Урок "Подорож. Види подорожей та види транспорту".

Про матеріал

Матеріал уроку допоможе учням познайомитись з видами транспорту та способами подорожування. Учні навчаться розповідати про свої подрожі та чим вони люблять подорожувати.

Перегляд файлу

Урок з англійської мови у 4 класі

на тему «Подорож»


 Тема уроку .      Подорож.  Переваги і недоліки різних видів

                             подорожей.  Розвиток  лексичних і мовленнєвих



Мета уроку. Навчати учнів використовувати вивчену  лексику  в різних

                    ситуаціях; навчити учнів виявляти переваги і недоліки подорожей

                     різними видами транспорту; вчити висловлювати свою думку.

                     Розвивати навички читання, усного мовлення, сприяти

                     виробленню комунікативної компетенції.

                    Виховувати культуру інтелектуальної праці.

Обладнання. Наочність, малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, відеоматеріал.

Тип уроку. Комбінований.


Хід уроку

І. Початок уроку. Уведення до мовленнєвого середовища.

1.  Greeting.

     Привітання. Оргмомент. Вступне слово вчителя.

T. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

Ps. We are glad to see you too!

T. This lesson is unusual for you and for me. You can see many guests. They are

    teachers.  I hope that our co-operation will be successful. I want to ask you to be attentive and active. Don’t be afraid, don’t be silent.  Speak and express your opinion.  OK, look at each other, please. Smile! Look at me. Smile! So, let’s start our communication.


2. Introducting of the topic. Aim.

Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

   The topic of our today’s lesson is “Travelling”. Today we’ll do different tasks. As we have already learned many words and about different ways of travelling you can show and use your knowledge.

    To begin our lesson I would like to practice some sounds with you.


3. Warm-up.

Пісня I have a car.

2) Мовленнєва зарядка.

Means of transport. I can travel by… car, train, bus, plane, ship, on foot.

Advantages/disadvantages of means of travelling.

Car(fast, comfortable), train(rather fast and not so expensive, comfortable seats in carriage), plane(fast, comfortable), on foot (good for health, you don’t need tickets), ship (interesting)

Car (expensive, can pollute the air), train (need to buy tickets), on foot(tiring, troublesome), plane(expensive, dangerous), ship(expensive, dangerous).


3). We’ve spoken about the means of transport, now let’s make a poster about Why do people travel? Give some reasons about travelling.



People travel because they want to discover new places.

They want to know customs, traditions of other countries.

They visit new places.

They want to learn a language.

They travel to know the history, culture.

Some people travel to meet people.

We travel to visit our relatives.

We travel to make friends.

Many people travel to see the sights.

Thank you children, and now let’s check your homework. For today you have to write sentences with structure to be going to do smth(збиратися щось робити). Please, open your copybooks and the sentences. Who wants to be the first?

Thank you children, well done.

Основна частина уроку. Lesson 3.


Today we speak about transport and travelling, let’s open your books on page 74 and read new words after me… . An airport To arrive on time To wait for smb.

By plane.

ok, let’s start our with the text on page 74, but before answer the questions. Один учень читає питання а інший відповідає). Start reading the text, pay attention to the new words. (one by one).

After reading tasks. Ex.3d, (answer the questions) Ex4. p.75 Choose the correct variant.

Зарядка. (dance  monkey)


Work in groups.

You have to make to groups. You have 2 envelopes with countries. Your task is to retell some information, without naming the county.

(Ukraine, Great Britain)( the flag of the country, name some interesting places).









Structure of “cinquain

1 line: Theme (the main word)

2 line: two adjectives

3 line: three verbs (actions of the main word)

4 line: a sentence (quotation on the topic)

5 line: synonym / antonym of the main word.


Interesting, exiting

To go, to visit, to learn

Travelling is very popular in modern life.



Підсумки уроків.


Self-assessment list Name:______________









Now I…

I should…









Know and understand grammar rule.

Learn grammar rules better.









Can spell the words correctly.

Practice spelling.









Can listen and understand.

Listen more carefully.









Can make and act out a dialogue.

Practice speaking more often.









Can read and understand texts.

Read more often.









Can speak on the topic.

Practice speaking more.













Sokol Kate
13 травня 2018
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