Урок на тему "Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі."

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Тема: Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі. Мета: узагальнити вивчену лексику, вміння та навички за темою «Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі », активізувати граматичні навички, закріпити у писемному мовленні лексико-граматичний матеріал,удосконалити мовну та мовленнєву компетенцію учнів; розвивати вміння самостійно працювати з завданнями, злагодженість у роботі, стійку увагу, привчати учнів до напруженої розумової праці під час уроку; виховувати товариськість, дружні стосунки, повагу одне до одного. Обладнання: підручник, зошити для виконання завдання, тематичні малюнки, транскрипційний звук, роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер. Хід уроку I. Організаційний момент. 1. Greeting and aim. T: good morning students. I am glad to see you. Ch: good morning teacher. We are glad to see you. 2. warm – up. 2)Гра” Впіймай звук”  Car, park, house, cake, March, palm, arm, open, cool, hot, card. 3) Write the opposite. Good - bad Sad - happy Cold – hot / warm Cheap - expensive Slow - fast Clean - dirty II. Основна частина уроку 1. Communicative activity 1) Oral practice A) T.: Make up the sentences with HAVE TO, HAS TO. ( slides 5-7 ) B) Sentences of purpose. T.: Look at the pictures and make up the sentences of purpose. I went to the post office to send a letter. I went to the bank to get some money. I went to the café to drink some coffee. I went to the shop to buy a T-shirt. I went to the library to read a book. ( slides 8-10 ) C) Revision of the comparative and superlative form of adjectives. 1) T.: Use the given words to compare the following pictures. 2) T.: choose the right option. Ex. My dog Jack is the ---------------of my two dogs. A. bigger B. more bigger C. most big D. biggest ( slides 11- 23 ) 2. Фізхвилинка Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. And eyes, and ears, and mouth, And nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. 2. Grammar review Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. ( slide 24 ) 3. Listening . 1) Pre – reading activity. T.: Do you like travelling by car? What colour can a car be? What types of cars do you know? 2) While reading activity. Children listen to the text and fill in the gaps. The Mysterious Volkswagen Last week, we had a party at ___ ___________. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was. Eric said it wasn't ______ ________ . _______ is a red pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was _______ , she said no — _______ ________ is a white Ford. I knew it wasn't ______ ________ , of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from ____ _______ and left it on_______ . Answers :  our house  his car  his  hers  her car  my car  their street  ours 4. Writing. T.: do the crossword filling in the possessive pronouns. 6. Заключна частина уроку. 1) домашнє завдання Повторити вивчені слова та вирази. 2) підведення підсумків уроку. - Які завдання роботи були легкими? - Які завдання були важкими? - Слова до яких тем були найцікавішими для вас? Тема: Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі. Мета: узагальнити вивчену лексику, вміння та навички за темою «Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі », активізувати граматичні навички, закріпити у писемному мовленні лексико-граматичний матеріал,удосконалити мовну та мовленнєву компетенцію учнів; розвивати вміння самостійно працювати з завданнями, злагодженість у роботі, стійку увагу, привчати учнів до напруженої розумової праці під час уроку; виховувати товариськість, дружні стосунки, повагу одне до одного. Обладнання: підручник, зошити для виконання завдання, тематичні малюнки, транскрипційний звук, роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер. Хід уроку I. Організаційний момент. 1. Greeting and aim. T: good morning students. I am glad to see you. Ch: good morning teacher. We are glad to see you. 2. warm – up. 2)Гра” Впіймай звук”  Car, park, house, cake, March, palm, arm, open, cool, hot, card. 3) Write the opposite. Good - bad Sad - happy Cold – hot / warm Cheap - expensive Slow - fast Clean - dirty II. Основна частина уроку 1. Communicative activity 1) Oral practice A) T.: Make up the sentences with HAVE TO, HAS TO. ( slides 5-7 ) B) Sentences of purpose. T.: Look at the pictures and make up the sentences of purpose. I went to the post office to send a letter. I went to the bank to get some money. I went to the café to drink some coffee. I went to the shop to buy a T-shirt. I went to the library to read a book. ( slides 8-10 ) C) Revision of the comparative and superlative form of adjectives. 1) T.: Use the given words to compare the following pictures. 2) T.: choose the right option. Ex. My dog Jack is the ---------------of my two dogs. A. bigger B. more bigger C. most big D. biggest ( slides 11- 23 ) 2. Фізхвилинка Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. And eyes, and ears, and mouth, And nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. 2. Grammar review Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns. ( slide 24 ) 3. Listening . 1) Pre – reading activity. T.: Do you like travelling by car? What colour can a car be? What types of cars do you know? 2) While reading activity. Children listen to the text and fill in the gaps. The Mysterious Volkswagen Last week, we had a party at ___ ___________. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was. Eric said it wasn't ______ ________ . _______ is a red pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was _______ , she said no — _______ ________ is a white Ford. I knew it wasn't ______ ________ , of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from ____ _______ and left it on_______ . Answers :  our house  his car  his  hers  her car  my car  their street  ours 4. Writing. T.: do the crossword filling in the possessive pronouns. 6. Заключна частина уроку. 1) домашнє завдання Повторити вивчені слова та вирази. 2) підведення підсумків уроку. - Які завдання роботи були легкими? - Які завдання були важкими? - Слова до яких тем були найцікавішими для вас?
Перегляд файлу



Тема: Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі.

Мета: узагальнити вивчену лексику, вміння та навички за темою «Планети. Узагальнення знань по темі », активізувати граматичні навички, закріпити у писемному мовленні лексико-граматичний матеріал,удосконалити мовну та мовленнєву компетенцію учнів;

          розвивати вміння самостійно працювати з завданнями, злагодженість у роботі, стійку увагу, привчати учнів до напруженої розумової праці під час уроку;

         виховувати товариськість, дружні стосунки, повагу одне до одного.

Обладнання: підручник, зошити для виконання завдання, тематичні малюнки, транскрипційний звук, роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер.


Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент.

1. Greeting and aim.

T:   good morning students. I am glad to see you.

Ch: good morning teacher. We are glad to see you.

2. warm – up.

2)Гра” Впіймай звук”

 Car, park, house, cake, March, palm, arm, open, cool, hot, card.


3) Write the opposite.

Good - bad

Sad - happy

Cold – hot / warm

Cheap - expensive

Slow - fast

Clean - dirty


II. Основна частина уроку

  1. Communicative activity
  1. Oral practice
  1. T.: Make up the sentences with  HAVE TO, HAS TO.

( slides 5-7 )


  1. Sentences of purpose.

T.: Look at the pictures and make up the sentences of purpose.


       I went to the post office to send a letter.

       I went to the bank to get some money.

       I went to the café to drink some coffee.

       I went to the shop to buy a T-shirt.

       I went to the library to read a book.

     ( slides 8-10 )



  1. Revision of the comparative and superlative form of adjectives.
  1. T.: Use the given words to compare the following pictures.
  2. T.: choose the right option.

Ex. My  dog Jack is the ---------------of my two dogs.

  1. bigger
  2. more bigger
  3. most big
  4. biggest


( slides 11- 23 )




Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.

And eyes, and ears, and mouth,
And nose.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.


  1. Grammar review

Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

( slide 24 )


  1. Listening .
    1. Pre – reading activity.

T.: Do you like travelling by car?

      What colour can a car be?

      What types of cars do you know?

  1. While reading activity.

Children listen to the text and fill in the gaps.

Описание: Volkswagen car           The Mysterious Volkswagen
Last week, we had a party at   ___     ___________. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was.
Eric said it wasn't ______   ________ . _______  is a red pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was _______ , she said no — _______    ________ is a white Ford. I knew it wasn't ______ ________ , of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from  ____  _______  and left it on_______ .



Answers :


  • our house
  • his car
  • his
  • hers
  • her car
  • my car
  • their street
  • ours


  1. Writing.

T.: do the crossword filling in the possessive pronouns.


6. Заключна частина уроку.

1) домашнє завдання

    Повторити вивчені слова та вирази.

2) підведення підсумків уроку.

- Які завдання роботи були легкими?

- Які завдання були важкими?

- Слова до яких тем були найцікавішими для вас?













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