Урок – подорож
“Dnipro Cruise”
Вчителя початкових класів та іноземної мови
школи І – ІІІ ступенів № 233
Оболонського району
Чайки Тетяни Сергіївни
Київ 2020 р.
Мета: Активізувати знання, уміння та навички учнів з англомовного спілкування щодо теми уроку, тренувати в діалогічному мовленні, формувати почуття любові до своєї країни. Виховувати повагу до думки співрозмовника. Прищеплювати любов до пізнання нового.
Обладнання: Карта України, картинки з зображенням визначних місць Києва, Одеси, Запоріжжя, Канева.
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення.
Teacher: Dear friends, I am glad to see you again. I think you are fine and we shall have an interesting lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Dnipro cruise”. Cruises for one lesson will enable us to visit different port cities: Kyiv, Zaporizhya, Odessa, Kaniv. There will be historians, weather forecasters, guides and English tourists in our ship.
Teacher: I hope you will enjoy the lesson and maybe you will know something new for yourself by the end of the lesson.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Вивчення нової лексики.
Учитель пояснює слова, які записані на дошці, за допомогою рухів, пропонує здогадатися, що означають слова artifact, cupola, frescoes. ЛО bankrupt, beacon, heritage, gilder copper sheets учитель перекладає рідною мовою.
2. Говоріння.
Teacher: Before we begin our journey I would like to know what the weather will be during our cruise. The weather forecasters, please tell us what the weather will be like today? (Синоптики повідомляють погоду з обов’язковим повідомленням дня тижня і місяцем року. На дошці карта України з позначками умовних знаків біля міст круїзу).
Weather forecaster: The weather forecast for Thursday the 15-th of April will be: bright and sunny throughout the territory of Ukraine. The wind is southeast. The temperature is 20 degrees above zero in Kyiv, on the east is 22 degrees above zero, and on the south of Ukraine is 25 degrees above zero. There will be possibly rain in the evening. I suggest to you to take an umbrella.
Teacher: Good luck on your trip!
Teacher: (Звучить спокійна музика) We are approaching to the city of Kyiv. You can see the places of interest in Kyiv. (Виставити карту Києва і картинки)
Guide 1: Legend has it that the city was founded by Kiy with his two younger brothers Schek and Khoriv and sister Lybid. Kyiv is known as the Golden – Domed City (Zolotoverkhiy) because of the numerous church cupolas covered with gold leaf.
Tourist 1: What important historical sites are here?
Guide 2: Kyiv is divided into the Modern City and the Old City. The main street of the Modern City is Khreshchatik Street. The city’s main square is Independence Square. There are many museums in Kyiv. Such of them: The Art Museum of Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko, Taras Shevchenko Museum, Museum “Tereschenko Gallery”. The Modern City has the Botanical Garden. It contains 10.000 plants, shrubs and trees.
The museum “Tereschenko Gallery” feature Ukrainian art from all periods. Old icons, Kyivan Rus artifacts, porcelain collections, and paintings are among its highlights.
Taras Shevchenko Museum contains some 800 paintings, drawings, and prints by the great poet, as well as mementos of his life.
Guide 3: The Old City is rich in the remarkable places. Such of them: The Golden Gate is the oldest structure. The door and cupola of the gate – church were covered with gilder copper sheets, giving the gate its name. The city’s major square is St. Sophia’s Square. In the centre of the square is the 10.85 – meter (36 – foot) high monument of the Kozak leader, Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Near the square is St. Sophia Cathedral, a masterpiece of world architecture, with beautiful mosaics and frescoes of religious. Just east of St. Sophia Square is Mykhaylivska Square, with St. Michael’s Golden – Domed Monastery. To the northwest, at the beginning of Volodymyrska Street is the National Historical Museum of Ukraine. The museum contains archeological and ethnographical discoveries from prehistoric times, from the Tripillian culture, the Scythians, the early slavs, and the Kozaks. On the west side of St. Andrew Church begins the city’s most popular tourist street, Andriyvsky Uzviz.
Tourist 2: Please, explain me what “Tripillian culture” means?
Historian 1: The roots of the Ukrainian nation are in Tripillian culture, the heritage of the Scythian tribes and Chernyakhiv culture. The Tripillians worshiped female gods, built spacious houses, domesticated animals, cultivated land with metal picks and axes, and made clay pottery.
Teacher: There are also many attractions in Kyiv, but we need to rush to Kaniv. A cruise from Kyiv 162 km down the Dnipro River to Kaniv is a popular summertime day trip.
Tourist 1: What can you say about Kaniv? What do you recommend to see me? (Виставлення картинок)
Guide 1: Kaniv is known primarily as the final resting place of the great Ukrainian poet and patriot, Taras Shevchenko. The Shevchenko National Reserve in Kaniv is located atop Tarasova Hora, a high bluff overlooking the Dnipro. A climb up 400 steps leads to the burial site and monument to Shevchenko, who expressed the wish in one of his most – loved poems, Zapovit, to be laid to rest above his beloved Dnipro river.
The monument has a written passage of the Testament:
“And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly – spoken kindly word
Remember also me”.
(Translated by E. I. Voynich)
Teacher: Our ship is hold course to Zaporizhia.
Tourist 3: What important historical sites are there?
Guide 2: This region is known Zaporizhian Sich. Zaporizhian Kozaks were very brave and strong. They loved freedom. They made their own state – Zaporizhian Sich. The main idea of Zaporizhian Sich was to fight for independence of native land. Zaporizhian Kozaks were free and independent people. They called their leader “Koshovyi Otaman”. The bravest one was Ivan Sirko. He won many victories. The Russian Empress broke up Zaporizhian Sich. Legends and songs brought us the name of these national heroes: Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Petro Doroshenko, Ivan Mazepa, Petro Sahaidachnyi.
Historian2: Sometimes Kozaks lived on the Khortytsya Island. Khortytsya Island, southwest of Zaporizhya, is the largest island in the Dnipro River, covering some 3.000 hectares.
Guide 1: The city’s gigantic industrial complex owes its existence to the massive steel and concrete Dnipro Hydro Power Station dam. It’s a major home of Ukraine’s auto industry, Zaporizhya Auto Works, in joint venture with German Opel and a Swiss firm that bought out the bankrupt South Korean Daewoo.
Historian 3: On the left bank of the Dnipro, northwest of Zaporizhya, is the village Petrykivka. Petrykivka decorative painting is applied to dishes, boxes, vases, and other souvenir items by craftsmen of the Museum of Applied Art in Petrykivka.
Teacher: Far away burns fire of the beacon. It meets our town – heroes Odessa. Odessa is a big port.
Guide 3: In addition, this city has great culture. It is interesting to visit Prymorsky Boulevard and admire the many historical places and interesting monuments.
Guide 2: Odessa has many museums. Museums in Odessa are good and not overwhelmingly large. There are Odessa Fine Arts Museum, Literary Museum, Odessa Museum of Archeology, Naval Museum, Odessa Regional museum, Odessa Museum of Western, and Oriental Art.
Guide 1: Odessa has also Philharmonic Hall, Odessa Theatre of Musical Comedy, Russian Drama Theatre of Opera, and Ballet. The Odessa Opera has always been one of the leading music theatres of Europe, hosting such stars as Petro Tchaikovsky, Nikolay Rimsky – Korsakov, Enrico Caruso, and Anna Pavlova. Odessans are fond of sports and games, and have organized clubs for chess, bicycling, tennis, diving, and yachting.
Teacher: That makes an end to our trip. Time to go home, but let’s play a game on the road. Find 13 words on the topic “Dnipro Cruise”.
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Key: Odessa, Kyiv, Shevchenko, Dnipro, travel, street, cruise, Zaporizhya, kozak, Khortytsya, Petrykivka, Kaniv, otaman.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
Teacher: You’re all worked well today. I am grateful to members of a group for an interesting journey. I hope that the tourists were satisfied. Are you?
Teacher: At home you have to prepare a story “Journey to Poltava and the Poltavska region”, be sure to visit Sorochenska Fair, the house of Ivan Kotlyarevsky, the scene of the battle of Poltava, in time to the Great Northern War between Sweden and Russian. The lesson is over. Thank you very much.