Урок "Моя країна - Україна"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку по темі "Моя країна - Україна" містить інформацію про цікаві факти з історії нашої держави,знайомить учнів з державними символами .
Перегляд файлу

Мукачівський ліцей №8













Конспект уроку

«Моя країна – Україна»

2 клас



















вчитель англійської мови

Біланинець Я.Ю.







Урок №        Дата.                     Клас.

Тема. Моя Україна

Підтема. Моя країна – Україна

Мета:ознайомити  з новим лексичним матеріалом (wreath, embroidered shirt, symbol, national), актуалізувати вивчені ЛО по темі «Моя країна – Україна»  за 1 клас, практикувати учнів у відповідях на запитання “Where are you from?”, “Where do you live?” ;  вчити розповідати про національні символи України, описувати їх колір та розмір;            

 тренувати вживання вивчених ЛО, МЗ в усному та писемному мовленні за темою;

вчитися на слух сприймати та розуміти іншомовне мовлення, розвивати фонематичний слух;

удосконалювати навички аудіювання, говоріння;

розширювати кругозір та підвищувати загальну культуру учнів;

розвивати комунікативні здібності школярів;

розвивати ерудицію, логічне мислення;

виховувати толерантне ставлення учнів один до одного,вміння співпрацювати та допомагати;

виховувати свідомих громадян своєї держави.

Обладнання: посібник «Світ чекає крилатих», зображення державних символів України, роздатковий матеріал, записи на дошці, аудіо/відеозаписи, комп’ютер, презентація.



Хід уроку

І.Підготовка учнів до сприймання іншомовного мовлення

1. Привітання

–Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you. Sit down, please! How are you today?

 Let’s sing a song.

2. Мовленнєва зарядка

Guess the riddle:

The pilot takes us

Up so high –

A giant “bird”

Up in the sky.

What is it?

(It’s a plane)

- Today we’re going to make a trip around Ukraine with laksyks. Here is our plane. Do you know that Ukrainian plane Aн-225 “Mriia” is the biggest plane in the world.  But wait a minute. We haven’t got our passports. Here is the pilot: “Answer the question “Where are you from?” and get these passports”.

Where are you from? I am from Ukraine.

ІІ. Основна частина

1.Повідомлення теми уроку

- Here are your passports for today’s trip.

The theme of today’s lesson is “My country is Ukraine”. You’ll be able to answer the questions:

What do you know about Ukraine? What are the national symbols of Ukraine? What are the most famous poets, artists in our country?

- We’ve got our passports. But there is no suitcase for us. Let’s pack a suitcase. It is a special suitcase because we have to name and put things which are connected with our country.

2. Подання лексичного матеріалу

- складання асоціативного  куща «Україна»

What words are associated with Ukraine?


symbol     national   embroidered shirt (vyshyvanka)   wreath  coat of arms  capital Ukrainian boy/girl

- гра «Голосно/тихо»

game “Quietly/loudly”

Repeat these words all together quietly/loudly.

- складання речень з даними ЛО

Complete the sentence “I can see...”

- гра «Що це?»

game “What’s this?”

Look, guess and say “What’s this?”

- опис кольору та розміру символів України (прапору, віночка, вишиванки)

Describe these symbols. What colour is it? Is it big, small, long or short?

- складання речей -символів до валізи

Let’s put these things into the suitcase.

3.Удосконалення умінь та навичок (говоріння, аудіювання,читання, письмо)


-Let’s start our trip with Kyiv. What is Kyiv? (It’s a capital of Ukraine)

There is the biggest flag of Ukraine. The flag of Ukraine is a banner of two equally sized horizontal bands of blue and yellow. The colours represent the wide blue skies and the yellow represents the wheat fields that characterize the country. From a psychological point of view, blue symbolizes calm, whilst yellow symbolizes joy.

The coat of arms of Ukraine is a blue shield with a gold trident. Officially referred to as the Princely State Symbol of Volodymyr the Great, or, colloquially, the tryzub, the insignia derives from the seal-trident of Volodymyr, the Grand Prince of Kyiv.

There are many monuments to famous Ukrainian poets and artists. The national poet of Ukraine is T.Shevchenko.

G. Veryovka Ukrainian National Honoured Academic Folk Choir based in Kyiv. It is a unique performance ensemble, which represents all the best from the inexhaustible source of folk art from all ethnographic regions of Ukraine by their perfect art.

The chorus is composed of orchestral, choral, and dance groups, and is the largest chorus in Ukraine. The group maintains its Ukrainian nationalist focus to this day. Its website declares, “Song is the soul of the Ukrainian people! Glory to Ukraine!” (Пісня—це душа українського народу! Слава Україні!)

The national dance is “hopak”.

Let’s stick these information to our “passport”

Capital city:

National symbols:

flag of Ukraine

Coat of Arms

Important person:

National dance:

There is a museum of books and printing of Ukraine.

Pylyp Orlyk’s Constitution is a 1710 constitutional document written by the Hetman of UkrainePylyp Orlyk. The document is made up of a preamble and 16 articles.This document represents the height of Ukrainian legal-political thought in the early 18th century. Constitutions provide information regarding how the people of the past wished to organize their society and distribute political power, but they also give rare glimpses of how those in power saw their society, and how they wished to be seen by their neighboring nations and empires

The original Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk was brought to Ukraine for the first time on August 16 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

Our favourite book is the workbook. Open it at the p.44.



ex. 1 p.44

Repeat the words, trace the letters.

Where are you from? I am from Ukraine.


 ex. 2 p.44 Listen to the dialogue. Underline the words - colours.


game “Yes/No”

Say Yes or No to these statements:

The Ukrainians live in Ukraine.

The flag is blue and yellow.

I can see a British boy.

They have got five flags.

game “Find the same”

You have got pictures. Find the classmate with the same picture, name it.


- Now we’re in Lviv.

There is a museum of Ukrainian cloth.

What can you see there?

Vyshyvanka is an embroidered national women's and men's white shirt. Embroidered shirt is a symbol of health, beauty, happy destiny, generic memory, decency, honesty, love, festivity; amulet. Ukraine rushnyk was used to cover the bread on a table.

Wreath is the symbol of life, destiny, life strength; symbol of virginity. Wreath is also a symbol of excellence.

The national cloth is vyshyvanka and wreath.

Kalyna is often depicted on Ukrainian embroidery: ritual cloths and shirts

According to a legend, kalyna was associated with the birth of the Universe, the so-called Fire Trinity: the Sun, the Moon, and the Star. Its berries symbolize one's home and native land, blood, and family roots.

The national plant is kalyna.

Lviv is famous for different music festivals and famous musicians.

The music symbol is bandura. It is a folk instrument.

Oksana Lyniv is a Ukrainian conductor.

On 25 July 2021, Lyniv conducted the first night of the new Bayreuth Festival production of Der fliegende Holländer, the first female conductor ever to conduct at the Bayreuth Festival.

Let’s stick these information to our “passport”.

National cloth:

National plant:

Musical symbol:



What does a conductor do?

(keep the music moving at a steady pace)

Now we are like conductors for letters in task 3 at p.45. Write the words, put the letters in correct order.


- Now we’re in Cremia. Two famous singers Jamala and Zlata Ohnevych spent their childhood here. They took part in Eurovision and won the 1st and 3rd place in this international competition. They sing like nightingale. It is a national animal. The common nightingale is an important symbol for poets from a variety of ages, and has taken on a number of symbolic connotations. The nightingale is the national bird of Ukraine. One legend tells how nightingales once only lived in India, when one nightingale visited Ukraine. Hearing sad songs from the people, the nightingale sang its song to cheer them up. The people responded with happy songs, and since then, nightingales have visited Ukraine every spring to hear Ukrainian songs.

- Let’s sing a song “Open your heart to Ukraine” Z.Ohnevych.

Let’s stick these information to our “passport”.

Famous singer:

National animal:


- Look at task 4 in your workbook and choose the correct picture.


- We’re in Poltava. Traditional Ukrainian halushky (dumplings) have roots in Poltava. The basic version of the dish is a plate of boiled dough, served with sour cream, cottage cheese or crackling.

The village of Dykanka, located 12.4 miles (20 km) from Poltava, became a popular tourist destination because of the writer Nikolai Gogol. Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka is a collection of stories in which the author skillfully conveys the local colour of the tiny Ukrainian village and its inhabitants. 

The famous national dish is borshch and varenyky.

 Let’s stick these information to our “passport”.

National dish:


And now we’re going home to our native town Mukachevo. Let’s work in pair. Ask and answer:

Where do you live? I live in Mukachevo.

Do the task 5.

ІІІ. Заключна частина

1. Підведення підсумків уроку

What did you learn today? Did you learn some new information? Was it interesting for you on the lesson?

Present your “passports”. What do you know about Ukraine? What are the national symbols of Ukraine? What are the most famous poets, artists in our country?

 2. Повідомлення домашнього завдання

Your homework - to decorate your passport with pictures and learn the words (ex. 1 p.44)

3. Оцінювання учнів

–You were very active. Good job/ great results in reading, writing the words, singing this song, matching tasks, naming the national symbols of Ukraine.

25 червня 2023
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