Урок на тему "Let’s play! Toys. Формування вмінь використання нового мовного інвентаря (лексика по темі)"

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Розробка уроку для першого класу до вивчення теми " Іграшки". Урок повністю відповідає вимогам НУШ, насичений піснями, руханками та іграми.
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Form: 1A

Date :10.10.2018

Topic: Let’s play! Toys. Формування вмінь використання нового мовного інвентаря (лексика по темі)

Learning outcomes:  by the end of the lesson learners will be able to understand names of some toys while listening to the song;  learners will be able to perform toys by using GS “What’s this? It’s a ….” And “what’s in the box? It’s a…”;   learners will be able to understand short simple questions and answers about school objects and toys;

Learning competence: communication skills, teamwork, job specific skills,

Language: some school objectives(R) , some toys ( kite, doll, go-kart, bike, computer game, etc. questions – What’s this? What’s in the box? It’s a +noun; Is it a +noun? Yes. /No

Materials:  toys, a toy box, flashcards with toys and numbers(1-10), video resources(You tube), boxes, blocks, envelopes with pictures of toys


  1. Greetings.

Hello! Hi! Good afternoon children!

 Children sing a song “ let’s shake hands”

Hello hello, let’s shake hands.
Hello hello, let’s shake hands.
Hello hello, let’s shake hands.
It’s English time again.

Everyone jump three times.
One, two, three.
Everyone clap three times.
One, two, three.
Everyone stomp three times.
One, two, three.

Everybody jump up high, yeah!

Hello, hello let’s all bow.
Hello, hello let’s all bow.
Hello, hello let’s all bow.
It’s English time again.

Everyone spin three times.
One, two, three.
Everyone blink three times.
One, two, three.
Everyone nod three times.
One, two, three.

Everybody jump up high, yeah!

Hello, hello let’s all hug.
Hello, hello let’s all hug.
Hello, hello let’s all hug.
It’s English time again.

Now let’s sit down.


  1. Warm-up .

Revision of previous theme. Topic “School objects”   (S-S) 

Pair Work. Match the picture. Ask and answer “What’s this?It’s a …”

Our friend ( a puppet Mickey) is going to school. But he lost all school objects. Help him to put them into his school bag. You have a different piece of school objects. Find your partner and sit together.

Super job!!! Now ask your partner.

e.g. What’s this? – It’s a ruler( a book, a pen…)

  1.  Presentation.

 But you know what?!Mickey  still can’t find one of  his school objecst. What is it? Watch a video story and tell me.( a pencil case) 

Youtube resourses  Dangerous Toys - English For Children - English For Kids

But LOOK! What a MESS! TOYS are everywhere! Is it good to make mess?

3.1 Drilling (T – Ss)

So let’s tidy some of these toys. Bring me! Listen and repeat. Put in the toy box!

(Toys are thrown around the class. Children one by one run and bring to teacher a toy. Then repeat the pronunciation after the teacher one , in chorus and put inside the toy box in the middle of the class)

Now let’s repeat and MIME ( On the board stick new words)

  1. MIME GAME.( T – Ss), (S – Ss)

 e.g. Is it a ….( a toy car, a ball, a doll, a go-kart, a computer game…)? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t

  1. Practice

Group work. Listening to the song. Revision the names of the toys. BLOCKS for dividing into groups.

You are Fantastic children! Thank you. And I’ve also got  my onw toys today. They are blocks.  We will have another task using them.  Take any block from my box. Find your group by colours.   So we have

RED  TEAM          BLUE TEAM       YELLOW TEAM                     GREEN TEAM

Each team’s got an envelope with pictures of toys. Open it . Listen to the song and find the ODD ONE PICTURE ( kite - red team,bike - blue team,go-kart – yellow team,monster – green team)

You tube resourses  Toy - Word Songs - Word Power - Pinkfong Songs for Children


Bob bob bob. 
Open the box, box. 
Bob bob bob. 
Open the box, box. 

What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?
What, what’s in the box? in the box? What? What?

A doll. A ball. A robot. Blocks. Crayons. A truck!

A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck. 
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
A doll and a ball. A robot and a truck. 
Blocks and crayons in the box. In the box!
Toy-oy-oy-oys are in the box. In the box!

Bob bob bob. Open the box, box. 
Bob bob bob. Open the box, box. 

4.1 Listen one more time and put THE PICTURES in order.

( check on the board) use flashcards and stickers. What’s in the box? It’s a …

e.g. box #1 it’s a doll, box #2 it’s a ball, box #3….


5. Speaking and movement time.

Now it’s high time to make a circle and move a little bit. Take your boxes with toys to the circle.

Children stay in a circle with boxes . sing and dance.

Video SONG “Make a circle” + BOXES

Time to make a circle. [Everyone rushes to the center of the room and holds hands in a circle.]
Make a circle, big big big. [Make the circle bigger.]
Small small small. [Make the circle smaller.]
Big big big. [Make the circle bigger.]
Make a circle, small small small. [Make the circle smaller.]
Hello hello hello. [Everybody waves to each other. Try to make eye contact with each child.]
Make a circle, round and round. [Holding hands, walk around in a big circle.]
Round and round.
Round and round. [If you like, move the circle in the other direction.]
Make a circle, round and round.
Hello hello hello.
Make a circle, up up up. [While holding hands, everyone reaches up high!]
Down down down. [Crouch down low.]
Up up up. [Reach high!]
Make a circle, down down down. [Crouch low.]
Now sit down. [Everyone sits down.]

  And let’s play another game with our magic boxes! Count and ask ( A GAME magic box)

Group and pair work ( S – Ss)

One  student stays in the middle of the circle. Close his/ her eyes. The rest count till 5 and move around the circle. When we stop,

the student inside asks – WHAT’S IN THE BOX? The other answers – It’s a ….(go-kart…)

6. Tracing and Colouring.

Mickey is  happy to be  on the English lesson. He also has  his favourite toy – a go-kart. It is in your Activity Books.  Open your ACTIVITY BOOK at p 34 (2) trace the go-kart and colour it ……………

  1. Ending of the lesson

That’s almost the end of our lesson.

 Did we sing songs?

Did we play games?

Did we listen to the song?

Did we talk about toys?

Did we trace and draw?

Did we do A GOOD JOB? – Super. Clap your hands. You were great!

Now “ good bye “song  ( video)

Clap your hands
Spin around
Jump up high!OK!
Clap your hands
Sit down
Stand up

Goodbye, goodbye, see you again
Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends
Goodbye, goodbye, I had fun today
I had fun today

Stomp your feet
Shake your body
Stand still!OK!
Stomp your feet
Turn left
Turn right

Goodbye, goodbye, see you again
Goodbye, goodbye, see you my friends
Goodbye, goodbye, I had fun today
I had fun today, I had fun today
I had fun today





“ Let’s play! Toys are everywhere!

C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\перший клас 1\відкритий урок\toys\download (1).jpgC:\Users\Owner\Desktop\перший клас 1\відкритий урок\toys\download.jpgC:\Users\Owner\Desktop\перший клас 1\відкритий урок\toys\69561366-kite-toy-icon-childhood-play-game-and-object-theme-isolated-design-vector-illustration.jpg C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\перший клас 1\відкритий урок\toys\images.png


the teacher of English

Nataliia Yasiuchenia

with the students of form 1A



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