Урок на тему "Місто.Транспорт." 4 клас

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку з роздатковим матеріалом по темі "Транспорт.Місто".Включає завдання для опрацювання лексичного,фонетичного матеріалу,завдання на розвиток мовленнєвих навичок.Містить завдання для опрацювання в групах,для складання діалогів.Також включає вправи на розвиток навичок аудіювання та письма.При роботі в кпасі використовуються ІТ засоби.Урок навчить дітей орієнтаціі в місті,ввічливо спілкуватись з людьми,прищепить любов до рідного міста,ознайомить дітей з різними видами транспорту та правилами дорожнього руху,орієнтації в місті.
Перегляд файлу

IlJ1aH-KOHcneKT ypoKY Ha rreMy:  TpaHcnopT.» 4 KJ1ac.

I-lini: - HaBqaTH AiænoriqHoro Ta MOHOnoriHHOro MOBJ1eHHX,

-         P03BHBaTH BMiHHA cniJIKYBarrucw,

-         BHXOBYBaTH BBiWIHBiCTb y cniJIKYBaHHi 3 Jl}OAbMH Ta npH1-uer1JIK)BaTH Jl}060B AO piAHoro MiCTa.

XiA ypoKy:

I. Introduction and greating.

Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you! How are you today? Let's see how you are now. Take your "faces" and if you fill well, great — draw a smile, if you fill neither well nor bad — draw a face without a smile, and if you are sad — draw a sad face. (YMHi MU11-01-OTb 06JIHLIMA). Now show me your faces. Well, I see that everybody is happy. So we can start our lesson.


(3BYHHTb Meji0Aiq niCHi npo KHiB). Do you know this song? What is it about? Do you like it? And now let's look at the blackboard and try to solve a crossword and you'll see the topic of our lesson.

l). It's a building. We see new films there. (cinema).

2). It's a place where we can see many plains, airplanes, helicopters. (airport).

3). It is one of the means of transport. (Tram).

4) It's a place near the house. The children like to play in it. (Yard).

Now you can see that the title of our topic is "City". We are going to speak about the buildings in the city and about different means of transport. You'll learn some new phrases which can be useful for you in a bus.

Warming Up

l) 110BTOPeHHA JleKCHH1--10ro MaTepiaJIY. YMHTeJ1b garmcye Ha A0111L1i CJ10Ba, 1110 03Haqa1-0Tb

BUAH TpaHcnopTY. 110TiM aeM0HcTpye MUI}OI--IKH Ha AKHX 306paxeH0 TpaHcnopT i CTaBHTb

3ar1HTaHH1. Is it a bike? Is it a car or a plane?

                     2) beciAa 3                      3a MU11-OHKaMH.

Look at these means of transport and tell which of them do you think is: Fast, slow, comfortable, uncomfortable, the most favourite, ecological. (YMHi  CBOK) T0HKY

30py). 11. Reading.

l . And now let's open your books on page 54 (Karpiuk) and tell me: Whom can you see? Where are Bill and Taras? What is Bill pointing at? Where are Bill and Taras on picture B? What have they got in their hands? (YHHTeJ1b Aor10Marae ItaTH BiA110BiÅb, 110RH1-0}0HH, 1110 KBHTOK HUHBa€TbCA bus pass.

2.       YHHi HHTa1-OTb Aianor 3a POJIAMH

3.       YMHTeJ1b p03nae KaPTKH caMOCTiäHOi P060TH i npocHTb yt1HiB P03MiCTHTH peqeHHA y npaBHJ1bHiä nocniÅ0BHocTi npaBHJ1bHiä nocJ1iAOBHOCTi npaBHJ1bHiii nocniA0BHocTi.

4.       CKJ1aAaHHA Aianory Ha OCHOBi npoqmaHoro

a)   W.b. page 30 ex.2 — rlHCbMOB0.

b)   YMHi YCHO CKnana}OTb Aianoru B napax, KOPHCTY}OHHCb 3pa3KOM.

111. Writing.

1)      OnpaL.1}0BaHHA neKCHYHOro MaTepiaJTY ypoKY.

Should — rlOBH1--1eH

Get off — BHXOAHTH

Buy — KY11YBaTH

Take a bus — ciAaTH B aBT06yc

YMHi 110BTOPK)YOTb HOBi CJ10Ba 3a BYHTeneM Ta CKnaAa}OTb peqeHHA 3 1--1HMH.

2)      BHKOHaHHA 3aBAaHHA Ha A0111ui. (3'€AHaTH JliBY Ta npaBY qacTHHY peqeHb, 1.1106 OTPHMaTH Aia.nor).

3)      1•IHTaHHA Aianory B ponqx.

4)      BinrmaTH CJIOBO (Ha A0111L1i HanucaHi CJ10Ba: -ticy (city), -legalry (gallery), -seummu (museum), -necima (cinema), -cuscir (circus), -trethea (theatre), -certcon allh (concert hall).



V.      Listening.

Well done children and now listen to the story about Kate's street and draw it.

Kate is going to get some food.

The food shop is next to the gallery.

The gallery is up the street.

There are two cinemas and a museum down the street.

The concert hall is opposite the museum.

Show me your pictures. Very well!

VI.  Practising sounds. Isl. 101.

From the cinema to the theatre

From the theatre to the cinema. Vll. Homework.

Well done! And open your daybooks and write down your homework. W.b. ex. I page 3 1.

VIll. Summing-up.

I'd like to say a few words in conclusion. I'm so pleased with your work. It was very interesting and lovely. Do you like our lesson? You were great and your marks today are.. .0ur lesson is over, goodbye.


City buildings


I. Excuse me

2.  Where is the bus stop here?

3.  umat bus should I take to get

to the museum?

4.  Where should I get off?

5.  Is it far from the bus stop?

6.  Thank you

You can take the number 3 bus

No, it isn't


You are welcome

Cross the street and turn left. 'Ille bus stop is in front of that big building

Well, get off at Green Street and go straight ahead


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Буренко В.М., Михайлик)
16 лютого 2019
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