Урок на тему "Do you like sports?"

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал стане в нагоді вчиталям, що викладають англійську мову в 5 класі за підручником Full Blast 5.
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Topic: Do you like sports?

Book: Full Blast Plus 5

Form: 5

Unit: 3b


  • To practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills related to sports.
  • To introduce and practice vocabulary on sports.
  • To develop digital skills using online tools like Flippity and Wordwall.


By the end of the lesson, pupils will:

  • Know how to talk about their favorite sports.
  • Be able to express likes and dislikes using like and don’t like.
  • Be ready to write a short paragraph about their favorite sport.


Student’s book Full Blast Plus 5, interactive whiteboard (IWB), handouts (sports vocabulary crossword)


  • Wordwall for vocabulary practice.
  • Flippity for matching exercises.
  • ClassroomScreen for displaying activities.

Time: 45 minutes



Warm-up (5 minutes):

  • As students enter the class, play an energetic sports video (e.g., a highlight reel from different sports) to set the mood for the lesson.
  • Greet students and tell them the topic of the lesson is "Do you like sports?"


Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Introduce the learning outcomes of the lesson: “Today, we’ll learn how to talk about sports, express what we like and don’t like, and practice some new vocabulary.”
  • Ask students to name a few sports they know in English and write them on the board.

Vocabulary Presentation (10 minutes):

  • Present the new vocabulary related to sports using images or flashcards (e.g., football, basketball, swimming, tennis, etc.).
  • Show the words on the IWB and pronounce them clearly.
  • Students repeat after the teacher.
  • Play a quick game: Use Wordwall for matching sports names with their pictures.

Reading & Discussion (10 minutes):

  • Exercise 3a, p. 38 from the student’s book:
    • Students read a short text where a child talks about their favorite sports.
    • As a class, discuss which sports the child mentions and how they express their likes and dislikes.
    • Ask students to underline the phrases like I like and I don’t like in the text.
    • On the IWB, students categorize sports they like or dislike.

Pair Work & Practice (7 minutes):

  • Exercise 1, p. 38:
    • In pairs, students ask each other about the sports they like or don’t like using the question: Do you like (sport)?
    • Encourage them to answer using full sentences: Yes, I like football. or No, I don’t like swimming.

Grammar Focus (8 minutes):

  • Explain the grammar point: like and don’t like for expressing preferences.
  • Exercise 3b, p. 39:
    • Students complete sentences using like or don’t like based on their preferences.
    • Check answers together as a class.

Production (5 minutes):

  • Students write a short paragraph about their favorite sport, using I like and I don’t like to describe their preferences.



  • Exercise 3b, p. 39:
    • Students will read and circle the correct words in exercise.



  • Ask students to reflect on their understanding:
    • I can talk about my favorite sports.
    • I can use "like" and "don’t like" in sentences.

Teacher’s Feedback:

  • Provide comments on their participation, focusing on positive achievements, such as correctly using new vocabulary and asking good questions.


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