbye!


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
27 листопада 2018
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