Урок на тему "We Like Sport"

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови по темі "Sport" (6 рік навчання) за підручником А. Несвіт на повторення та закріплення знань по темі

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Тема уроку:We like sports


Цілі уроку:


Практична:  повторити і закріпити  лексичні одиниці за темою уроку, вчитись їх правильно вимовляти, розвивати вміння учнів логічно та послідовно висловлювати власні думки англійською мовою.

Освітня: удосконалювати навички роботи з текстом, поглиблювати знання учнів про види спорту, розвивати самостійне мислення, ініціативність, бажання до пізнання нового.

Розвиваюча: розвивати пам’ять, увагу, логічне мислення, уяву, творчість, навички вимови, читання, аудіювання, розвивати зв’язне  мовлення;


Виховна: виховувати позитивне ставлення до занять спортом та здорового способу життя, позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.


Очікуваний результат: By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about different sports and games.


 Обладнання: мультимедійна установка, презентація до уроку, картки із завданнями, пісня для аудіювання,






1. Introduction


T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you.

Are you ready to start our lesson? Great! We have some guests at our lesson . So, let’s greet them saying “Good morning”. ..


2. Emotions

T: At the beginning of our work I’d like to know how are you? Show me your emotions using Smileys. I’m very glad to see you are fine today because we have a lot of work to do. Try to speak English during the lesson. 


Look at the blackboard, please! Let’s read the poem “I Like…”

Can you guess the topic of our today’s lesson? Yes, you are quite right.



T:The topic of our lesson is “We like sports” and the main idea is why it is important to go in for sport. You’ll tell me about it at the end of the lesson.

Well, now open your copybooks and write down our topic.

 The motto of our lesson is “Sport is health, strength and fun!”

    If you want to be healthy, strong and energetic you should go in for sports.


4. Phonetic Drill


: Now, have a look at the tongue-twister. Listen and try to say.

Bowling, bowling

Bea likes bowling!

Volleyball, volleyball,

Victor loves playing volleyball!


(Now say quietly!/ Now say loudly!/ Now say fast! And last time try to say a little bit faster)



II. 5.Group work.

Now you’ll work in groups . We’re going to have a competition today.

T:Think a little and say the name of your team. You have 1 minute for it.


5.1.Magic Ball.


Let’s play the game “Magic Ball”. Do you remember the rules? OK. You have 2 minutes.

T: You were good ! Thank you!


5.2. Your first task is to match parts of proverbs. You have only 2 minutes.

1)A sound mind in a sound body.

2)Health is above wealth.

3) Fortune favours the brave.

4) No pain, no gain.

5) In sports and journeys men are known.

6) Sport is a preserver of health.


5.3.T:There are different kinds of sports and a lot of topic words. I hope you know them well because we’ll check it up right now.Game “Run to the board”.

Representatives of each team run to the blackboard by turn and write as many topic words as you can. I’ll give you two minutes. Ready, steady, go!

T:Stop! Your time is over. Now experts from each team will count words and correct mistakes.

5.4.T:While they are doing this work , I’d like to ask you some questions.


(Вправа  «Мікрофон»)


1)Do you go in for sport?

2)What kind of sport do you go in for?

3)Do you take part in sport competition?

4)What is your favourite kind of sport?

5)Do you like to play games or do you like to watch them?

6)Who is your favourite sportsman?

7)Who is the best sportsman in our class?

T: Thank you. Now let’s see the winner of our game.


5.5.T:Our next step is reading.(2 minutes)


T:The team which do the task first and correctly will win .

5.6.T:I know you like listening to music. What about English songs? Now listen to the song “My Favourite Sport…”and then you have to name all kinds of sports mentioned in the song..

5.7.T: Do you like playing basketball? Do you like grammar?

I hope you’ll be glad to play Grammar Basketball.

We have two guests at our lesson. They are the Present Simple and the Past Simple Tenses. Do you remember them? Let’s see it.

You have to read a word on paper by turn and decide what tense form this is. Make a ball and throw it into appropriate basket. Ready, steady, go!

T: I know you worked hard at home and make project works


5.8.Checking homework.


T:For today you have to make a project “My favourite sport”. Will you tell us about it? Who wants to start?



5.9. Grammar practice.


T: When we talk about sports we usually use three verbs: play/go/do.

Let’s remember! When do we use:

play- ball sports

go-sports ending in -ing

do-with other individual sports


T:Work in a group and complete the sentences with play/ go/ do.




Complete the expressions with


play, go, do

…..morning exercises ….skating

….athletics    ….football

….aerobics    ….skiing

….running    ….tennis

….volleyball   ….chess

6.The game “Sentence”.

Pupils arrange their sentences and put them on the blackboard. The winner is the fastest group.

III. Summarizing and hometask.

  1. T:At the beginning of the lesson I asked you to answer the question “Why is it important to go in for sports?Fillthespidergrame.









2. T:Your home task: Revise topic material and be ready for the test in reading.

3. T:Now let’s summarize the results of our lesson. The winner of today’s lesson is …Your marks are excellent/good …Today you’ve worked very hard, many of you have been very active. …I’m satisfied with your work today.

4. T:Now I’d like to see your emotions at the end of our lesson. Draw them and then show me, please.

T:How often do you use your phone? Do you like to send smiles to your friends? Now, I want to ask you to send me on my smart phone your smiles.

T:Look. You have got three smileys:

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "cool smiley"        A perfect smiley (the lesson was cool and you learnt    something new and interesting).

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "so-so smiley"         So-so smiley (the lesson was so-so and there were some difficult tasks for you).

Пов’язане зображення           Bad smiley (everything was difficult and boring and you didn’t like the lesson at all)




















































 1) A sound mind in a sound body.

2) Health is above wealth.

3) Fortune favours the brave.

4) No pain, no gain.

5) In sports and journeys men are known.

6) Sport is a preserver of health.

  •                 do on  you  what usually Saturdays  do?


  •                 go  do  often  jogging  how  you ?


  •                 always   they  tennis  the   at  play  weekends.